SimpleBGC Wireless Configuration with Android App and Bluetooth
Thanks to all of you that suggested using the SimpleBGC Android app with the bluetooth module. Much better than using the SimpleBGC desktop app! This was ...
Hi Dennis, I'm looking to buy a pixhawk flight controller and it's had been
a headache searching as I have no experience yet with pixhawk... There are
many variations like mini hawk etc can you please tell me if the bluetooth
module will be compatible? if I buy mini hawk. thank you.
+Charlie Farrugia My guess is that it would be compatible but I can't speak from experience. I would be very surprised if there wasn't a serial port that you could bluetooth with. I've never purchased an off-shoot of the Pixhawk, well actually I just did (the Pixfalcon Micro) but it hasn't arrived yet. Good luck and if I discover anything I'll be sure to update.
So, were you ever able to get it dialed-in? Thinking about getting one for
the NEX, but my experience with the gopro (DYS) version had me pulling my
hair out.
+Dennis Baldwin I bailed on the DYS . Put a H3 3D on it, had it sorted and making smooth video in minutes. The AlexMos stuff offers a lot of cool options, but I haven't read a thread yet where there weren't a multitude of problems with ANY brand of gimbal, even in the $800 + stuff. Frustrating. Please do keep us updated on your journey . I'd like to get a NEX or similar set-up, without the big bucks.BTW... I found that even with the Zenmuse, I got some shake from the 15" props unless the gimbal/cam were moved back under center. I don't think the smaller go pro gimbals have strong enough motors or something.
+OkiewanBVO I can't recommend it. Have had nothing but problems trying to get it to not vibrate like crazy beneath my hexa. I've been through multiple sets of props (11", 12", 13") and tried balancing them every which way. I haven't given up, but I'm frustrated because I haven't even gotten to the tuning part. This is the way it acts when I'm hovering without the gimbal even powered. It performed best with 11" props but unfortunately my flight time will be very limited with this much weight. I'll keep you posted on my progress and thanks for asking.
The best RC how-to's on YT as always. Have you thought about doing a video
about controlling the NEX-5TL from Taranis? What third party hardware is
easy/best to use to control the most functions, along with Taranis
+Mike Jordan You've read my mind. I purchased a remote shutter and HDMI -> AV out for the NEX-5TL. Am trying to get my head around how it works and will definitely share my results soon. Thanks for asking and hope all is well.
+TheAlexdrift Follow mode is where the gimbal will follow the direction of the frame. For example, think of Yaw where you power up your gimbal and multirotor and the gimbal is pointed north. If you don't have follow mode when you yaw your quad 180 degrees it will still be pointed north while your quad will be pointing south. Follow mode is cool because it can slowly trail the direction of your frame (yaw and pitch). Watch the first couple minutes of this video and you'll see how it works:
The control of the via phone gimbal is great when your gimbal is hand held.
There are also other bluetooth devices that can go 100 meters. However I'd
be concerned with a higher power bluetooth running on 2.4 ghz along with
your RC controller. On my setup I can control yaw and pitch from the
sliders on my Taranis. Also thanks for showing how to turn on the control,
I just figured it didn't work on my phone.
I used a friends Taranis v2. The sliders feel so much better. On mine they feel cheap and easy to slide. I'm going to order a replacement set. I think it is about $15 for set of 2.
хах честит рожден ден на BGC живи и здрави да сте, малко закъснях ама
..все така да сте си всички приятели и да сте все така задружни много
успехи и така да ни радвате помня преди 4 години като започнах да гледам
теб първо и като те блокнаха от вбокса доста отдавна беше .. даайм ...
Следя те, Боби от преди BGC :) Покрай теб разбрах почти веднага и за
Спарко...Доста време мина...наистина съм един от първите, които ви гледат.
Продължавайте и само напред и нагоре! И само нещо да вметна извън контекста
- спомням си преди 3 години на Нова Година кога си беше направил клип у
дома как мяташ пиратки през прозореца, счупил съм се от смях и наскоро пак
го намерих някъде из тубата тоя път и пак се смях...Успех момчета, някой
ден бих желал е така да се видим дори за малко да е да си полафим. :)
А ако кажа че съм трети ...базик честито следя ви от от 3 години но никога
не спирам да се изомявам от ПРОСТОТИИТЕ ви продължавайте защото ме кефят.
юдлфнфкдп :)
Имате много инрересна идея с това с феновете но аз искам да ви предложа
че,може да е нужно всеки от феновете който са в вашия Сервер да е нужно да
билдват по една малка къща и примерно да си имате някакъв 'Builder Остров'
и там да са всички къщи от хората ;) така ще е много интереесно и така.
хмм няма ли да е по яко като имат гост да строй на гост остров и като си тръгне да чупят билдовете му защото след това като сичко се напълни с малки къщички ще стане като общ+известен сървър (100% огриифан) :Д
Радвам се че харесваш гаджето ми, но много неуважителен начин да го покажеш. Едва ли с твоят пенис 6 сантиметра ще направиш нещо, освен да лъскаш с 2 пръста.
venom kachete edin klip na taq poredica da e mejdu 1-2 chasa da sa gore
dole da sa poveche ot 1 chas i po mlko ot 2 chasa ili tochno 2 chasa i go