In 2012, Dow (NYSE: DOW) launched pilot programs on laboratory safety with three premier research universities: University of Minnesota, Penn State and ...
Looks like it was an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing!!!
MC Presents Dr. Michael Economides
Uploaded by MidlandCollegeTX on Oct 21, 2009 Dr. Michael J. Economides is a chemical and petroleum engineer, a professor at the University of Houston (with ...
MidMichigan Medical Center--Midland is Now a Level II Trauma Center
MidMichigan Medical Center--Midland and its trauma team have been working to save lives and limbs of critically injured patients since the hospital first began ...
C2ST: Agriculture's Role in the Energy Future 2008 - Mark Matlock
After an extended era of stable energy supplies, from a variety of fossil fuels that began with the industrial revolution change is in the wind. New costs of fossil ...
The Real Human Element - Dow Chemical's Nightmare
A media manipulation of Dow Chemical's "Human Element" advertising campaign. This film highlights and exposed the injustices and illegal activities Dow ...
0:33 is this is the "REAL" mark of the BEAST? count the sides of the
hexagons in the middle they = 666 it's a genetic contaminant! The aliens
that woke me during a medical exam a few years back said they were looking
for signs of tampering under my skin, they had a handheld device that could
see through all muscles & tissues and isolate different parts so only
vascular or nerve system could be seen & diagnosed, as they woke me, they
were saying over & over do not be afraid, we are your friends.
First off, boycotting Dow products is next to impossible. They make the
materials for probably 50-80 percent of everything you use everyday. Dow
branded products are few, but you can bet if you look around you, there is
Dow's chemicals in most of the stuff around you. Maybe it was even used to
insulate your home. Most every chemical company has done wrong / illegal
things. Not just Dow. I hate it when people point fingers and don't know
the first f**cking thing about what they are talking about
@Flamin362 I completely agree in fact. Most of the scientists who work at
DOW at the higher levels do what they do for the sake of scientific
advancement and exploration, the CEO's for the profit, and the workers as a
job, each has their own individual goals, but none of them are truly
criminals. What's criminal, and the people who are criminal are those who
use the chemicals or abuse them leading to these consequences... However,
people love black and white gray is too difficult to examine...
If you're gonna hate chemical companies because of the pollution and waste,
better look at yourself on how much formulations/chemicals you use each day
(and don't use them if you hate them so much!). Shampoo, soap, makeup,
processed food, medicine, gadgets, clean water. Chemistry is more attached
to you than you think. I am totally for corporate social responsibility,
safety, regular factory checks and accident prevention. I just hate it when
people hate so much, without adequate perspective.
@nosirrom5 Absolutely. But that would have cost Dow a few cents. This is
the real reason that Dow is criminally liable is that they were hired by
the U.S. to make Agent Orange-- but they did it quick and cheap because
they did not care about Vietnamese life. Sadly, they also killed American
soldiers are causing children of Vets and Vietnamese horrible suffering as
well. Dow made a lot of money from their murderous indifference-- they have
to clean up Vietnam "hot spots" and provide hospitals.
@Flamin362 Dow was hired to make Agent Orange. Not Agent Orange with
dioxin. The dioxin was easy to remove in the production process, but Dow
decided to take shortcuts in the manufacture so they could save a few
cents-- they did not care about the Vietnamese people and figured they
would never get in trouble. Well, they didn't figure on the American vets
suing their greedy, murderous asses! Dow also tried to cover up evidence of
dioxin to keep from being sued-- and still are. Why hide?
Who asked DOW to make most of these chemicals and also who then used them
and for what purpose? Government? While sometimes people with the goal to
help people, make things not because they want people to become sick from
them but help them... Then later find the Drug, Chemical did something
worst. And there are times when people know they are putting out a bad
product, and try to cover it up. I sure there have been a mixture of these
over the years from DOW, along with the good things
I'm sorry but your answer is stupid. No it's not like some unknowing knife
manufacturer being responsible for some random murder. It would be more
like a guy coming up to me and saying he wants to murder his wife so I make
and sell him a knife. I am partly responsible for that right? Dow knew what
that shit was to be used for; a knife has many uses, AO has one. It's
called a government contract, they knew damn well what it was being used
for. You want to defend them for Bhopal too?
Hell is also in Vietnam where the survivors of Dow's profits from Agent
Orange suffer every day. Dow knew that the Agent Orange being sold
contained dangerous amounts of dioxin, a HUMAN poison. Dow cared more about
profits than... Vietnamese people... 30 years later, Dow hasn't given 1
penny of ill-gotten profits to overflowing orphanages filled with child
victims in Vietnam... How can some people profit so much off of the
suffering of so many others? Thank you, Jake.
@frenchne can we consider something that's not uh, fifty years old?? Do you
drink coffee? What about Krups which was a Nazi company, or Mercedes Benz,
for that matter?? Those people who worked on that stuff, are all dead or
retired. It's easy to emotionally react in a knee jerk way. Where's your
realistic solution to fix the problems you see? Is there a special place
reserved in hell for people who dont try to participate in the solution?
for your sake, I hope not...
Dear Flamin362, no Dow did not spray the Agent Orange but they are hardly
innocents. Did you know that Dow are legally liable for the mess that Union
Carbide left in Bhopal, India? The drinking water, of thousands of poor
people, is contaminated with highly toxic chemicals which have been proven
to come from the abandoned Union Carbide factory and despite their legal
liability Dow choose not to act. I would be very happy to clarify these
points if you need it.
Right at the bottom of this string, a couple of years ago, ewholley asked
what I thought about Krups Coffee...the company being of Nazi origin. No
they're not. That was Krupps. Check your facts before you libel someone.
Dow are spending fortunes on lawyers, to avoid the need to pay anything to
the Bhopalis. That is a fact. Why are they doing this? Because to admit
guilt would commit them to pay again, next time they do something
noticeably evil.
@peter17dude Ive worked at Dow and they take safety very seriously, In fact
the "close calls" we did have were usually from some knucklehead who didnt
follow procedures, which were stressed to the point of exhaustion. Just
there to make a paycheck not worried about others' safety. And no I'm not a
brainwashed employee, I was only contracted there for a few months. Of all
the plants I have worked in Dow was the most stringent on safety.
Tens of thousands of children are born each year, THIS YEAR, due to
chemicals made by Dow Chemical and their subsidiaries. Dow Chemical has the
responsibility to clean up the hotspots they created in Vietnam. They have
made billions of dollars in profits off of this CONTINUED suffering. Dow
MUST also build orphanages for those so disabled they cannot care for
themselves. Dow's profits are much larger than the budget of little Vietnam.
you're better off working with organizations like "Responsible Care" rather
than artsy youtube videos. Pretty sure that 99.99% of everyone that views
this will continue to use Dow products. Why not show some photos from the
Civil War or some other war that has nothing to do with your viewers?
Perhaps some etchings of the War of 1812 to drive your point home that Dow
is a big bad company out to harm humans.
Dow Chemical made millions of dollars selling dioxin-poisoned agent orange
& other herbicides during the Vietnam War. Dow Chemical did not take out
dioxin, a human poison, out of their herbicides, so they could make more
profits. Your grandfather passed down these profits to you. Your ill-gotten
profits, and your damnations, are on your soul. Millions suffer while you
enjoy the profits. WWJD?
View from the Top: William Banholzer, Dow Chemical Company
Dr. William F. Banholzer, Executive Vice President and CTO of Dow Chemical Company, spoke on "The Future of Alternative Feedstocks and Biofuels: ...