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Iphone cell network search Videos

koryolink Arirang AS1201 - Network search in Pyongyang, DPR Korea

//blogofmobile.com/ Network search in Pyongyang, capital of Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Using the koryolink Arirang AS1201, Democratic ...

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Thanks so much for this video. As a phone network enthusiast, I really wanted to know a bit more about koryolink. Do you know what the difference is between 467-05 and 467-06? Is one for foreigners and the other for North Koreans? Is one for government? Having two MNCs like that makes me wonder...
+websurf90 467-05 for foreign, 467-06 for DPRK citizen. I already explained details in article. //wirelesswire.jp/2014/02/17561/

iPhone 4/4s Spotlight Search Problem [solved]

Turn on annotations because there's no sound other than key clicks... From //www.road4.com "If you're using iPhone 4 or iPhone 4s on iOS 5 or iOS 5.0.1 ...

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You don't need to disable searching mails.This started to happen to me when i faked microsoft exchange service to PUSH my gmail e-mails. Then i realized whenever my search becomes unresponsive, my mail becomes unresponsive too. I open the mail and its plain white, nothing comes, 5 seconds later it crashes, i open it again and it works this time >after that search becomes active again. I disabled my Microsoft exchange faked gmail account and created a gmail inbox via gmail option.Its ok till now.
I did all that, closed every open app, it must have been over 50 apps! That didn't work. I restarted Mail, and it was blank, and I expected it to load up eventually, but it crashed (back to home screen), I touched mail again, and it's working fine. And so it SpotLight! Thanks for the Tip. Close the Mail App, then restart it, then SpotLight will work again. I'm sure this is not the best work around, or the root cause of the problem, but it's easy, Thanks!
Thanks, this really helps! I've been having this problem since I got the 4S. Exchanged it once already for that cellphone problem where we cannot hear the rings and a minute into the call. Thought the exchange would solve this problem. It didn't. Apple genius says its a software problem and left me to solve it on my own. Been having to reboot every time this happens. Apple is slipping or making things too complicated.
@MostlyUseful Yea i realized. It still happens to me. But i can still fix it whenever i want via opening mail box> let it crash> open it again and voila> search is back online. By the way, i realized a lag while trying to enter notification settings, it freezes for half a second and then goes into menu without effect, did you experience any similar problems or got any idea abut how to solve it? Thanks.
THANK YOU for the tip. My search wasn't working at all or delayed several seconds and sometimes I needed to press "backspace" on a search term in order to show results... To solve the problem, I disabled everything in spotlight and then re-enabled one by one and tested, my search now works OK. Right now it works fine and the only things disabled in spotlight search are the calendar and events.
Darn it! Events is also my calendar search. I need it!! I'm always looking up clients that I had visited in the past and copy pasting them to the date I have to go and see them. I get the name address and phone number all in one shot. I guess my calendar is too big. Is there a way to limit this? I thought that the IPhone only searched 1.5 years in the past and future? It shouldn't be that big??
Weird problem. Disabling mail search didn't help me or closing open apps. As someone else mentioned - I went into my mail and just had a white screen. I waited for it to automatically close and then went back into mail. Then spotlight search worked again.
@yigitcanakkas It happens to me with regular gmail account, Problem can be with pushing email or bad internet provider... Anyway - if I turn email search on, spotlight search problem reappear, and when it is turned off it works perfectly.
I FINALLY fixed my problem by removing "events" from the spotlight search. I am wondering if it has something to do with the Facebook app being integrated now. Maybe it's trying to search the Facebook events?
I just removed events from spotlight search and it worked!! I have no clue what events is but some dude on these comments said to do it and I did and I have volume now!! I'm so happy!! :))))) thank you!
I have a quick question for anyone willing to answer: Does ANYONE know how far back the texts in Spotlight Search date back to? How recent do the texts have to be?
me pasa lo mismo. tengo la app Protecti activada. la he desactivado y ya funciona I feel the same. I have the app Protecti on. I have disabled and it works
Well, disabling mail did nothing for me but simply rebooting (holding down the home button & the power button simultaneously) did!
Also can i share my 4S experiences with you and ask you couple of questions about them? Please pm me if its ok, thank you.
sir ur absolutely right. U just solved my issue in 4 lines :P Bundle of thanks, its events and calendar creating issue!
Turning on wi-fi when I got home worked for me O.o iPhones really are strange devices.

iPhone can't search the network

Manual Network Search

How to do manual network search.

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