"Unsactioned" Flight Crashes Into Building in Downtown Anchorage
The pilot's death has been confirmed, but authorities do not know how many people were on board the craft when it crashed into the Brady Building, ...
Lake Otis Elementary - Anchorage School District - Classroom Feud
Play Every Day PSA Contest entry focused on sugary drinks.
Lake Otis Elementary - Anchorage School District - Water Satisfies
Play Every Day PSA Contest entry for sugary drinks.
Russian - Teaching through Stories (FULL SESSION)
Anchorage School District's Michele Whaley teaches Russian language using the TPR Storytelling method. This is the full 1 hour class session. The truncated ...
They should teach Russian more frequently in American schools because
1.) Spanish, French, Latin, Italian (usually offered in high schools) are
each so similar to each other that it seems wasteful to each one. Plus,
Latin is useful to learn but not for conversation.
2.) There are more native Russian speakers than French ones. French is
useful, but Russian is also spoken in much of Eastern Europe outside of
3.) It's the largest spoken Slavic language and would diversify the Euro
linguistic portfolio (Spanish, French, Latin, Italian are all Romance
languages; English and German are both Germanic)
The root problem is that language learning is NOT taken seriously is
America AT ALL, except for maybe Spanish. Americans would benefit so much
more just by trying to be PROFICIENT (not just some words) at least two or
maybe three languages. And preferably not Spanish because it's already so
widespread in the US. Maybe then, outsiders would not think Americans were
SO stupid, only kinda stupid :)
+Derek Gates I personally (as a native Rus/Ukr speaker, though not a teacher of English, at all) think that teaching Russian must be done in a way of saying of conceptual differences, first and foremost. I mean, I think, first, it must be noted to the students that while the English speaking see the difference between pan and pen, think and sink, weed and vid, the Russian speakers see the difference in soft/hard consonants. And the rest of such claims. Maybe, they are hard to comprehend, but I think that just learning things by heart without proper conceptual thinking is not a good way to learn anything.
+Derek Gates I know this is month old, but I agree completely. I took an interest in Russian when I was a wee lad, but alas, I did not have the patience (or resources!) I do now. Frankly, I'm tired of being monolingual, so I chose Russian for the reasons you gave, plus a few personal ones (mostly for the women :) ).
Всё равно молодцы. Я помню общался с мормоном из Юты - Саймонсом. Он вообще
без акцента разговаривал, даже окончания не путал. Красавчик, за 8 месяцев
интенсивных учений так освоить русский язык, я лучше ещё не слышал
произношения даже по телевизору. Саймон привет!
+Виктор Калинин Да они везде ездят со своими миссиями. Работают где могут, потому, что молодежь, копят деньги, и на свои едут в нам. Саймонс велики продавал целый год, чтобы приехать в Россию. Хороший пацан, чем он интересно сейчас занимается.
они же только начинают, им хотя бы такое научиться говорить))))
ASD Staff Stories
The Anchorage School District has over 6000 employees making sure our more than 48000 students receive a great education.
Anchorage Mushing District and George Attla Memorial Arch Ceremony
The full ceremony announcing the Anchorage Mushing District and George Attla Memorial Arch on Saturday, February 28th, 2015, during Anchorage Fur ...
Anchorage School District
Anchorage School District using Math-Whizz to for itervention instruction
Math-Whizz is helping students in 63 schools learn math while having fun. Natalie Travis from KTBY, Fox 4 in Anchorage brings you into a Math-Whizz ...
Welcome to the Anchorage School District
Parents, staff and community members welcome you to the Anchorage School District in just a few of the languages spoken by our families.