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SE INSCREVA NO CANAL! Post no blog: //biologanadavaidosa.blogspot.com/2014/09/teste-pill-food-resultado-6-mes-de-uso.html Instagam: ...

User Comments

oii, o pill food precisa de receita de algum dermatologista..para comprar na farmácia de manipulação?? ou é só chegar e falar que quer um pill food?
+Ana Paula Martins Oi Ana, o indicado é você consultar um dermatologista antes, MAS caso você queira comprar sem consultar um, muitas farmácias não pedem receita.
Ola seus videos sao otimos, e foi bom ter cortado as pontas. O meu ja tem 4 meses que nao corto, vou ver se da para esperar mais 2 ou3 meses para tirar as pontas, nao da pra ter cabelo grande e espigado ne. Boa sorte, nos proximos meses.
Obrigada! Isso tenta evitar corta, o meu agora corto uma vez por ano só... beijos
onde comprar o Pill food???
Oi Tainá em farmácias de manipulação. Beijos
Eu tô é morta com teu canal hahahahha AMEI amiga!! ta linda demais. beijinhos :*
Hahaha obrigada Kath. Beijos
Gata você é a minha inspiração para tomar o Pill Food, pois tomei pantogar e não vi tanto resultados... Acho que o meu cabelo parece com seu! Vou seguir suas dicas! obrigada!!! 
Que honra Bianca! Toma sim depo os volta aqui pra contar de funcionou. beijos
eu estou amamentando eu posso usa tira a minha duvida 
+regina cristina Rê, tem que ver com o pediatra! Beijos

Drugs, Sex, Food & Religion Addiction - Cause & Cure - Dr. Llaila Afrika

Drugs, Sex, Food & Religion Addiction by Dr. Llaila Afrika Date:19Sep97 //www.llailaafrika.com/ //www.llailaafrika.com/pages/shop/ ...

User Comments

"Dr." Afrika and who requested information about his credentials through the Freedom of Information Act. The District of Columbia's office of the Attorney General provided the following information: 1. Llaila O. Afrika did not submit any evidence of possessing either a doctorate of medicine (MD) or a doctorate of Naturopathy (ND) from any institution. 2. Llaila Afrika attended the Technical College of the Lowcountry in Beaufort, South Carolina and received a Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) degree in 1990. 3. Llaila Africa's LPN degree from the Technical College of the Lowcountry appears to be an associates degree. He has completed 64.30 credit hours at that institution. 4. Llaila Afrika indicated having medical experience that includes work at Dr. Otis Williams Chiropractic Clinic from 1990 through the date of his application as an employee and an instructor. He also indicated working for the Bayview Nursing Home from 1990 until the date of his application. 5. Llaila Afrika has no military medical experience indicated on his application. 6. Llaila Afrika was certified by an organization named the "International Board of African Thinkers, Traditional Priest, Priestesses, Healers and Religion, Inc." as an "Expert Holistic Health Consultant." This is as closest that Afrika seems to come to being an actual nutritionist or dietician. His professional experience indicates that he taught at this organization during the same year that he was certified by it. 7. Llaila Afrika has no indication of training as an HIV/AIDS clinician. In addition to the "International Board of African Thinkers, Traditional Priest, Priestesses, Healers and Religion, Inc.," Afrika's addictionology certification comes from Life College School of Chiropractic and the American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders. He acquired this certification in 1996 and it expired in 1997. He is also certified as an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. Afrika worked in a nursing home. Nothing in the professional and/or academic history of "Dr. Afrika" indicates that he is qualified to speak on AIDS, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, melanin, and the various other "80 topics" that Afrika "lectures" about."
+nebrew centric Giptian He didnt go to school in the US bro, but either way test the information for yourself and if you can prove him wrong lets hear it.

Crescimento dos Cabelos Com Pill Food | O inicio

Clique em EXIBIR MAIS para mais Informações ♥ CONHEÇA MEU BLOG: -//blogdocabeloo.blogspot.com.br/ ♥ CONTATO: [email protected] ...

User Comments

amei seu video obrigada
+Maria odicea Obrigada por assistir!
meu dermatologista me receitou pill food uso a 2 meses nao vi resultado ainda
+Maria odicea Olá flor eu tomo até hoje e adoro!
estou tomando e estou vendo resultados;;;;
+ni craft Olá eu já atingi os 6 meses de uso,mas por falta de tempo ainda não deu para trazer o resultado em video,em breve volto com os resultados! Beijão
amei o video! adoro cana! que falam sobre cabelos! ja me inscrevi! da uma passadinha no meu canal beijos!
+Sorte de Coruja Por Angela Alves  Olá minha linda que bom saber que você gosta de videos sobre cabelo! Com certeza vou lá no seu canal retribuir o seu carinho.Mil beijos 
Amiga fiquei mega curiosa, sempre falo que vou tomar uma vitamina para ajudar no desenvolvimento dos fios, mas acabo ñ tomando. Gostei do valor dessa vc mandou manipular ou na farmácia já vende manipulado sem receita, desculpe Se vc falou no vídeo assisti tudo, mas minha filha ñ fica calada kkkk beijos
+Patrícia Rossini olá amiga,então essa vitamina você tem que mandar manipular e desde que eu começei a usar ela no ano passado não preciso de receita para comprar não.E o preço dela é ótimo e na minha opinião é melhor que o pantogar que custa em média 150 reais enquanto o Pill Food no maximo 35 reais.Amiga um super beijo e obrigada por assistir!

Aaron Lee Tasjan: Drugs and Junk Food

Get your copy of "Crooked River Burning" on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/crooked-river-burning-ep/id825384523 Aaron Lee Tasjan: Drugs and ...

Drugs + Chinese Food = Profit?

I'd still probably eat their orange chicken TBH. Get your DeFranco Does Chicago Tickets Here! //ticketf.ly/XxDUaM Our Sources: //cnn.it/ZeLJDT Buy ...

User Comments

fake story. obvious
How is it obvious? 
Elliot morgan vs william haynes - go
why choose one when you can have both?
Is *Elliott Morgan an option?
Joe Bereta
Please send all orange chicken to 123 SourceFed Headquarters U.S.A., Earth under "urgent."
Zhang is pronounced "Jang", Will. Not "Zang".
+Blargles Malargles The fact that it's more than likely burnt.
Haven't you ever heard of Poppy Seed Roll?  Lots of cooking uses Poppy Seed and it will make you fail drug tests.  Hell here in Canada I can go to the Grocery Store and buy them by the bag.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppy_seed
+Kenneth Bowman Probably because he doesn't actually want us to send a bunch of orange chicken...
Why use a fake address when we have a real one: P.O. Box address:Attention: SourceFed6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #805Canoga Park, CA 91303 (By the way, I Google Street Viewed it just for the hell of it. That's a big-ass Crate and Barrel O_o)
Michaels Burgers is bomb if that is the place your talking about
oh... you said emma watson. you got close there buddy, emma stone is all mine!
Will why your hair so nappy in this one? Not trying to insult just askin'
I wud slap my grandma for a klondike bar!!!
Your username should be "TooMuchInformation"!
Will do.
will your getting better and more confident every video keep it up buddy.
Do i look like I got orange chicken money?
whats the matter with black chicken, ya idiot
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