There is no information here I didn't learn in kinder-garden. Are there
different kinds of Avocado? where do they come from? what soil do they
like? What climate will they grow in? the history of the Avocado? what is
the nutritional value of an Avocado? Why am I subed to you guy?????????
Thumbs down and unsub.. GOOD BYE!!
Nice video! I wonder is it necessary to change the water from the glass
everyday, from time to time or to do not change it until it starts to grow?
And should I keep it next to the window, on some certain temperature?
How to grow an Avocado Tree / How to start a Avocado seed at home / My Avocado seedling update
How to grow an Avocado Pit / How to start a Avocado Tree at home / My Avocado seedling update. I just placed the pit in a pot of soil, right side up in my ...
Hi brad I pollinated my orchid a few weeks ago and I am waiting on when the
pod will be ready.also I can't find any places nearby that do flasking..I
live in Calgary and the nearest one I could find was in you
know any places that does it? thanks!!
Hi Arib, I don't know of any in Calgary, which place are you thinking in
Edmonton? The fact that it is in the same province seems close enough to
me. Brad
can you plant it in flat or only houses with gardens?
How To Grow Avocado Tree From The Seed? I am filming a video on this :) stay tuned as I film progress. I started two avocado pits, one with the skin of the pit and the other without the ...
Hi Any water will do but rainwater will be best, the fluoride does not seem
to affect the plants in my area. It also does not matter if it's hard or
soft water either. If you add a bit of plant feed to the water it helps.
you do not need to change the water just keep topping it up if you use the
cocktail stick method, don't let the bulb / seed dry out at all, which is
why the styrofoam / polysterene ring works well. I have transplanted the
seed and root once well formed straight into wet soil
the trees are both sexes and can turn from male to female, or female to
male. so it is best to have a few, then nature will take care of the rest.
if they are all female t start one or more may just change to fix the
problem.your trees won't be fruiting for a few years to come like 5 to 7
depending on the breed. grafts are better, they are at the fruit age
allready. so to grow them from seed is just fun, then many years later you
(may) get fruit. hope this helped if you allready did not know
Am no expert, just doing my first one now, but i grown lots of things from
seeds, i would imagine its done the seed now harm seeing as they have super
tough shells and skin, the reason you soak them in water is the seed wont
start germinating till the water gets inside which with a shell like that
takes AAAGES... so my bets are its fine, i mean the inside of a avacado is
wet remember!
Do you have to change the water and also do you have to buy it at stores
the water or you can get it at any place like let's say at your own
drinking faucet. But doesn't the flouride effect the plant. Does it matter
how many must you change for your advocado seed. How long will it grow and
does it matter at any location. :0 Can someone offer any advice.
You don't have to do that. I got the seed put them in a paper towel damped
the paper towel with water then place it in a zip lock small bag left air
so it can vent. Checked it in about 4 weeks and it sprouted. Then I placed
it in separate pots with soil and now I have my plants! Learned that in
elementary school science.... Good Luck!
I didnt fancy this method so i thought i would do it naturally...just stuck
mine in a pot about 3 times as wide as the seed with soil with the top 1/2
uncovered, kept it moist and left it... i was going to give up on it after
a few months (like he mentions) but this week i can see cracks coming up
either side!
My pit has one very long root, and has for a while, however, nothing is
growing from the top. How long does it typically take for it to sprout once
the root has grown long? I am thinking about transplanting it into potting
soil and see if I have better luck. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
To produce fruit with these trees, you must graft them. In nature they
pollinate through roots from multiple trees touching and connecting. The
way we graft is cut the stem off of two trees and connect those stems to
opposite tree bases. Just look up grafting for more information.
I've had mine going since late June/early July. It cracked completely from
bottom to top. I used the toothpicks to resecure it. Still no action and
the water gets very cloudy quickly. Should I trash this one and start
over?? Re-scrape the skin off bottom?? Not sure. Help!
another way to sprout is to make a donut shape out of styro foam that the
seed fits into snugly, but smaller than diameter of water container. this
avoids the seed drying out, as it floats on the water instead of suspended
above it, as water level drops, so does the seed.
I am a Falun Gong practitioner. Falun Dafa is a cultivation system in the
Buddha School based on the principles of the Universe: 真 Truthfulness 善
Compassion 忍 Forbearance. Since 1999 it has been brutally persecuted by the
CCP in China. falundafa(.)org
congrats on almost 1 million views! I wanna try this, I eat about 3
avocados a week and saved the seeds from the tastiest ones. I have 9 seeds
to work with, I think maybe I should just donate them to a farm if they are
not gonna make fruit I dont know.
So i did all this, they grew roots, and i planted about six of them, but
then i heard that in order for your tree to have fruits, you need one
"male" and one "female" plant. Is that true? And if it is, how can you tell
which is which? Thanks :)
There are both Monoecious and Dioecious plants. In Monoecious (one-house)
plants, and individual produces both male and female flowers. While in
Dioecious (two-house) plants, individuals normally produce only male or
female flowers.
I just do that very simple,take a large glass pot ,put bit of soil, a bit
water,just to create humidity,put your avocado seed on top. close the
pot.leave them there ,dont bother....they will sure of
I'm trying to grow an avocado but I'm the only one in my house that thinks
it's alive, despite the fact that it cracked open a week or two ago. anyone
know how long it takes the root to grow to a noticeable length?