READ ME! ♥ Here is a review of Lush's tea tree water toner. This video shows the progress from using the product and my views and opinions on the product as ...
I'm sure you know already since this video is over a year old now, but Lush
also do a spot treatment called Grease Lightning. The Tea Tree water is
meant to be used as a general toner, as far as I know which is why you
might not have seen results as quickly as you expected.
Good video though, thanks for actually using the product for a reasonable
length of time before giving your view on it, by comparison a lot of
YouTubers use a product like twice and then try to review it. Also, your
accent was lovely to listen to. Cheers! :)
+AquilaLiberum Also, the Tea tree toner has an astringent in it which tightens your pores, meaning there's less chance for dirt and bacteria to get into them and making it less likely that you'll get spots so it could have actually played a role.
If you were rubbing the toner like you said in the first update that may
have been the problem. You are supposed to spray and then leave it or pat
it dry with a cloth. If you ever feel the urge to try again with this
product try that technique. Also this water is normally for oily skin and
tea tree in general is supposed to create healthier skin in general not
stop spots but over time reduce your skins tendency to get spots.
I applied it how the bottle said "close your eyes tightly and spritz directly onto the face or onto cotton wool pads to wipe away any dirt." I either sprayed it on my face or sometimes did it with a cotton wool pad as stated. Also many people have been saying that's it's not supposed to clear up spots, but then that means Lush sold this to me under misleading information. I found it on their websites under the "spots" tab. If it's categorised under spots then it should either clear spots or prevent/reduce spots and it did neither of those things. So either they were misleading which makes me not want to shop with them or the product didn't do its job so therefore I do not wish to use it.
westcountry accent? loved the video, I use the Breath of fresh air toner
and its great aswell as the dark angels cleanser but i dont think you'd
like that as its a face mask and can get a little messy :)
+Tash Rainbow If you are 'lazy' and don't like using products, and you're already trying to not pick. Have you looked into the caveman regimen? It's where you do nothing to your face...don't touch it, don't pick it, don't wash it. NOTHING! I am a compulsive picker and am trying to leave my face alone and it's working.
I wish I wasn't too lazy to do these things but I just can't stand it haha. And I very much doubt I'll ever buy from Lush again. WAY too expensive for my liking haha. I only buy cheap things 'cause I hate spending money haha
+Tash Rainbow Thought so, I was born in Yeovil, dont live in Somerset anymore but If there's one thing I miss it's the accent haha. And I get it, it's just a habit thing for me now, like picking spots used to be for you. I wouldn't completely disregard Lush though, They are still a great company :)
It's just called a 'tea tree anti spot stick' from Wilko. Have no idea if it worked or not though, cause my spots cleared when I stopped using it!
Review | LUSH Tea Tree Water Toner Water
Here's my review of the Tea Tree Water Toner Water from LUSH! This is available online on the website or at a nearby LUSH store. The 3.3 oz bottle is $9.95 ...
Lush TEA TREE WATER gegen unreine Haut
Meine Empfehlung bei unreiner Haut ist das Tea Tree Water von Lush. Im Video erzähle ich euch von meinen Erfahrungen: Hier erfahrt Ihr noch mehr über das ...
Du hast mir so sehr geholfen mit dem Tea Tree Water, ich hatte mittel
starke Akne und selbst die Produkte, die mir mein Hautarzt empfohlen hat
haben bei mir eher mäßig gewirkt. Ich benutze das Tea Tree Water seit 4
Tagen und einfach alles in meinem Gesicht ist weg! Weder Pickel, noch
Mitesser, noch meine Akne ist noch in meinem Gesicht! Ich danke dir soooo
sehr und und sage dir: MACH WEITER SO, DU BIST DER HAMMER!
hm.. du benutzt sicher auch ein Peeling oder? Ich benutze das Tägliche
Waschpeeling von Nivea (Mischhaut) Bilde mir ein das hilft was :D Also
erwähnt habe ich das nun, weil du deine unreine Haut angesprochen hattest.
Wenn das spray nicht so teuer wäre, würd ich es direkt mal ausprobieren.
aber frage mich, ob das optisch einen Unterschied bei mir geben würde.
Wow, das freut mich echt total!! Genau für Leute wie dich mache ich diese
Videos und es freut mich sehr, wenn ich weiterhelfen kann. Ich bin auch
über YouTube auf Lush aufmerksam geworden und möchte die Sachen nicht mehr
missen. Die Video Idee mit den Lush Produkten ist sehr gut. Kommt sicher
bald!! ;)
Ich mag deine Lush Videos - du hast mich damit echt neugierig gemacht und
ich hab Samstag erstmal den nächstbesten Laden geplündert ;D Das Tea
Tree-Water ist echt super!! Mach doch mal ein Video mit all den
Lush-Produkten, die du so benutzt
ich habe mir das tea tree water 100ml auch gekauft und die frau an der
kasse hat gesagt, dass die größere version (ich glaube 250ml) vorteilhafter
ist, weil man dann geld spart. nur mal so als tipp. :) super video.
Bitteschön!! Das Produkt wird dir sicher gefallen. Zum Filmen benutze ich
bisher noch eine Rollei Kamera, aber ich plane mir demnächst eine andere
@TheCrazykekz Schön, dass ich dir helfen konnte. Ich finde das Produkt echt
super und bin so froh, es entdeckt zu haben!!! Hoffe, es hilft bei dir auch
so gut!!!
Hi there, Here's my review of Lush's Tea Tree Toner Water. Have been using this item consistently for over two years, and I love it! Bottle featured in this video ...
Lol, thanks so much! Yes, I absolutely love it! I actually just received my
latest batch of goodies from Lush, and I decided to get the Eau Roma toner
water instead of the Tea Tree. Please stay tuned for a review of Eau Roma,
as so far, it's pretty awesome!!