Can someone tell me how to buy lps from eBay What do i need to Get them
What douse it take and informaition?cause i really dont like the new lps
and i only have 24 lps :(
I decided to make a weird video using the app "Crazy HeliumBooth." Yes, this is extremely random. And also yes, I did film this on my phone and not on my ...
Omg, Kinsey. You scared the TAIL outta me. For a second, I thought you cut
your mascot and did as custom on her. I was flipping out, but overall after
I watch the video, I was laughing SO HARD! Keep up the jokes and amazing
effort Kinsey! :D
oh my goodness Kinsey! this was so funny and entertaining to watch! I think
you should definitely do more videos like this in the future! :) and I'll
also check out that app you used to make this, it sounds like I could have
some fun with it haha! x♥
I decided to make a weird video using the app "Crazy HeliumBooth." Yes,
this is extremely random. And also yes, I did film this on my phone and not
on my camera I normally use for making videos. So that explains why the
screen is so small and the video is lower quality than usual. :) And by the
way, the next episode of LPS: Absolutely Perfect will be finished this week
and will be uploaded very very soon. Get excited!! ;)
This was probably filmed in an area where there weren't many whites people around, much less while people who wanted to do a rap song. Don't be rude, this was filmed awhile ago.
Jibbs stole this shit from a WWI song and a childrens song called "Do your
ears hang low" and in the WWI it was "Do your balls hang low" No respects