A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science: Finance, Investing (2002)
Born in Seoul, South Korea and raised in Asia and America, she received a BA degree (cum laude) in Political Theory from Bryn Mawr College in 1982, and ...
Inside Story: Can corruption be wiped out in Guatemala?
Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Political corruption, fraud, conspiracy and bribery are allegations currently angering the people of Guatemala.
Drug money fills the political spectrum. Cartels all over these countries
have kidnapped politics. Good politicians cannot be elected since drug
money for campaigns go for the corrupt ones. The only way out for these
countries is that the USA ends the War on Drugs and works with these
countries to effectively take the business out of the cartels in a
reasonable way. The same thing occurs in my country. Our president is a
former drug lord, and has connections with many Brazilian and Mexican
cartels. Our last president was removed from office by congress because of
a staged massacre. The War on Drugs will keep many countries in this
position for a long time, unless it's stopped.
+Roberto Giménez Lol. Asuncion! I was in your city bro and you were in mine! LOL. I am from Panama City. My father is American and my mother from Panama City! I have citizenship in three countries. USA, Panama, and Belize. I spent time teaching in Belize and was married to a girl for two years. We broke up though (long story) and got citizenship there.
+Roberto Giménez The first prophecy about the last Empire are in Daniel, at the time of Nebuchadnezzar.About the behavior of people: Roamnos 1:17 to 32The book of Revelation talks about it and Chapter 13 talks about a person with world authority and another one that will help him; two very influent people. Daniel 11:36 reveals that: "And the king shall do according to his will, and he will rise up and will be magnify above every god, and against the God of gods shall speak marvelous things, and shall prosper until the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.Read aldso 2 Thessalonians 3 to 12This is only possible if the countries are in crisis and in need of a leader to intervene in world affairs. For years the governments have been crying out to the four corners of the world that the world need a single global policy (one leader) to solve the problems of corruption, hunger, health etc ... (they themselves caused). We also know that time is coming because there are many prophecies concerning Israel that is being fulfilled in these last years, especially lately.Find a true Christian to explain better and ask God to give youn understanding about.
+Roberto Giménez I think that drug war needs to end too. But too many people are getting too much money from it. Americans and others have gotten too rich off of keeping it illegal. Because they can control the market and make all the money off of keeping it illegal.
+Roberto Giménez war on drugs is a economy that the usa founded long time ago some of the most craziest cartells on this planet are armed and founded by the cia .its like the terror organisations in the middle east the warlords the al kaida isis what ever their name is etc founded by the usa to give their useless american people a job and to hold their economy stabil.the war on drugs will be won like the war on terror when the us american empire not anymore exist .roberto guzman wish you a good day
+Roberto Giménez It's happening everywhere. Governments are corrupting the nations to present a one-world government plan and announce a single ruler "savior". This was announced by God many, many years ago. This is the last empire, more terrible than all existing ones.
+Roberto Giménez Most citizens and almost no politicians in America will accept that their precious war on drugs was a complete failure. Your comment is entirely on point but sadly, American exceptionalism will not allow for much if any change. Can anyone give an example of when a war on a noun was successful? War on drugs? War on terror?
Ron Shapiro: Negotiation Expert
//www.eaglestalent.com/Ron-Shapiro -Eagles Talent Presents Ron Shapiro. To book speaker Ron Shapiro visit his profile page. Expert Negotiator, Sports ...
Andrew Sullivan on HIV/AIDS
At an appearance at Haverford College, Andrew Sullivan shares his experience with HIV/AIDS.