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Rudimental - Feel The Love ft. John Newman [Official Video]

Rudimental's brand new album 'We The Generation' is out now on: iTunes - //smarturl.it/WeTheGeneration Amazon ...

Mini Cooper Coding R56 Cooper S (Closing Windows/Sunroof, Alarm Activation, Double Hazard Flash)

Email Me: [email protected] for all coding services (REMOTE CODING AVAILABLE) Location: Boston, MA CONTACT: //www.codemycar.com ...

User Comments

it works in a R56??
+Abraham Lozano in my Mini only open, but i can´t close whith the control. =S
+Abraham Lozano email us to get started: [email protected] and also provide your location.
+codemycar how program this???
+Abraham Lozano Yes, this is an R56.
is that only for the r53 I have a r50
Hold the unlock button on your key and it should open it up.  The vehicle in the video is an R56 so some things are different in this vehicle.  Your vehicle may not allow you to open the back sunroof.
Hello did the back sunroof open also
If you hold the unlock button on the keyfob, the back sunroof will open as well as the front.

Joe & Jay take on New York New York!

Jay Carney: We can debate on Crossfire

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney references "Crossfire" during a press briefing to reporters.

User Comments

He's paid to do that. Not saying it's morally right of him to choose that occupation. He's speaking for the president not himself that's his job.
Given he's the White House's mouth piece, I think that's to be expected that he push the administration's line. It's his job.
why YES... anyone who thinks this guy's job is to debate on his own term. IS A COUNTRY BUMPKIN. who just got the internet.
cant BS. you are reading a script and doing a play. you are representing something that is not yours. / beautiful job
this dude is just a puppet. he has no opinions of his own. everything on script.
Press Secretaries are not employed to have opinions of their own- in public.
Jay Carney the greatest lier in the white house ..!
Could you B.S as good as he does?
u wannna suck his dick init
wish i had his job.
Fuk fox news

Optimize Social Media, Search, Content. Video interview of Lee Odden by Jay Baer

Optimize your social media, search engine optimization, and content marketing. Combining these three critical elements into one strategic program is the key to ...

User Comments

Thanks for doing the interview Jay! For those interested in the source of the 350 billion tweets stat, here you go: "As Twitter Turns 5, It Delivers 350 Billion Tweets Each Day" PCWorld

My Reaction to the Inside Edition CRAZE Story With ME In It!

SUPPORT MARC LOBLINER'S COMPANY AND SHOP AT TIGERFITNESS.COM! //www.tigerfitness.com Marc and The Hollywood Militia NOW OFFER ...

User Comments

Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahaahahaha you are sooooo naive. I suggest crawling out from under your rock pal.
The USA supplement market is a little bit strange and scary for me. The companies put whatever they want or as like drug substances on the shelves with little or no research at all, no studies on short and long term side effects, interactions with other chemicals etc, and peolple buy it like buying rice and chicken at the supermarket. And you export this to other countries, eventhough this substances is not allowed at that country. I imagine that is the pharmaceutical industry dream...
Andy P if you are responding to my post, its twits like you that should crawl under a rock. I'm not saying he wasn't taking anything else what I am saying is why even bring it up, like you all know what he was on. So lets hear it! Believe me I am not naïve, I am probably older than your father. I have heard the same shit about Marc. But really who gives a shit, I don't.
Marc i had no idea that you woke up at 3:45am. I think its awesome how you work incredibly hard, take care of your kids, workout and still have time to make videos for us just so we can be informed. Thanks a lot, its cool to see someone be so real and dedicated. Keep it up.
There probably was nothing in the pre-workout. It probably has something in it that shows up the same in a test as the drugs. It's most likely the same as poppy seeds showing up in a drug test cause you had them on a bagel for breakfast.
I think it's fine if you take the rest of it as long as it's not fuckin with you (which you said it hasn't been). I don't think anything long term is a risk here if you take what you have left. I certainly wouldn't buy anymore though.
I love craze I been taking it for at least two years if it had anything that would harm you I would have definitely been a victim..I hate that craze is gone I loved that stuff I almost cried when I ran out the other day sigh
Is there any chance that some of the ingredients in Craze could've reacted with each other to produce the adulterants? I mean, the constituents of amphetamines are present even if they didn't actively lace the mix with them.
Wow this was a good video I Alonso like when I'm the first one to comment and the first one to like and watch it I'll never dislike your videos cause your the man Marc and when someone tells you otherwise it's not a game
I had CRAZE. couldnt get hard when i went to take some V plates. well anyways i felt as hard as a rock but i was half chub. was pretty pissed off. it was 100% craze never had another problem after i stopped taking it.
I kinda knew craze was gonna come down this road the same way as jack3d because it was (too) good , I enjoyed it while it was around and Im hoping it does come back it was the best in my book that was suited for me
Marc I think you should do a video on organic food maybe why you buy it and the importance of it. Maybe explain a few key ingredients to stay away from such as GMO,HFCS,MSG.
Wow its much Meth, Creatine, Caffeine, Vitamin C and other energy boosters all in one. No wonder I felt like I could lift twice as much as usual after just one scoop..
Had to find your mother in law to find you? Don't you think it would be easier to just do a google search and get your email from one of your million videos? haha
Marc the phrase is "can of worms" & I work in Venice most stuff on Venice beach is drug related lol just saying over priced community homeless all over the place
Big ups for pulling it from Tiger Fitness Marc...cause at the end of the day, integrity is all you have. Driven Sports lost theirs, you kept your in spades!
I'm still pissed that they ended it. CRAZE was THE SHIT! I don't care whats in there. If I still decide to take it I should be allowed to
I fucking hate the inside edition. All they cover is fucking retarded trivial bs that only 45 year old divorced women would care about
Lol. The "BOOM" gets you all pumped up like you're gonna say something awesome. Then the "i got some craze left" just makes you sad
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