What Happens When You Go to Vote in New Jersey: A Step-by-Step Guide
What happens when you go o vote in New Jersey? Many people who have never voted are unsure of the process. We look at the mechanics of voting in the ...
To Avoid Gun Control Loss, NJ Dems Halt Vote in Progress - Video @ 1 min.
When the Democrat Chairman of the NJ Law and Public Safety committee realizes the Gun control bill will not pass, he cancels the vote.
So at the end of the day you have two wars going on. 1) Is a race war,
which black people are NOT in a position to fight (which is exactly how
white supremacy wants it) - DEPENDENT BLACK PEOPLE (e.g. the Democrats) -
while the Republicans preach "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY" but do NOTHING to
create doors and opportunities for those they CLAIM they want to see OFF of
welfare. (LIVABLE WAGES) - it's DOUBLE TALK 2)THE CLASS WAR - which is
waged against the white middle class THEY JUST DON'T KNOW IT
Never be deceived into thinking this Zionist regime that controls the
executive branches of our government along with our banking system and
mainstream media would ever allow us to vote away their power. Once this
regime is exposed and only then our votes will actually mean something.
This video is a perfect example, this gun control vote was heading in the
wrong direction, these politicians were merely following orders. No one
wants to lose their status or their place at the table SELLOUTS!!
That is NOT TRUE.... Equal designation of the amount of delegates per the %
that people voted for was not dishonest. I was there, I saw what happened.
Most people voted for Romney, and so they got the higher # of delegates.
Few voted for Ron Paul and so he got his percentage of delegates. You
people cried because you couldn't "take-over" the delegates like you wanted
to do, which WOULD have been the "dishonest" thing. Instead it was divided
equally. You're the one who should not be proud.
... that is the reason as to why you only see white men at republican
rallies. Personally, I think the whole thing is a divide and conquer
tactic. The name of the game is POWER, and race, religion, and gender and
nothing more than DISTRACTIONS - the powerful white elite don't give a crap
about the working class whites, they simply NEED THEM to be STEWARDS of
their power structure, and working class whites happily oblige like an
overseer because they have been PROMISED a secure POSITION.
Really? Which ones are decent?.The guy laughing after the vote was
squashed? I found that to be appalling. The fellow needed to stand up,
point his finger at that corrupt liberal Communist POS with legs, and say
this IS wrong, and demand that the chairman either continue the vote.... or
resign. That would have been the right thing to do when witnessing an
obvious,blatant injustice to the citizens of NJ. Disgraceful behavior by
everyone on that committee to allow this. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!
I don't think that will ever happen. People LOVE to be divided. People are
tribal and Capitalism doesn't even support EQUALITY. If everyone was
educated who would pump the gas or wash dishes? Are we suddenly going to
start paying those people LIVABLE WAGES? The reality is white people
"collectively" feel that if someone has to be at the bottom it SHOULD NEVER
disproportionately be them. I mean who wants to be at the bottom anyway.
Human beings are SELFISH - it's just that simple.
You being the EXCEPTION does NOT swallow the rule. The Republican party is
steeped in "OVERT" racism - Democrats are a bit more subtle. I don't
co-sign them either. White supremacy is white supremacy - which means
WHITES ALWAYS ON TOP or in the dominant position in ALL aspects of life.
Whites (as a group) are never going to do anything to jeopardize whats in
their COLLECTIVE best interest based on some MORAL or Christian principal.
That is what the Rep seek to PRESERVE - OVERTLY.
It was very clear that the Rep. leaders froze out (in violation of Rep.
rules) Paul supporters, even when those same Paul supporters signed oaths
to support Romney. I am not a Paul supporter, I am looking at this from a
neutral point of view. The Reps. shot themselves in the foot, plain and
simple. Right now Dems. still think think they'll be in control forever;
they are too stupid to see that the pendulum ALWAYS swings to both extremes
and stays in the middle the least.
War is coming. Buy what ever arms and ammo you can find.Organize,arm,equip
and train as a militia/team for mutual defense. Set up a 5/10 program in
your AO. Logistics. More is better. The shiesters and their meat puppets
are in motion. We will have to fight the prostitute mercenaries these panty
waists hire.(they always expect someone ELSE to fight FOR them) Train to
fight and fight to win.look at your enemy as nothing but a mobile resupply
pod. Good hunting. MGK/GDW!
Again, abortion is an individuals choice, that people, like you, are trying
to take away. A nation is not a singular being, it is a group of
individuals, so unless abortion was being forced upon many individuals, it
is not being forced upon the nation. I would also like to point out three
things 1. Obama is Christian 2. 83% of America is Christian 3. Fetus have
no higher brain function when they are aborted, they have no sense of self
As a republican who participated in the local and state level delegate
process.... I can say that The republicans are horribly insane when it come
to corruption just like this. I have not participated in the democratic
side of things but I'm sure they are just as corrupt. Don't give me this
baloney on repubs are better the the DEMs. They both suck and both of them
are basically the same on the core issues that screw over the average
An arguments merit does not become less relevant with repeated usage. It is
not a child, simple as that, Also, I am a Libertarian, so your accusations
of fascism are absurd. Attacking my character in attempt too undermine my
credibility is a pathetic strategy used by children, and politicians
Fascism An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government
and social organization. You are right wing buddy...
Those NJ scum are spitting on the graves of all the innocent, defenseless
children murdered in the Holocaust, and all the hundreds of millions
murdered in Genocide. See "Surrender your guns, surrender your FREEDOM!
(don't let history repeat again)" on youtube. A People, Willing To Trade
Away FREEDOM, for safety, Deserve Neither. And Will Lose Both. --------
Benjamin Franklin.
Well, let's see, you being a Ron Paul supporter, and me also having
participated in the local/state delegate process, I can see why "you" would
think Republican are corrupt, because you guys weren't the majority, and
thus you couldn't dominate the delegates, you people cry'ed and were poor
losers state after state. We all saw your behavior, childish sore losers.
Not true.... What you confuse as "both sides" is most often the Dem's
actually corrupting the process. Not that Republicans can't make mistakes
and be dumb, but demonizing both sides as being the same is intellectually
lazy and ignorant, being completely false. A good 95% of Republicans are
strong conservatives, trying their best against a vast Liberal Fascist
Hate to break it to you, I am Asatru, so I literally am a Pagan. My
heritage is rich with culture, and "civilization". You Christians destroyed
the culture of my ancestors, and wrote the history books to paint us as
filthy barbarians. It is her body, and none of your business what she does
with it. Keep your totalitarian desert religion out of our secular
Quit with the character attacks and read up on how this REPUBLIC actually
works because I hate to break it to you but this isn't a democracy...
EVERYONE saw what happened and EVERYONE got screwed because the RNC
chairmen have no fucking idea how the roberts rules of order works or in
most cases DELIBERATELY chose to ignore them to push out the MAJORITY of
I said abortion was forced on the nation, not on me. The problem is, those
who elect to have abortions are also making a life ending choice for
someone else, without taking their wishes into consideration. I'm quite
sure the innocent fetuses would choose life if given the choice, but as it
always is with pagan dictatorships, death is visited upon the innoocent.
I'm reading a book RIGHT NOW - that shows you just how deep the shit is
"THE UNSEEN HAND" - I suggest you read it. The name of the game is power,
and minorities were NEVER meant to be players in it. That the war of the
BIG DOGS. You can find the PDF on google. Its about 429 pages or so. As a
matter of fact - let me go finish reading chapter 4 right now.
I'm just reporting what I saw.... If you have a problem with YOUR
"character", then I would correct it, instead of blaming the rest of us.
You weren't the "majority". You were the minority, which is why you got few
delegates. Further, it IS a democracy in the actual election process. It's
only at the leadership process is it a republic. Get a clue.
Afro I as my family and friends are typical republicans in my house my wife
is Mexi-tex with Native blood both of my grandmothers were full blood
natives, I have 2 grand sons who are blck also grandchildren who are
Hispanic and Native plus 2 of my GS are gay so how are we racisit or
homophobic or any other left wing label?
What is the NJ legislature doing to correct a legacy of racism, that is
still law in NJ! I am referring to "may issue" for concealed carry it is
subjective, it is uneven, it is racist, it is wrong and can easily be
corrected with "shall issue", as that is the ONLY way ALL law abiding NJ
citizens will be treated equally.
"A small clump of cells"? Your language perfectly illustrates the contempt
the left harbors towards Human life. - but then murderers always dehumanize
their victims. I dare say the doctor at the abortuary who murders the
unborn is "sticking his nose into other's" business in an evil, invasive,
and terrible way.
I never claimed my religion was "the way to go". I have my beliefs, you
have yours, and that is fine. I don't seek to convert anyone, and I expect
that same respect. However, when I see Christians forcing religious views
on others, and using the bible as justification to control others, I get a
little upset.
So you pulled an ancient religion out of history and renamed yourselves,
then you proclaim that your "religion" is the way to go. Good for you. I'm
a Christian and I don't remember traveling back in time and messing with
the Pagans. I would say that no one alive today was involved in anything
way back then.
In the end neither side of the aisle are for the people,so our hope is a
unity of the people and removing both sides and reinstalling our republic
where there is one law for all men period.Removing all barriers from all.
Letting every man or women reach their best with true equal education
training etc
Well thing is there are minorities at republican rallies its just not shown
by the network media. I have spent the last few weeks on the dem part's
page and they care about being liberal not race creed, sex etc. Ever hear
of Kuuleme Stephens ? Alphonso Racheal ? Both black and republican and on YT
The hideous practice of infanticide, known as abortion was on the nation as
a whole by first dehumanizing the unborn and then coercing the courts into
inventing a "right to abortion". Fifty million is the death toll from this
horrendous practice, which the vast majority of Americans were against.
But this is NJ and it is FILLED with blatantly corrupt Democrats. They have
contempt and disdain for the rule of law, and prefer to prescribe their own
views on the people. I'm glad they screwed up because now they cannot
legally pass these pieces of legislation. They screwed themselves.
New Jersey to Vote on Override of Christie Gun Control Bill Veto
The New Jersey Senate will vote on Thursday whether to override Governor Chris Christie's veto of a bill that requires courts and law enforcement to exchange ...
New Jersey Becomes 4th State To Call For An Article V Convention
On February 23rd, 2015 the New Jersey general assembly made the final vote and passed SCR 132, a resolution calling for an Article V convention for the ...
Why does he assume that there is bribery and that money is buying politics?
It's just as possible that the politics gets the money, i.e. donors just
support the politicians that believe in their interests.
Contributions by the financial sector to Obama in 2008, acc. OpenSecrets.org:Goldman Sachs $1,034,615JPMorgan Chase & Co $847,895Citigroup Inc $755,057Morgan Stanley $528,182Contributions by the financial sector to McCain in 2008: Merrill Lynch $354,570JPMorgan Chase & Co $336,605Citigroup Inc $330,502Morgan Stanley $264,501Goldman Sachs $234,595Merrill Lynch surely also gave a 6-figure donation to Obama, but I couldn't find it. This is just one industry, but it is not unique, as fossil fuel industry, the health insurance industry, the telecommunications industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the defense industry and the agricultural industry records will attest. These corporations fund both sides so that they know they'll get their policies enacted. The average voter can also do this and make sure that he or she gets his/her policies enacted, just as long as the average voter has half a million dollars to spread around to the candidates. By the way, the banks recouped their investment in Obama by at least a factor of 78,000 to 1, and McCain is in the party that that wants to continue to deregulate Wall Street, so it's a safe bet that this was a good investment strategy for them also.
Why in that case do many companies give funding to both sides? Goldman Sachs, for one example, donated millions to Obama and McCain and Romney. It is a virtual certainty that they will donate millions to Hillary and to the Republican nominee in 2016. How would you explain this if the donors are just supporting the candidate whose position they most agree with?
I hate to be the downer here for all those happy about this, but it is kind
of important. We still need 30+- states to get phase 2 going, then there is
the actual amendment, finally a system to keep corporation from either
doing deals in secret or just flat out ignoring the amendment. Now is not
time to celebrate, but to push even harder.
We're allowed one day to celebrate a massive victory in a state with 9 million people in it. We're still gonna keep working after the appletinis wear off.
Before you start celebrating, don't forget there are those on the right,
including the extreme right that also want an Article 5 convention and to
push through very "unprogressive" ammendments. What will happen when the
two sides meet at the convention? Either complete gridlock or, sadly,
compromise. Compromise is what happens when neither side actually believes
in what they're fighting for and just gets tired of fighting.
Their convention will not be the same convention as Wolf-PAC's convention. Any topic that garners resolutions from 2/3 of the states mandates a convention, but these aren't counted together. Each convention addresses only the issue that the 2/3 of states calls. There have been over 700 state calls for conventions, but no single topic has reached the threshold. If Levin's "Convention of States" wants to get 34 states to call for their convention, or the Balanced Budget guys want to do the same, more power to them. Wolf-PAC won't be involved in those conventions.
Getting celebrities to get behind this would raise the popularity and get
it out there. If we were able to get several big name celebrities to back
it on Twitter and other social media a lot more people would hear about it.
The problem is not a lot of people know about this yet.