Spiritual : "Joshua Fit The Battle of Jerico" - Aeolians of Oakwood College (1999)
This is an example of a contemporary rendering of a traditional African-American 'Spiritual.' Spirituals were often built around confrontations in the Hebrew Bible ...
The Aeolians (OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY) - Oh Freedom (Vinyl 1974)
Oakwood University Aeolians at GC Session 2010 ~ The Holy City
Coral Adventista da Universidade de Aeolians, apresentando-se na Conferência Geral da IASD em 2010, que recentemente (julho/2012) recebeu o prêmio de ...
Jerusalem - Oakwood Aeolians and Take 6 (Tuscaloosa AL 1/19/13.)
Praise GOOOOOOOD. In the words of a popular Gospel Chorus, I comment that
"I want to go to heaven, and rest. I'm tired of staying down here. I'm
tired of all the struggles, and trials. I want to go to hesven and rest".
satan you cannot prevail.
My God! I love being who we are. We are a peculiar people with many gifted
and anointed singers. God bless the Aeolians and Take 6. No one else can
produce a unique sound like this. Hands down!!!!
Man why didn't I know about this?!?! I would have been there!! I love them!
I am huge fan of both Take 6 and The Aeolians. They're both and amazing and
so gifted.