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Ff4 iphone Videos

ファイナルファンタジー4 FF4 iOS版 ゼロムス戦

ここでのイベントは基本全てボイス付き ・・・なのですが「いいですとも!」は 戦闘中のメッセージなので残念ながらボイスなし。 それとゼロ...

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ファイナルファンタジー4 FF4 iOS版 ボス戦 Part1

ミストドラゴン、ジェネラル、オクトマンモス、 アントリオン、マザーボム、スカルミリョーネ戦。 ハードモードでプレイしてますが 敵の強さ...

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ios版(DS版)のちびリディアとパロムとポロムのちびっこ達は、目のパターンが同じである事にご存知ですか? 続編に登場するエブラーナ四人衆のツキノワも、ちびっこなので、良く見ると目のパターンが同じです。 ちびっこメンバーは、やっぱり可愛い。

Final Fantasy IV HD (iOS) Gameplay

The first 15 minutes of Final Fantasy IV played on an iPad. https://www.facebook.com/apps4gamers.

User Comments

While Final Fantasy 4 ios has some graphical improvements, there are some flaws in this game. For starters, even though Cecil and Kain cannot use magic early in the game, they still have magic points, which doesn't make sense. Even towards the end of the game, while Kain doesn't use magic in Final Fantasy 4 ios, he still has magic points. Secondly, you can't rename your characters, meaning this game is stealing elements from the Final Fantasy 4 DS version. If Kain was able to use magic, and you can change your character names, this game will be enjoyable. Until characters can change their names and redundant features like Kain having magic points are removed, this version of Final Fantasy 4 will be one of the worse.
Load Captain? This must be some superimposed text or something, dont tell me they couldnt spot a typo in the opening scene, square enix square enix....
Kain was such a bad ass... this cartoony graphic upgrades doesn't take anything away from that! I may still try this!
too bad is not in japanese with subs on english
Huh? Load Captain what the..........lol.

FF4 iPhone CG動画13 パロムとポロムが石化 カイナッツォ palom and polom

大好きなFF4をiPhoneでやって見た時のCG集です(*^・ェ・)ノ きれいで迫力あるムービーシーンが最高です♪(゚∇^d) FF4(iPhone) https://itunes.apple.com/jp...

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Let's Replay Final Fantasy IV (iOS) Part 7

In this episode we fight Octomammoth and then we travel to Damcyan to find that it is under attack from the Red Wings. Thanks for watching!!

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"whats up with the encounter rate right now man" dude, it's FF4, it has an insane encounter rate. and it is really annoying 9:12 oh crap, it's a bunch of tenticles! Rydia! run away! they always go for the girls first! i like this boss. i mean look at his derpy face. he's so happy! i bet all those times he tries to strangle you he's jsut trying to hug you... next episode... gonna be awesome
Probably not unless they add enough new content to warrant LPing it again. I've already LPed the game and I'm pretty happy with my original LP. So probably not. If it's a full-blown graphics and gameplay overhaul then hell yeah I'll LP it. I haven't heard anything other than probably a graphics update which to me could be good, could be bad. Hopefully they don't screw it up.
I have to ask, and forgive me if this is dumb. But I keep hearing FF6 will be ported to Ipads/Iphones, my question is: Will you do a LP of that if it comes?
I'm with you there, this version of FF4 was a gamble, but a good one, I love that practically all the bosses require changes in customization and strategy.
Its great you are playing your favorite game. You happy you are finished with 8 and 2 since it gave you a hard time?
I see the Octomammoth has the same derpface as in the original. Always looks like its so happy to be ugly...lol
What the... all those secret areas in Damcyan... I never had a clue when playing this. lol.
Im starting a android walkthrough of this on my channel, please check it out !
Hopefully they don't screw it up like they did with FFV on mobile
This is one of my favorite parts of this game coming up
I'm not finished with FF8 yet.
Blink is 3 times ok

So impressed!! Final Fantasy 4(FF4) iPhone 動画14 シドの最後 感動の自爆シーン cid

すごく感動します(゚∇^d) シドが仲間を助ける為に自爆する衝撃のラストシーンがCGムービーに。 FF4(iPhone) https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/final-fantasy-iv...
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