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Gps nike android Videos

Nike+ SportWatch GPS Review & Test Drive

Using your new Nike+ SportWatch GPS powered by TomTom. It's just plain cool. -The watch is BiG. Not heavy, but big. I guess it is a man's world. I would love to ...

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I have no accuracy nor fog problems. BUT--I am now on my third watch (note that I only paid for the first one). Watch 1- the USB connection failed. It was past the one year warranty but Nike replaced it without hesitation or a fight. Watch 2- the screen blanked. I could still hear the beeping but there was no display. Again, replaced free. I purchased my watch from Nike online. perhaps this is why they have been accommodating. It is a bit unsettling that each watch has last only around a year.
My wrist measures 14.5 cm. I wear a sweat band under the watch-and probably would do so even if fit was not an issue. The face of the watch does not bend and that is where the fit becomes problematic for me. Have you seen the white? It's sooo cool. I guess two watches wouldn't be sensible. shoot.
@Jaime Breinbauer The foot pod will "assist" the watch in position tracking when the signal is weak (or covered in heavy woods) and also will allow you to track your treadmill runs. (ps...The pod calibrates via the gps si you will need to use it a few times outdoors before running indoors.)
@MartinArku well, you would save money. to use nike+ with your nano, you would need to buy the shoe sensor. I am not sure your nano would also use gps. if it used only the sensor you would sacrifice accuracy. perhaps you could try with your nano before the larger investment.
Nice video. If you've used Garmins before it would be interesting to hear you discuss the key differences. I'm also very curious about the sturdiness of the Nike+...that built-in USB just looks like it could cause problems. Does it seem very solid?
I would not recommend putting anything under your orthotics. Put velcro on the back of the pod and velcro it to the fron of your shoe, you also can place it under your laces, with your foot in the shoe it will not move. Under the orthotics, never!
Nice video ... been using my GPS watch for little over week and am very satisfied . Was wondering if your GPS has trouble picking up a signal on cloudy days . PS .. my dog is identical to the one in the video , My dog is a 'cur' .
@homenetworkadvisor Occasionally the GPS loses the signal, in the woods perhaps. The footpod along with the GPS are designed to work together increasing the accuracy.
@donmacauley On two or three occasions it took longer to pick up the signal. Not sure why...but was patient and it worked. I don't recall it being cloudy, but maybe.
I'm looking to buy this watch but I'm not sure if it'll fit me. My wrist size is 15cm if I measured correctly would it fit? What is your wrist measurement?
I read after a year the watch dies and that the distance is not accurate and also the face fogs up. Have you experienced any of these issues
The time sets automatically when you plug your watch in to your computer. Be sure the time on your pc is set correctly.
Hey i was wondering if u can delete workouts. Does the watch ever get full rom having to many workouts stored on it?
@shannonjfelgner hey i was just wondering how much time does the battery last until it needs to be recharged
So how is the fit? Are there enough holes on the watch for it to go around your wrist? Does it shake about?
9 hours running. It stays charged for days-maybe a week even- in my gym bag without issues.
why do you need a footpod if you are running outside in the open with a GPS watch.
I wonder why do you need a foot pod, when you hace GPS on the watch...

Nike+ GPS para iPhone

O app Nike+ GPS para iPhone (agora com versão em português) ajuda e incentiva a atingir seus objetivos com mais facilidade, independentemente de onde ...

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Onde encontro a versão em português? Comprei em inglês, por não encontrar outra. Meus treinos pausam qdo o cel toca, mesmo que eu não atenda.

Review Relógio Nike SportWatch Com GPS E Sensor De Batimento Cardíaco.

Descrição do relógio e suas funções.

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Olá eu sou taxista em portugal. Como esta o caso uber por ai?
É isso aí.  Valeu!!!
Alegro-me que assim seja.Aqui o tribunal já proibiu duas vezes, mas ate agora o governo nada fez.Todos juntos vamos combater a pirataria.  
Já temos uma lei aprovada, impedindo e com multa a circulação do Uber por aqui.  A categoria está bem mobilizada e temos apoio da maioria dos políticos, só um votou a favor do Uber.

Sforum.vn - Yêu chạy bộ với Nike+ Running: đo đường bằng GPS, ko cần cảm biến, dùng mọi SmartPhone

Theo dõi tin công nghệ: //sforum.vn * Link tải Nike+ Running: //sforum.vn/?p=66185 ---- * Phát cuồng với Snapchat: ...

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Mide tu rendimiento al hacer ejercicio, Nike+ SportWatch GPS con Tomtom / WISH Review

Carlos Fernández de Lara usa y reseña un reloj de pulsera con funciones de Nike+ y GPS. Registra el desempeño de cada carrera —a pié o en bicibleta— y ...

User Comments

Como runner recomiendo utilizar los dispositivos mas modernos, como smartphones con GPS. Personalmente utilizo el Sony Xperia Activa, es preciso para corredores, ya que con exactitud podrás conocer la ruta que se recorrió, las calorias, la altitud del terreno, el kilometraje, y otros datos muy interesantes. Para android, recomiendo StravaRun y StravaCycling, el último, ideal para ciclistas ruteros, he usado los dos para registrar mis entrenos, y son muy buenos. Saludos
Publicidad engañosa, ese sportwatch está hecho exclusivamente para corredores. mvent2009, para bicicletas, busca algunos de Garmin. Este reloj NO TE SIRVE PARA BICICLETA, el boton que está en el sensor blanco funciona por presion, por eso, se coloca en la zapatilla. Cada vez que pisas, mediante tu peso corporal, la velocidad entre cada paso y la presión que se ejerce, le permiten hacer los calculos de distancia, ritmo y calorias. Y no es un telefono. Saludos.
los mismo fabricantes del sensor de nike, aconsejan poner el sensor entre las agujetas de los tenis cuando tienes tenis de otras marcas (cualquier otros, que no sean los de nike+), por lo tanto no funcionan a presión. El valor de tu peso se da de alta en el software que se abre al conectar tu sportwatch al ordenador, los resultados que obtienes con el sensor son la velocidad con la que corres.
Y el NikeSportband no funciona sin el sensor, ya que existe una conección inalámbrica entre el sensor y el reloj que permite los calculos. El sportband NO SIRVE PARA BICICLETAS, quizás te marcará datos, pero nunca se acercará a la exactitud que cualquier deportista que se precie de serlo necesita. Ahora, si quieres lucir la marca, usalo, pero nunca tendrás datos exactos.
amigo yo tengo un par de zapatillas lunar forever 2 y no trae para colocar el sensor, tu sabes si este lo trae ya integrado ya que tiene el dibujo del nike+ y ademas desde la zuela se ve la forma del podometro, espero tus comentarios sldos
una pregunta, mm, el podometro o el aparato no se bien como se llama el que va en la suela del tennis, mm ese: se le descarga la bateria o algo por el estilo?? ok graxx espero tu respuesta, saludos! tony tu amigo xdxddxdxd
yo lo tengo y para mi tiene un gran error en el diseño y esque la pantalla esta a la misma distancia de los borde a los dos dias de uso se me rallo para un reloj tan caro un error muy grande
Hola cual es la diferencia el Nike sport+watch Gps entre el Relog azul con el verde lo digo q el precios q el Relog azul es menos costoso q el relog verde o amarillo o banco
holaaaaa !! Porfa quiero saber si marca los kilometros en si en el reloj??? OJALAAA ALGUIEN ME RESPONDA !! O SOLO LOS PUEDO VER EN EL PROGRAMA¡???? AYUDAA PLEAS!!!
Podrías recomendarme algún modelo concreto para bicicletas en el que pueda ver la ruta en el mapa? Y este de Nike no puede usarse sin el podómetro?
oie que tal, cual es el sensor para el ritmo cardíaco que dices en el vídeo si tienes marca y modelo te lo voy agradecer.saludos 
Como puedo buscar un logar para comprar la xorrea de mi reloj tomtom deporte adondepf si salgien sabe manad un mej gracias
No puedo ver la pagína del tablero en mi pc; tendrá que ver con que tenga que habilitar las ventanas emergentes?
la distancia se obtiene de multiplicar la velocidad registrada por el sensor por el tiempo que hiciste de ejercicio.
Saludos, muy interesante el review sobre el reloj, pero que tal el desempeño del podómetro con la bicicleta?
my interesante me gustaria saber el precio y donde se consigue me encuentro en bogota colombia
Una berrarquera de Equipos y tecnología de punta para deportistas de alto rendimiento...
o por defecto al sincronizar el gps con el sensor, te marca automanicamente la distancia

Nike+ SportWatch GPS Review

My brief opinion of the new Nike+ GPS Running Watch. More videos to come so check out my uploads. May take: -The watch is BiG. Not heavy, but big. I guess it ...

User Comments

Hello thanks for the video, have just put a link to it on my site - my Youtube channel RobertAfrica shows site information, and deals with state of the art running/multisport watches and other gadgets (the main site refers to African development). You should review the watch much more extensively with screen shots in a sequel to this -we can't see the watch! Re shaq3334's enquiry below, the watch comes with a footpod but you buy the heartrate belt separately, in the UK this is GBP59.50.
@dnoplos Not 100% true. If you are running in complete open sky with no clouds, trees, or buildings to potentially disrupt the gps signal, then you are correct--you do not need the sensor. In my initial outdoor test runs I did turn off the sensor and had problems. Per conversations with Nike support, I learned that the sensor "steps in" during instances where the GPS loses a signal for whatever reason. The gps and sensor work together to ensure the best accuracy possible.
@txhornsports Using both the shoe sensor along with the gps is supposed to correct for any loss of gps signal. My shoe sensor alone (ie on a treadmill) worked much better with the nike+ shoes. In my others it was waaay off.
Nice video, maybe you also use endomondo? You can also use this watch with it I think, and you can track all your workouts and distances with it and see all the statistics of your progress on the website. Just a tip.
I am not an avid runner yet. I am a Junior in college and in the past year I've gotten really into working out. I am wanting to start running. Would this be a good product for a beginning runner?
@Gear7even Absolutely. I think some of the other devices are almost too indepth. Nike has now added average pace to the watch which is a great feature.
@Gear7even Absolutely. I think some of the other devices are almost too indepth. Nike has now added average pace to the watch which is a great feature.
@123kaylon You do, but the sensor comes with the SportWatch so there is no additional cost. The heartrate monitor feature will be an additional cost.
Ha ha. I wish I was being paid. :) I bet nike or nikeee cares less about how you pronounce their brand and more about how you buy their brand. :)
@LeevMyNameOut Check out some of my other videos. A little more detail, and more yet hopefully tomorrow! I hope you enjoy yoyur new gadget too!
@shannonjfelgner No you don't need the shoe sensor. There's an option to turn that off and just use GPS.
Can't wait until mine comes Tuesday. Wish you would have given more details of the watch though.
@RobertAfrica Thanks & Great idea! It's a nasty rainy day here today...So I just may do that!
Do you run with the Nike Shoe sensor with the watch? if so, how did it fare for you?
do you need that shoe sensor to see how far youve run with this watch?
@shaq3334 No HRM included--but offered seperately.
Does it also have a heart rate monitor?
there is NO information in this vid ._.

GPSマークが付く / iPhone5の使い方動画

//www.iphoneorjp.com/iphone-map1/index.html iOS4のマップアプリを起動すると、右上にGPSマークが付くようになりました。 また、左下の「現在地ボタン...
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