QT C++ GUI Tutorial 14- How to Save data in SqLite database with pushbutton
How to save data in the database How to save Application data how to save database input validation before saving data into the database in QT C++ GUI ...
There's an easier way to write the prepared string, so it isn't so messy.
You have to use the QSqlQuery::addBindValue() method, but it's very simple
and neat:
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare( "INSERT INTO employeeinfo (eid, first_name, last_name, age)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" );
No more '"+foo+"'... Those are ugly and confusing as hell.
Android App Development for Beginners - 49 - Saving Data with SQLite
Visit my website at https://www.thenewboston.com/ for all of my videos and tutorials! Have questions or looking for source code? Check out the forum at ...
Dude! Contact is one of my most favorite movies ever!
Sci Fi: Limitless, Lucy, Transcendence, Chappie, Interstellar.
BTW, not Sci Fi, but it is related to learning and academics. You should
watch the movie "3 Idiots." It is a foreign film, but I promise you will
love that movie. It is a gem that movie.
Java prog#58.How insert image into mysql/SqLite database and retrieve PART-2
How insert image into mysql/SqLite database and retrieve how to save image into database How to save image in sql database insert image into database ...
hello sir, i am a new learner who leanrs a lot from you.i prfer eclipse to
write my java codes.i have been watched your tutorial and wrote same in my
project but it doesn't work and give a message
**java.lang.nullexceptionpointer** .i can't go forward ,please help me as
soon as possible
why your don't shell code to gitHub for example?
It's difficult to find mistake when I need to watch video again...again and
again) that's making me crazy)
i was following two complete tutorials and now where is the rest of the
video that is a baaad thing to do i wasted to much time for nothing you are
supposed to complete what u began
Using your code... I place the edit text in popup window and show the
entered data in listview at parent activity where i call the popup... but
now i want to add the edit and delete button in listview.Kindly guide me
how to do this and refer the link if any
Am hoping you have a separate xml layout that will be represent your single row inside your listview.That xml layout shall contain the buttons only. Am also hoping that you have a separate Adapter class that inherits from either BaseAdapter or ArrayAdapter..Then inside our Adapter class,inside the getView() method we shall we shall inflate our custom xml layout to a single row for our listview....Have you done something like that??
+ProgrammingWizards hi ... yup i want to add button inside the listview as a custom listview. And i create the item class and listadaptor but now only blank list was shown without any button and data.
+Iqra Ghias Logcat:android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x1 at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:237) at android.content.res.Resources.getString(Resources.java:321) at android.content.Context.getString(Context.java:327) at com.sillycostudios.sqlitesample.MainActivity$2.onClick(MainActivity.java:72) at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:4219) at android.view.View$PerformClick.run(View.java:17500) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:800) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:194) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5392) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:525) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:833) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:600) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
iOS 7 Tutorial 18 - SQLite Databases Part 1
This two part tutorial covers how to implement an application that uses SQLite Databases to store information about users, and how to edit that information ...
I have a question. Im trying to modify a game on my IOS 8.4 ipad. I have
the .sqlite file, and when i open it, i look around for certain keywords,
like "guns", "weapons", "damage", etc. The game is no longer on the
appstore due to the fact that the person took the game down due to they not
being old enough to legally receive money from a game. The game is called
Battleship Craft. I heard on reddit and some wiki pages for the game, that
a nooby (like me) can use a sqlite editor and viewer to easily modify the
game. And to no avail i am unable to figure this out. Am i possibly not
using the right program? "DB Browser for SQLite"
value of _DB is null for my program. Hence its getting failed when I am
trying to add data.
Can you please let me know why?
Also, will be database created every time when we run application.
+Elif Yilbasi Hmmm, I would recommend to debug it and go to the point where I set the DB value and initialize it in the video and see if it is getting initialized properly.
+narendra bade Are you doing it in objective C? that means your property isn't set, that is done around 2:40.Also, the database is only created once, then we check if it is there already, that is why we check if the database exists around 3:40.
I tested multiple times from different terminals and it seemed fine. I would recommend trying with another terminal because the volume of the video is fine, I am assuming something is wrong in your end but I cannot really guess what.