Have you ever noticed how on a lot of monsters with quick eff it will say something like (except during damage step)? That's when you know it can't be activated in damage step turtle can be activated in damage step.
Probably not the "best ever" but that is exactly how the stunner should be
sold. Need to go backwards, and land flat on your back. When they go
sideways, or land on there stomach, it looks terrible.
The good times when wrestling used to be less childish and fun, :3 well
this era couldnt last foreever and neither could the other ones, kids were
watching as well as chris beniot dying changed things completly.
I feel we are moving out of this era though, we just need more blood more
tears and we need more better crowds/anti cena anti childish crowds and
mabey we could have an era inbetween attitude and pg
+richard williams lol it was a 2x2 STICK hahaha it's in front of the announce table. I think you should see it when you start playing again after a cutscene. If not, just look under the ring -again, in front of the announce table and take it!
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+Paraflow - deutsche WWE-Videos Die paar Dollar die da rumkommen reichen eh nicht für was großartiges, dementsprechend dient dieser Fonds für kleinere Gewinnspielpreise o. Ä.
ok dass jetzt deine Meinung, ich finds nur übertrieben aber das meine Meinung. Solange du die Einnahmen wieder in den Kanal steckst und man dass mit der Zeit auch merkt, ist sowas zu verschmerzen ;D