League of Legends - Yasuo OP? - Season 4 Gameplay with Commentary + Build order!
Hey everyone. I know I know, it's been a while. Been busy with that pesky thing called real life but I finally made a video! It's Yasuo, one of the more stronger ...
I'm still newish to League but I just bought Yasuo. I'll try this out for a
nice start c:
Plus as next possible ideas, would Nocturne and/or Anivia be nice choices?
Nocturne is kinda weak in the current jungle, and Anivia is a really strong but hard to learn pick. I recommend pantheon of you are starting jungle, and Annie to start in mid for new players
When I played yasuo I was experimenting and found that having statik shiv,
infinity edge and trinity force as your core items helps you destroy
people. You get 100% crits and it Works for me consider trying it out :)
Yeah, with the fact that shiv-ie only gives 80% crit now I think it's smart to experiment with no crit runes and taking trinity/youmuu's. The plus side of doing this is that you could have a lot more strength in your runes and have a better laning phase, with the negative being that you have to build another core item to reach 100% crit and have to give up either a defense item or last whisper. Thinking about it now maybe you could sell boots late game and buy another item because of the movement speed shiv + either trinity/yomuu's gives you. There is also phantom dancer to test, but I'm a bit reluctant to try because it would have to replace statikk shiv which is already so good on Yasuo. It could be good though idk.
Is Zephyr a viable item for Yasuo? It gives Yasuo a lot more mobility, a
good boost of attack speed, and a little more AD. I don't usually rush it
but late-game tenacity is nice.
+Veselinbradyo Goshev hes right maxing E first is godd choice low cooldown and youcan dodge skill on hit and last hit creeps with it rush lvl E and max Q and youll be dashing like a boss in a lane
q has increased damage, maxing at 100 + 1.0ad at rank 5 (or level 9). Given that at least your zeal or shiv is up by the end of your laning phase, you should have 40% crit chance without runes, and with 40%+ attack speed, your q should be on a 2~3 second cooldown. By level 9, you should have a few points in e already so that its super low cooldown shouldn't have any meaning to you.
it is best maxing E cause you get more dmg and Q have 4 sec cooldown on every rank maxing E do so you can use E on the same target more so maxing E is best
Imaqtpie takes his talent to the PBE server to show off his amazing Yasuo gameplay and some of the new items. Enjoy League of Legends funny moments, ...
Ayayayay! Lol Yasuo OP Guide - Da zucken die Molukken
League of Legends Yasuo Guide, Idiots are playing lol, Yasuo Montage, Moin Leude heute wird rasiert und zwar nicht mit einem Billigrasierer von Aldi oder Lidl!
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