Season 2- Episode 18.... 5 comments for 19} [A few weeks passed. Demi is halfway through her pregnancy and giving Joe a hard time about everything] Demi: ...
I uploaded eppy 18... even though I do not have 5 comments yet on eppy 17.
I want 10 comments on this eppy... I am out of town til Sunday night so
the more comments the more episodes when I get back. I will be writing at
the lake...
The Kamine Zoo in Hitachi, Japan is creating a new trend inspired and designed by their most ferocious animals! We're putting out new episodes every day of ...
Yes, true that bro! I was ripping my flannel trousers so fast when falling while skateboarding and so i tried some stretchy skinny ones my mates got for me and they´re comfortable as fuck! You said it right dude! Thumbs up for that!! But remember to let your balls breath from time to time kids! Have healthy Lymphatic Systems!! :D
Aww! Sometimes i wish i was as naive and as ignorant as i was when i was a child! Knowledge is power but its definitely also a burden! I´ll be brief, just pay attention to when children are not able to squat down easily anymore! Your lymphatic system doesn't have a pump-like organ like the cardiovascular system has the heart but it is still a circulatory system powered only by muscle movement so it is very true that sedentarism sickens, imagine what years of constant pressure by tight clothes, hats, accessories that wont allow you to fully freely move can do to your body, specially your armpits, groin area and places used by your body to detoxify! My advise, find different alternatives to shaving these areas since it hurts some layers of the epidermis resulting when restoring in blocked hair follicles and never use antitranspirants since its critical for the body to be able eliminate toxins which if stayed in your body you could end up with hidradenitis supurativa. I can go on and on for days talking about what uncomfortable clothes can do to your health but i´ll just say that if you can´t breath properly you couldn't be healthy and you don´t breath into your chest, you breath into your balls! And unless you wear stretchy leggings-like jeans you cant breath into your balls! :D Good luck buddy!
+siya4ful Muscular armoring! Nobody likes to wear uncomfortable clothes yet all of us do just to comply with the imposed dress codes! Years of wearing tight and stiff clothes that allow no mobility or proper breathing creates muscular imbalances which translates in neurotic holding patterns that affects us in many many ways!
COMMENTING THAT ON EVERY VIDEO ISN'T GOING TO GET YOU ANYWHERE GEEZ -.- >:\ I'm sure Katie doesn't like hearing hate on Alex either! They are host partners after all .-.