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Dental works tooth extraction Videos

Dental surgery and brand new teeth for Jackie - 10 Years Younger

Dr Surinder works his magic on Jackie; removing her old crowns and replacing them with some brand new veneers. For more from the 10 Years Younger Team, ...

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get slow 

Bloody tooth extracted by a roadside dentist

Roadside dentist in action, we see a roadside dentist at Varanasi busy in extracting a tooth of the patient.... This footage is part of the professionally-shot ...

User Comments

did this guy even wash his hands ? where are the gloves
Gloves? Dude, those cost like $50 according to the last hospital I was at.

Extractions and Immediate Partial Denture

We've been working with Aaron for a number of weeks and have decided to provide him with a complete maxillary denture and a complete mandibular denture.

User Comments

Pussy being put to sleep for extraction, just get numbed up and deal with it.
Hey Chad... No one likes the overly tough wanna be looking attention, if someone wants to put to sleep for teeth extractions that's their choice, personally I think wisdom teeth patients should be allowed to be put to sleep but more then four teeth should be fine

Anna After the Dentist I The Aftermath of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Sorry I missed last week's Fitness & Food Friday video but I was recovering from my wisdom teeth extraction. Hope this makes up for it...eh? xoxo Anna Follow ...

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I'm getting mine out soon and I'm afraid of the anesthesia... What was is like for you? Did you suddenly go out or was it a gradual process? Could you have fought the anesthesia if you tried? Thanks so much!
+Rachel Menendez from what I remember I just went from awake and just feeling kind of relaxed in the office to my couch with ice packs strapped around my face haha
+smilecuzurhappy Thanks for the reply! Did you feel anything (dizzy, sleepy...) in those 10 seconds, or did you just go from wide awake to suddenly waking up?
I was out cold pretty quick - I remember being told I was being given anesthesia and about 10 seconds later I was out, I don't think I could have fought it even if I'd wanted to. The surgery really wasn't scary, it's just the recovery that's a bit of a drag. I'm sure you'll be fine, good luck <3

Facial Asymmetry Double Jaw Surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery Orthognathic, or corrective jaw surgery is performed to correct conditions of the jaw and face related to structure, growth, sleep apnea, ...

User Comments

I have exactly the same problem. I got botox injections but it seems it's nog enough. Im going to see a doctor. I want my face to be fixed.
+DHJ82​ ja ik ben Nederlands. Oke houd me op de hoogte of het gewerkt heeft!
Ben jij Nederlands? Ik heb toevallig hetzelfde probleem maar het zweet brak me uit bij het zien van al die video's. Als de tandarts je inderdaad al doorverwijst kijk je aan tegen een procedure van 1,5 tot 2 jaar waarbij je al die tijd ook een beugel gaat dragen. Tot slot wordt het afgesloten met een loodzware operatie met een herstel periode van 7 maanden. Ik wil het ook graag laten doen maar dit is het me allemaal niet waard en hoogstwaarschijnlijk is het niet eens vergoed in je verzekering, aangezien het cosmetisch is. Ben nu aan het kijken voor een implantaat om visueel de asymmetrie hopelijk weg te nemen. Binnenkort heb ik een afspraak met een plastisch chirurg. Mocht dit mogelijk zijn dan loop je dezelfde dag nog de kliniek uit na de operatie met direct resultaat. Goed, je weet dat de asymmetrie er nog steeds zit onderhuids, maar dat weet alleen jij. De buitenwereld ziet het in ieder geval niet meer dan en om foto's hoef je je ook niet meer druk te maken. Zou hier ook maar is naar kijken als ik jou was. Botox lijkt mij niet echt een goede oplossing.
Oh thank you. Yes I hope I can get surgery. Feels like Im living a double life
+Mariska van Vliet , by the way from the picture I see, you are very pretty! Good luck w/ the tendist appointment. :)
Is there a way to fix this without surgery? Please answer
+AsianG0D Yes. Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR). See Dr. Dean Howell, and do a Google search. Also a Starecta splint/rectifier.
+QingYao Zhou what if you're a teenager?
+Mariska van Vliet Weet je wie bijvoorbeeld ook een scheve kaak en gezicht heeft. Jan Versteegh van BNN. Vrouwen rennen achter hem aan, hij is gelukkig en succesvol. Daarnaast geeft het hem een individuele en herkenbare uitstraling. Misschien iets om moed uit te putten. Succes
+AsianG0D Starecta, Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) by Dr. Dean Howell, ND, facial pulling with a FaceMAX helmet, perhaps and ALF appliance, or even a DNA appliance. Look all these up on Google.
+Mariska van Vliet my situation is similar to yours. I recently asked my dentist who does braces and he said I should live with it. However, the asymmetry of my jaw is making me very insecure. I am thankful for the braces straightening my teeth but it does nothing to help my asymmetry jaw bones
+QingYao Zhou what are you suggesting? For those under 18, is there anothor way to correct this?
+Mariska van Vliet , I'm so sorry girlie! I wish you the best of luck in your quest to fix your jaw. I know the pain and insecurity all too well. In the mean time, you can try some highlighting and contouring makeup to help make it appear less unbalanced. That's what I do and wear my hair down usually. But as we age, without surgery, the visual aesthetic of it is the LEAST of our worries. It does cause other problems. Best of luck. Sending everyone with this condition lots of positive energy!!
An implant could make it visual more symmetric. In my case I need surgery. In 2 weeks I visit a tendist. Till now, all dentists said I should live with it. But I never had a boyfriend because I am insecure. I just want surgery. Everyone knows/recognises me because of my crooked jaw
+Mariska van Vliet , yes unfortunately, (in my case I live in the US.), due to our outrageous insurance cost it's still a surgery that is not covered. And surgery is the only way to fix it. Mine is starting to cause ear fluid issues and dizziness. If it's just minor misalignment, I don't see why an implant wouldn't help make the face appear more symmetrical.
+AsianG0D if you are an adult, surgery is the only way
+Renee Lanning yes I was thinking about an implant too to make it more even. I gor botox injections. 5 on the good side and 15 on the bad side, to weaken the muscle.But I still have a crooked face. I guess surgery is the only way if the doctor wants to operate. If not, we're screwed.
+AsianG0D , I was wondering the same thing. Maybe an implant on less pronounced side?
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