The English National Resistance shows its love of England by vandalising bits of it.
The English National Resistance was an odd group who seemed to think that interracial marriage was one of the country's biggest problems. Their approach to ...
You can mock all you like, but English people have had their hands tied. We
no longer have the freedom of speech to voice against things like
immigration. Lengthy jail term awaits those that do. When it comes down to
Muslim pedo's raping and killing our kids, then I think graffiti and fly
posting is quite a controlled retaliation. Good on the lads in this vid,
for caring, and getting off their arses.
Good thing they werent going around destroying infrastructure like switchin
off everyone's electricity to protest the anti democratic way the country
has been flooded with immigrants to replace the population.
Powerful! I personally believe that this problem should be the first and
foremost issue that black people need to push forward and work to solve.
Until we do, nothing else will work! Not even economic empowerment because
you need a solid family foundation to take on anything outside of the home.
Anything in the home requires a power couple, a strong family dynamic!