How do you use the ball in labor?* If you are sitting on the ball it is important that your legs are open wide and your feet are on the outside edge of the ball(the ...
Very useful but in hospitals the doctors are pricks they only let you go on
your back because it's easier for them to see, even though your hole will
not open anywhere near wide enough to have a relatively fast and painless
birth... Definitely want to move around while in labor, girls! Anyone
having a baby, make sure you have people there to defend you when they try
to get you to lay down!!
sure is right. we must kill the bad fat and belly first to get the 6 pack.
Between The surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises,
maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. get to know here >>
36 Week Pregnancy Vlog ♥ Exciting things are happening!
36 weeks 5 days pregnant with our first! *OPEN ME* if this is the first time watching one of my vids :) As I said above, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant with our ...
Is it completely ridiculous that I've been anxiously awaiting this update!?
I'm so excited baby is starting to get ready! Yay!!! I'm doing OB rotation
in nursing school this semester and it's so fun hearing about all of the
changes you're going through!
I was dialated s to 1cm at 7 months. I made it to 38 weeks and 5 days
before he came. I was induced for preeclampsia and water retention. Good
luck sweety. I hope your delivery is everything you want. Mine wasn't
I was dilated 1cm for a month before my daughter came. she ended up being
born on her due date. I am so happy you are cloth diapering! I am too! you
look great!
I knew when she said I was only at 1 cm that I could/can be there for
awhile, but I still couldn't help being excited hehe :) And thank you so so
Hysterectomy open surgery information the mount sinai hospital . , . . . . (surgical removal of the uterus [or womb]; Abdominal hysterectomy; Vaginal ...