+chimichangaaa2001 He said ''Denis'' instead of ''Liam'' as a joke because he didn't know the answer but no one noticed his joke, poor baby, it was a really good joke. God bless you
On question 10 I'm glad you got the joke because most people say that since
its yellow it looks like butter which is food. But in reality its because
it "chews" food.
... Or we'll stick with the example I put in because it's easier to grasp, not far fetched and lets face it, when I see the word "Polo" I think of a T-Shirt. Or Marco Polo. B '
Good luck with the eye procedure...I hope it isn't too bad.
I had some grit from a grinding wheel in my eye for a few days before it
was removed whilst my head was clamped in a vice. Not comfortable at all
and like you say you get to see the whole procedure...Very freaky,
especially as you're natural instinct is to run away, very fast. lol