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Wilmington college libguides Videos

Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals (final)

The final updates and changes have been made to this tutorial about the differences between scholarly and popular periodicals. Enjoy!

User Comments

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actually, formatik, this video is useful. maybe if you go to college you'll magically grow some brain cells and discover what a video like this is worth. it's simple, direct, and clears up a confusing subject for many students. so before you comment your negativity on any video, figure out who the target audience is.
With an open-mind and 3 minutes and 10 seconds of my time, I gained info. about trade journals I did not know before. I always keep an open-mind and look for opportunities to learn something new. If your too busy complaining that "this is a waste of my time" you might miss new knowledge.
Would you consider a peer reviewed journal to typically have multiple authors on the front? What I am confused about is regarding the amount of authors I see on some papers, as I am unsure if it counts for a peer-reviewed journal
@argentinaangel Totally agree with you on that! This helps clear up any questions studnets may have about periodicals.
our writing class instructor made us watch this video. i study in the AUS. hehe
fucking waste of time. i cant believe 28 thousand people have viewed this.
so a long paper with fancy words = scholarly. great
I hate this video coz I have to watch it for class
@CheeseAKA37 Then you must have a great teacher!
My English professor is making me watch this...
My English proffesor is makin me watch this...
I can't find any astrology journals..help plz.
My english teacher is making me watch this.
My new favorite YT video.
Validate your sources!!
Talked way too fast.
Very helpful!
ya for rhet b!!
Great video.
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