Waterstone Mortgage Corp Fort Walton Beach FL 32548
//www.localedge.com/b19398937/Waterstone+Mortgage+Corp?type= Harp 2.0 refinance loans, lowest home loans, USDA loans, HUD loans, FHA loans, ...
Commercial loans property
//www.cashbuyinggroup.com We are a group that relocates executives around the country and internationally. We buy luxury homes at a fair price so that we ...
Suidobashi Heavy Industry Kuratas Piloted Robot 720p
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+ludeman lol that megabot can barely move and everytime it raised it look like it going to fall over anytime. The japanese one look well and more balanced.
Suidobashi seemed pretty confident and they might be preparing a surprise upgrade to show off in the battle.Also, the win/lose will very much depend on the fight rules. Since the weapons only use paintballs and such as to not risk harming the pilots, there will probably very clear lose conditions. These will very much determine whether the heavy MegaBot or the agile Kuratas will be at an advantage.
+higagigerk This is just a prototype and the Mark 2 is still undergoing upgrades and stuff. Nothing can be concluded right now except that this is the start of something that can be awesome or terrifying.
Doubtful. If anything the Mark II would literally crush the Kuratas. It's already three tons heavier than than that filthy Kuratas and the guys at Megabots want to make it even heavier!
As is. Chances are those things could easily be shot down by jet fighters or bombers, they'll be more effective as riot police or something. But warfare? Too expensive and too risky, it just wouldn't be worth it.
Investing in HUD homes with Sean Terry
//www.StacyKellams.com - Stacy Kellams training session with Sean Terry in an exclusive "tell all" webinar where you'll discover a NEW source of below ...
How do you get around this? This is a cut and paste from the HUD website:
To combat abuse, individual owner-occupants are required to certify on the
“Individual Owner-Occupant Certification” addendum to the sales contract,
form HUD-9548D, that they have not purchased a HUD-owned property within
the past 24 months as an owner-occupant and that their offer is being
submitted with the representation that they will occupy the property as
their primary residence for at least 12 months. In addition, the selling
broker must certify that he/she has not knowingly submitted the offer on
behalf of an investor purchaser and has discussed the penalties for false
certification with the purchaser. The certifications are required for both
insured and uninsured sales. For clarification, nonprofit organizations and
units of local governments are not subject to the owner-occupant
certification requirement.
Just wait until after the first 15 days. For the first 15 days a HUD home is listed, it can only be bought by home owner-occupants. The reason HUD does this is because without this rule, investors would come in and take all the properties leaving real families who actually want to live in them even get a chance to submit a bid on it. And to make sure an investor isn't lying by claiming they are an owner-occupant, they make you sign a legally binding contract that basically states that you are not acting as an investor and are really a home owner looking to live in that property. (Real home owners don't go out and buy another home within 24 months of buying their first home...) Hope this helps
HUD-1 Settlement Statement
HUD-1 Settlement Statement explained by DRE Licensed Loan Officer Hansen. In less than 10 minutes you will have the full understanding of the most ...
CostsFirst FirstAm Title Closing Cost Calculator Quick Start Training
This Video will show you have to get started on First American Title's CostsFirst Closing Costs Program. This closing cost program is for real estate and lending ...