Stacy shoots .45 cal Glock.21SF weak hand only at 10 feet. This is her first time shooting a .45 cal. This full-size .45 jumps, but her shots hit the mark every time.
This was the last few rounds out of 50 that Stacy shot one hand weak hand
only with a full size .45cal Glock-21SF. At 15 feet every shot hit center
Good job on placing your Stronge hand across your ribs.but not called weak
hand but called Suppurt hand .
A Trip To A Florida Gun Range
When I was down in Florida I visited a gun store and shot some guns! AK47 7.62x39 (not sure which exact model) Sig p938 9mm Governor .410 000 buck shot ...
All those gadgets are really cool but how much space do you end up having
to actually shoot, 7 yards out of a 45 ft. container? And how loud is it
from the outside in Bd rating?