+Gadiel González Thats because we used local host of android emulator to send the sms to a mobile phone you can use the websitesmsgang.com but its paid
Android emulator kali linux
How to install and create a AVD on Android Emulator in Kali Linux 64 bit and send a sms over telnet By www.cybersecurityonline.be.
Ok that was funny. I am having to move over to Google's SDK in Linux,
because I was an idiot and thought MIT Inventor was enough (back to
Windows). The work arounds more than ate up the time I could have learned
Eclipse. Still like it, but it does suck. Thanks for the info.
Don't you be stupid if you don't know why is this android emulator
developed for please!! don't comment because this tools is for open source
programmers that want to develop some applications and test them in this
android emulator and of course Linux is better than windows has more
stability because is UNIX why do you think IBM, HP and SUN have their own
UNIX operative systems and also DELL, ACER, etc sell Linux computers don't
be stupid!!
linux wasn't created so it can beat windows hands down. It was invented
there solely to reduce the price of the "noob" PC users. If i was going to
build my own PC and had to pay 200 dollars just to play games, I'd go with
Linux and use the WINE emulator or run Linux-made games. At least 85% of
windows users use windows because it came with their computer or they knew
a guy who could "lend" them a free copy.
This is a perfect example of the typical linux using open sauce noob, it is
totally redundant to have a phone on the PC which is doing PC functions but
in worse way. What a waste of time as is typical with non Microsoft OSes
You are totally missing the point as only an ignorant, fat, linux using
child molester would do.
Microfag, go kiss your Windows box, why the hell are you searching linux if
you're just here to crap on linux and mac? I use linux AND windows, the
only thing windows is better at at the moment is gaming some games. I hope
you burn in hell, you lazy, stupid, ignorant son of a bitch. Try
researching before commenting.
Ditto Android Linux emulator means a Linux emulation running on Android
just as Windows Messenger isn't Messenger Windows. Still interesting, but
why would you want that clunky phone GUI when you have a real keyboard???
Can it be turned off so your android apps look more like your linux?
@SaschaHeylik ah ah ah ! are you kidding ?! how that fucking headache maker
command line OS would performs better at games? 99% of pc games and even
emulators are made for windows
@BlackDragonBE which is better , spending a week figuring out what fucking
command lines to use in linux or 3 minutes only to install a game in
windows ?
URL not found: /usr/share/android-sdk/sdk/temp/support_r23.0.1.zip
(Permission denied)
Skipping 'intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 10, revision 3 '; it
depends on 'SDK
Platform Android 2.3.3,API 10, revision 2' which was not installed
Done. Nothing was installed
this was the error when i try to install the packages android sdk manager
log .. please help me sir thanks in advance.
+Anchor Bupesh Pyush The issues here is likely that Android Studio is now the defacto tool for the Android emulator. I recommend downloading Android Studio and working off that. You can download that here: https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
failed to create directory /usr/share/android-sdk/sdk/temp i am getting
this as an error while following as u said after cliking on install 5
packages. please help me