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CrossFit Mooloolaba's Nutrition Tip May 2012.m4v

Diabetes as a Disease of Fat Toxicity

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger's videos at: //bit.ly/nutritionfactsupdates DESCRIPTION: The “twin vicious cycles” explain how the build-up of fat in the cells of ...

User Comments

Do sugars not cause fat in muscles and the liver too? Especially fructose?
Some of the most sick people I see are the supposed "authority on nutrition and health" or (my personal favorite) "obesity experts".They all went to prestigious universities and have fancy pHds, yet most can't run around the block and haven't seen their abdominals in decades. So your dietetics course ain't worth much buddy unless it's specifically based around whole foods, plant based diets.Furthermore I know heaps of high carb, low fat fruitarians who eat white processed sugar along with fruit everyday (they add pure white sugar to sweeten smoothies even more) and their blood work is perfect. They are fit as fuck and know how sugar works. Adding sugar to fruit is not a problem when you have the fiber. If you simply eat white sugar by the spoonfulls then: 1) you will get mineral and vitamin deficiency 2) who the fuck eats white sugar only anyway?? 3) you are a moronDrinking coke and blaming sugar for it's health damaging effects is like complaining that a used syringe has some dust on it.
+Sev G You're calling me ignorant, yet I see no credentials. I'm attending college and majoring in dietetics. Excess sugars and saturated fats are both bad, get your facts straight. I was asking Dr. Greger for his thoughts, I don't care what an idiot like you has to say.
If you think that then you are an ignorant fool.
+Sev G Sugars cause the increase of blood triglycerides.
+Jake The Snake Fructose has nothing to do with weight gain. Even your sperm uses fructose for energy, does that answer your question?
If diabetes is a disease of sugar, why are diabetics supposed to reduce fat intake? Watch below or click the link to watch on NutritionFacts.org: //nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetes-as-a-disease-of-fat-toxicity
Type 2 diabetes is a disease of too much refined carbs. The ADA and Ancel Keys came up with the idea that reducing fat intake is healthy for everyone. Really, type 2 diabetics should reduce refined carbs and increase natural fats. It worked for me. I eat lots of fat and no carbs and I no longer have diabetes.
+NutritionFacts.org You really have very limited knowledge about metabolism and insulin. Diabetics are supposed to reduce their fat intake according to American Diabetes Association. Do you take your data from them and make a foolish argument about lipotoxicity? Get real. Our ancestors did not evolve on vegan diet. Humans are opportunistic eaters, otherwise they would not have evolved into the remotest corners of the world. Please go get educated about fat metabolism, leptin, insulin, glucogan, and other hormones. Go to UCSF website or UCTV and get a basic 101 education about fat and sugar metabolism before putting out false information. Watch Dr. Lustig to begin with, at east.
+Lara Dajani He's saying that diabetes is more about excess fat (particularly in the liver and muscle cells) than about sugar.That doctors are concentrating on the symptom, insulin spike, rather than the cause, insulin resistance (too much fat in the liver and muscle cells).Further, the recommendation of lowering fat in the diet is a major thing as the meat industry will attempt to destroy you if you dare to say to lower fat. Oprah once remarked that she'll never eat a burger again, and the meat industry sued/intimidated her....they intimidated Oprah to the point she never opposed the meat industry again.
Doesn't processed foods breakdown immediately into sugars?
Worth sharing
according to my memory, fat contains sugar

How To Avoid Judgement From People

Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe! Here are some more healthy weight loss life style tips from Durianrider & Freelee Sleep, water, sugar sufficiency must be the ...

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First comment!!!! :D... And even if you do nothing, stand for nothing and be nothing, people will criticize you for being boring :P People will always find something to complain about, so you might as well stand for what you believe in.
Yes, do it anyway!!!!!!!
Best intro ever

Freelee & Durianrider EXERCISE TOO MUCH & EAT TOO MUCH

Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe! Here are some more healthy weight loss life style tips from Durianrider & Freelee Sleep, water, sugar sufficiency must be the ...

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Have a look at this guy. Withered little old man at 39. Impotent, sterile, cant even drive. Does nothing besides ride his exercise machine around the Adelaide hills and pimp for his anorexic wife. Calls that freedom. Had to get his teeth capped cos they rotted from all the fructose. Obviously the vegan diet cant cure functional autism.
+Special Needs  dude the reason why he looks old is probably because he spent too much time in the sun which isn't a surprise seeing as his always outside riding bikes also its not a bad thing that he cant drive after all think of the money he would have saved not buying petrol and imo riding a bike everywhere would be so much better for you both fitness and experience wise. Props to him for actually getting outside and doing physical activity rather than sitting on the couch watching tv like most fat people. but yeah he would have a lot of freedom for 1 he doesn't answer to nobody being his own boss he can work when and were he wants which not many people have the privilege to do, he probably spends an hour or 2 making videos each day and that's it he has the rest of the day to do what he wants. With all that being said there is no need to be negative and hate after all his only trying to help people especially in this vid, its easy to hate on somebody after all no one is perfect so just think about what you said.
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