Flaky, red skin and other skin condition - Dr. David Jubb answers John Barnes
What is the cause of redness/irritation and flakiness on the cheeks and bottom of forehead directly above (and on the) eyebrows? - John Barnes Dr. Jubb is an ...
You don't have to do them daily & doesn't make you dependent on them. The
interesting thing is that once a person is complely using living food from
a blender or juicer, there's hardly any 'ash' left over in the form of
feces (poop), so one does not defecate (poop) much anymore. This is nothing
to be concerned about because all the living food, in the optimal liquid
form for assimilation by the villi in the small intestine, is nearly
immediately absorbed. I worked with Dr. Ann for over 22 years.
Use it within 20 minutes of making it. There are 1 & 2 ouce baby enema
bulbs up to 8 ounces for older children. There are Fleet enema buckets &
bags. Orientals train their anal muscles so that they can suck the water
up. If you are not familiar with implants, first clean out the descending
colon with warm water into which wheat-grass tied with an elastic or a bag
tie in a bundle has been placed for at least 10 minutes. This neutralizes
the chlorine & fluorine if you don't have distilled water. .
If people knew we orignated 1st as breatharians they would realize to stop
eating & start fasting READ Ehret's work Rational Fasting & The Muscusless
Diet Healing System One can't grasp what they don't try to experience on
their own their mind corresponds to their plugged colons. They cannot grasp
getting off the SAD & the cooked vegan diet is just as bad Raw mucusless
vegan & fast. It's obvious enemas & fasting as healing modalities have been
around FOREVER Disease is obstructions in the body.
Yes - colon cleansing is very useful - but it does not heal! It is the body
- the living body (with some life force left in it) - that is the only
thing that does the healing!!!! We must give our bodies the best conditions
possible for its living work! Sun, breathe clean air, clean diet, clean out
toxins, lower pollution around us AND our stress levels, that cause toxic
conditions in us - the list goes on! Keep spreading the info Matt. Thank
you for living by example and sharing outcomes! Yeah!
Since being at the Raw Spirit Festivals in Sedona, Santa Barbara &
Patuxent, I've certified in Plant Based Nutrition with Drs. Colin Campbell
& Caldwell Esselstyn. See "Forks Over Knives" & "The Extended Interviews"
free on Netflix to show to your families. These MDs are learning how
powerful living foods are. I went to the March '12 Holistic Holiday at Sea
to meet Dr. & Mrs. Cousens (Tree of Life Foundation in AZ) & when the docs
saw me dance for hours, they paid attention to the raw energy!.
If you don't get better following what he is advising, which for most
people would be very rare. Then you might be infected with lyme and it's
co-infections: these are spirochete and protozoa illnesses that enjoy non
toxic living. I found this to be my case, now would I stop following what
he advocates because it didn't heal my lyme. No WAY, this helps for every
disease. But if you aren't getting better, please investigate lyme as a
culprit. It will save your life. Research Buhner protocol.
lol sad to know the truth sometimes... Good stuff I can't wait to see the
wholefoods diet. Thats what i'm doing. Wholefoods is easy to digest and
satasfying and your right it is more grounding and way easier on your
mental side of things. If you eat light airy and cold you may become that
way mentally and physically from what i've read. Also i am learning about
Liver and Gall bladder flushes and how helpful they are for healing it
seems like i can handle gluten and lactose way better so far.
BTW, my husband's dad just found out that he has pancreatic cancer. My
hubby has been telling (and so did I) ways that he could help himself b4 he
gets worse. Pancreatic cancer is also what alcoholics have (my father in
law does not drink alcohol, but for 30+ years sodas and such drinks). We
told him B4 he was diagnosed to run away from the hospital, doctors, meds
and consider changing his fuel (food he eats). We told him to eat EZ
digestible foods (green juices and do enemas). Guess what?
Hey, I've been watching and listening to you for years and this is my first
comment. Don't be sad, you've helped me more than you know. I understand
your frustration with the mass brainwashing that goes on especially thru
the orthodox medical community and processed food industry. I've been on my
own detox path since the late 70's when I first came across Ehret's
material. I know you know and I know too but I struggle to stay on the
path. I'm crying tears of love and gratitude for you guys.
It's pretty E.Z the whole enema thing... -Your trash in the kitchen is
full... you empty it cause it'll stink, rot, ferment, and it's gross
(specially if ya don't compost). -Your intestine in your belly is full of
(u got my drift), so you empty it otherwise you get gross stuff such as
gas, crap, that clog you up (like your sink being clogged up. yuck)... so
you empty it... aka, poop it out, but oh!!! It ain't working well enough
though with pooping cause, you have too much stuff in there...
I disagree with you 100%. I have no idea what you are talking about. I see
many people of all different ages in a retail environment. They both look
radiant and wonderful - mind you, not in an airbrushed, fake tan, overly
made up kind of way. I think the idea that they have aged quickly is a
bunch of bunk. Furthermore, aging is as much or more an inside job then the
outer appearance. I'm still blown away that Angela gave birth to her first
child after only 90 minutes of labor. Unbelievable
Matt you are 1 of the smartest raw guru's out there, Maybe use the word
obstructions to cover more area. The cause's of mucus secretions r the
result of the bodies intelligence recognizing poisons. Germs, bacteria &
foreign particles r always found in the mucus, nowhere else. This is how
the body removes obstructions/poisons via the mucus. There r 2 kinds of
foods: Acid/mucus forming, and Acid/mucus Binding. The foods to eat r
fruits & leafy starchless vegetables (herbs). few nuts seeds
Matt, I am inendated with fear of the unknown when going through with
detox. I bring myself to tears thinking about my hopes and dreams...I don't
want to take pharma drugs any longer. I have mild bipolar disorder and I
honestly don't know where to begin in my search for knowledge. I am sick
physically and spiritually. I have been following you and Angela since you
came out with your first ebook and "teamed" up with her. I had purchased
her ebook and found it to be so honest, knowledge,
Toby Eating Raw
Skin Disease Eczema-Beat It Now
//www.VanishEczema.net Eczema is a painful and irritating skin disease that can be cured if treated correctly (especially when natural eczema remedies are ...
I'm sorry but, no matter what you can do u can NEVER GET RID OF
ECZEMA!! You can do things to help the ichness or the pain but never u
can't "cure" it! It's an auto immune disorder!