I actually just got strabismus surgery. (If that's how you say it) I got
surgery on Tuesday! I worked on 3 muscles in my left eye and 1 muscle on my
right eye! I am actually starting to open my left eye Blaise I have had it
closed for 4 days!
Missy, you look beautiful without makeup :)
Bryan, take an oatmeal bath. Everyone in my family has an allergy to a
different detergent so we had alot of trial and error hives growing up
haha, oatmeal baths help so much with itching and the swelling from the
+Canadian Family Vlog seriously? Oatmeal baths are actually not really common they are highly recommended by doctors lol. They were super common when chicken pox were common.
LOL, is this a prank, What would make your family try an oatmeal bath lol. "ok guys nothing seems to be working, lets think about it over a bowl of oatmeal...wait a second!"
I get hives from a condition called Cold Urticaria. I got it in my last
pregnancy with my son at 13 weeks pregnant. Broke out into hives when I
was outside in November and couldn't figure out why until everytime I got
cold from that point on I'd get hives. So I'm allergic to being cold.
Missy is a trooper. She barely complains about things, she doesnt even look
like she had surgery. I remember when she had the c-section she also did
great. I had one too and i was in so much pain during my recovery. Great
job missy! Cant wait for baby #2
Janet Jackson Plastic Surgery Before and After Full HD
Janet Jackson plastic surgery before and after pictures of nose job or rhinoplasty transformation. Do you think that Janet Jackson had a nose job? Find out Janet ...
This knew Janet Jackson that we have been seeing for the past 15 to 20
years is not, I repeat not the real Janet Jackson. The real Janet was more
than likely murdered in a blood sacrifice years ago because she and her
family sold their souls to Satan for fame and fortune. These are illuminati
clones that we have been seeing for many years that were put out there to
try an deceive us. If you would look closely at her younger pictures she's
much lighter than she is today and her facial structure has changed a lot.
They hope that you don't notice. They try to cover up the differences by
saying that she's had surgery or the picture was photo shopped. Do some
research on cloning in Hollywood and secret goverment cloning technology.
The truth is being revealed.
This knew Janet Jackson that we have been seeing for the past 15 to 20
years is not, I repeat not the real Janet Jackson. The real Janet was more
than likely murdered in a blood sacrifice years ago because she and her
family sold their souls to Satan for fame and fortune. These are illuminati
clones that we have been seeing for many years that were put out there to
try an deceive us. If you would look closely at her younger pictures she's
much lighter than she is today and her facial structure has changed a lot.
They hope that you don't notice. They try to cover up the differences by
saying that she's had surgery or the picture was photo shopped. Do some
research on cloning in Hollywood and secret goverment cloning technology.
The truth is being revealed.
of course she has had couple of plastics jobs, so why not!. Unfortunately
most black pp have big and wide noses, They are not very attractive, so if
you can fix it in these days why not doing it. I would do it too, if I had
big nose. Noone wants to look at ugly people. So if pp want to do it and
have money for it , let them do it.Good on you Janet
It must be so sad to have poor self-esteem. That you have to talk about others to try and make yourself feel better. To bad for you and others like you because black people are beautiful people. That's why people tan their skin to try and look like them, dress like them, try to rap and sing like them, and have babies by them just so they children can be beautiful. I could go on but I think you get the point.