J'aime le fait que le président Martelly comprend qu'Haïti doit cesser
d'être un "beggar nation". Nous apprécions et accueillons l'aide
internationale. Cependant, si nous nous basons trop sur les ONG, le
gouvernement sera inutile en Haïti. Il ya plusieurs façons d'obtenir des
fonds. Exemples: la loterie nationale (2 à 3 milliards de dollars en
revenus annuels). Impôt sur les transferts d'argent. L'impôt des
télécommunications, toutes les marchandises importées et des passagers de
Martelly, you are too nice of a president. If these malpropte interrupting
your vision for Haiti... you should revert back to the old days! I am
getting tired of seeing my people suffering in such a way. Just send one
more person and if they still acting up.. then use the power of the
constitution and start putting people to work to rebuild this nation.
The double nationality for the Haitian diaspora would help Haiti has well.
Now, that is something that the Haitian government should be able to do.
The international community has nothing to do with that. This is an issue
between Haitians. The brain drained Haiti has suffered over the last 50
years can be resolved with Haitian experts in all fields bringing their
experience to homei. I understand the native Haitians afraid of the
diaspora taking their jobs but we have to put the country first.
President Martelly is right about the Haitian diaspora not supporting and
not promoting their country. The majority of the diaspora do not even come
to Haiti. The reasons are because of the travel alerts issued by foreign
governments concerning kidnappings in Haiti. The government of Haiti should
issue CONSTANT reports that security is better, restructure the Haitian
military, talk again with Venezuela concerning help with electricity...then
the diaspora may invest in Haiti.
J'aime bien le discours de M. Martelly, et surtout de la priorité qu'il
accode à l'éducation, le point de départ de tout le reste. Bonne chance à
Haïti, en espérant qu'un jour, les Québécois feront à nouveau de Haïti une
destination privilégiée.