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Putin talks NSA, Syria, Iran, drones in exclusive RT interview (FULL VIDEO)

Vladimir Putin speaks to RT while visiting the channel in the capital. Various themes were discussed during the interview: Syria, Iran, data surveillance, drones ...

User Comments

Putin's comment about the US N-bombing of Japan I think is flawed. It was known that Japan was lost but it was also believed (and I think validly) that Japan would have fought tooth and nail to nearly the last man. The N-Bombing while regrettable probably saved more lives because it brought about an almost immediate capitulation. As to Stalin, I reckon him, Mussolini and Hitler were all of the same brush and would have used the N option as soon as it was available. Khrushchev I think wasn't much better, but other Russian leaders have been more moderate and I wouldn't tar them with the same brush.
+etmax1 What you think is just a myth: ForeignPolicy https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/30/the-bomb-didnt-beat-japan/
RT is Russia's favorite PROPAGANDA OUTLET, and b notice how alll the little flunkies line up and bow to PUTIN (esp. when he takes his shirt off verbally, beating the westrn democracy to death with his unjust words, WHO WAS IT [ask yourself] who FIRST INVADED little, defenceless Afghanistan and "breathed life" into nthe Frankenstein, Al-Qaeda, by robbing, raping and mistreating Muslims there. THAT ONE cost America TRILLIONS--and it still has not been entirely remediated. THANKS< U.S.S.R>--ou worlds biggest collection if murdering ASSHOLES, who like to kill and IMPRISON their own people--so they're all afraid to speak [just like the Germans under Hitler, ha-ha]. PUTIN is little more than a "wannabe Stalin"--he's just another magalomaniac with communist designs to enslave all of planet earth. [SHALOM].
+I Hate the Party LOL You are mentally unstable.
the first black leader for America and he turn a great nation to a clown nation hahaha
+Sacrilege83 Its all of them they are sucking each other after they fuck each other in the ass
+Tolo Tonga , To be fair Bush started it. And you can't do much when congress is Republican dominated.
What a great and intelligent leader, well versed in world politics of all ages, obama needs to take some notes.
+Do a barrel roll (The Hub of Randomness) No, he needs to stop being a faker. Taking notes would only mean he becomes a better liar. That's why I look at a person's character and motivations first. Someone with a rotten character who has no overwhelming incentive to change, when given advice, would only pervert it. I have no interest in feeding massive energy into bad people when there are plenty of good people who need the support.
16:20 i've literally, in all my 30 years watching western media, never ever, once, not a single time, heard anything positive, any positive sentence, about Iran. Putin is the first. Iran is ALWAYS wrapped in sentences regarding fear, danger and volatility. Nobody has ever mentioned it in regards to their culture or peoples own thoughts and feelings, outside of the government political issues. Nobody mentions the fact that they literally inhabit the cradle of human civilization. Granted it wasnt known as Iran then, but we as human beings should certainly be more respectful of that general area of the world, their culture and their thoughts. We shouldnt just immediately dismiss anything regarding Iran as a political tribal war status. There is so much more to it than just the politics of 1 single leader. There's an entire population of individual minds and hearts and thousands of years old culture. Fuck, Putin is the most god damn logical and reasonable leader i've seen. Scaremongers will always say "but what about if its an act to gain popularity, what about his alterior motives". To that i say, hate someone AFTER they commit atrocities. Not before. There's no reason to believe he is not being genuine.
+ganuv Have a look at America with regards to control with fear abuse of human rights before you open you mouth. America, spying on all it's citizens illegally. Police shooting people dead for minor offences that wouldn't constitute the death penalty if the case went to court. Over 2 million people locked up, mainly due to "the war on drugs" but really locked up to carry out work for massive corporations at slave labor rates. The Federal Reserve and the way it creates and manipulates currency to keep everyone poor and in debt so they have to work 80 hours a week just to survive and feed their children. It's not a normal life people are leading. Hollywood isn't real. That's before mentioning the perpetual war America creates, indiscriminately killing hundreds of thousands of people who are of NO threat to them. Tell me of Iran, such an evil country that is a threat to the world, when the last time they went to war to destroy little countries. You are obviously a Jew and have no empathy for anyone who isn't. Why not disrespect Israel when all they do is murder children and steal Palestinian land.
+Baleur you have not watched diverse enough.
+Baleur the literal cradle of human civilization was mosepotemia iseria and judea  way before persia conquered babilon! 2 ..there is nothing positive to say about modern iran when its leaders are fundamental mullas that rule over the ppl with force and fear , violation of human rights and intimidation domestically socially. its radical shia leaders keep calling for the distruction of a people that brought the birth of monotheism to western civilization , the concept in a belief of one god!  the jews that are considered as the ppl of the book keep being disrespected by the leaders of the nation of iran ...and you have the shame to talk about how great iran is!!  one of the problems of our time is fools like you that dont know history !  go study real history before making comments.

Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview | FULL MOVIE

Crossroads* won the 2013 Free Speech Award by American Insight: //americaninsight.org/ * Like Crossroads on Facebook ...

User Comments

This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. It NAILS the issue of what needs to change if we are to change this world for the better. The message it conveys is that if we are to create the world we want to see, then we have to change our viewpoint of the world and realize we are all connected to each other in more ways than we realize, and therefore we need to all start working for the benefit of each other and not for the demise of each other. But before we can do that, we need to expose and nuetralize a certain secret society...
+yyaniv Thanks. I will.
+KNOW HOPE check "the venus project":)
Yah, well, get ready for the smiling fascist takeover.
+Walter Alter It's already here...it's just that most people are blind to see it.
To be honest. The things portrayed in this movie are vital and all good. But then you enter the web site for those behind it wanting (at least up the road) $149 of you for 4 hours of something perhaps related to coaching – on a web page with absolutely nothing but a small introductory video, saying "a network of researchers and experts in multiple fields", then no names listed. Whatever happened to "less greed" & "sharing"? Oh right, it's targeted towards us who can "create change" and have pocket change willing to spend. And now the conspiracy angle: Peter Joseph founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, Ervin Laszlo, founder of the Club Of Budapest member of the Club of Rome? Where is the transparency in this thing? Call me something from "the old world", but this smells bad.
Actually I checked their site, because of what you wrote. What they're offering is completely FREE, it only states that the course is a "$149 value". It looks like it's a course on happiness and success, and from what I know about other such courses from guys like Shawn Achor, Tal Ben Shachar, and basically every other happiness teacher out there, the prices are up to $2000 for a single course! Personally I hope that the producers of this movie will eventually make money off their products instead of giving them away, so that they can come out with more products like Crossroads, because the world needs it, and the money to make such movies has to come from somewhere! and sizeable money that come from "donatations" almost always have strings attached, and those strings are tied to the OLD worldview! In any case, I don't think this movie is about suddenly operating artificially in a way that the world doesn't work, according to radical ideals, but rather it's about changing the way that world works through "education", meaning a change in global awareness.
Excelente, solo debemos comenzar a trabajar juntos para pasar esta etapa y llegar a ser hermosas mariposas. 
+Mary Renaud Para que ser hermosas? El hecho de ser una mariposa ya es un enorme logro, lo demás es vanidad individualista xD
We need to change the paradygme, change how people think and how our brains work and change the public discourse. Change comes in waves not just by how we vote but what society talks about and focuses on To a large extent that comes from the words we use and whatever seems most "urgent". The goal for me is to work towards a shift in how we talk together, what we talk about and focus on. Positive emotion is very powerful. Negative fear based emotion may win but the victories are temporary. People need connection and to hope people all want change because we know things are out of balance at the core of our beings. The power of positive focus is dynamic, it is viral, and so I choose to put my energies there. I choose to find and focus on shining a light on cooperation, working together, inventing and using solutions to help people in a way that others can see. To focus entirely on the problems feeds fear and that is what we see now. There is a great need for people to lead on focusing on solutions that empower and uplift humanity. I am volunteering to make my life about that mission. 
+Jake Mitchell Also, please make those e-books free for us poor folks
+Joe SegalI'll be sure to keep informed on your blog Joe! Bookmarked it :)) I would love to collaborate with you in the future! I don't know when I could, as one of my mentors has said digital marketing is simple, but not easy! I'm working on site building, ad compliance, and getting my vision that I'm going to use marketing for down to a T!One piece of advice I can give you so far from my marketing experience and standing on the shoulders of giants is that you could get a lot of interaction if you keep an email list with an opt-in form on your website! Then email people when you make a new blog(using an auto-responder like Aweber is a good way to do this, but you would have to put the opt-in form on your site with whatever software you are using currently: wordpress, wix, wysiwyg editor etc...) Also when you can, put together awesome information about helping people shift their viewpoint or take information from your blogs to compile into a digital product like a PDF or e-book! That would be really awesome and valuable and is a great way to supplement your income. It's also a fun way to interact with subscribers and be creative. Even if it's free it offers you the opportunity to interact and market to your subscribers and grow your vision! I wish you the best! -Jake
I'm happy you enjoyed my blog post and grateful you shared your thoughtful viewpoint about our current challenges and possible future. Please feel free to comment right on my blog if you like in the future. I'd love to hear about your digital marketing endeavors. Maybe we can collaborate on some  work together. Keep shining the light of your vision from the inside out!
+Joe Segal Yes, what you say makes complete sense!! I love your blog article. I agree 100% that schools need to educate kids to a point where they are self-actualized. The fact that we still teach and learn the way we do is so inefficient, it's a system hundreds of years old. . . My point was technology will help that as it has in the past. We live in the most peaceful time of humanity—literally, the statistics don't lie. I don't think that we will destroy resources, because right now I'm seeing technology predicted to over-rule the archaic way we gain energy. Also physicists are working on nano-tech based on the proteins in our DNA that can brake down any molecule and restructure it turning glass into gold or anything etc so resources won't be a problem if you can manifest some of the most genetically healthy and tasty food out of molecules in air, or energy from electromagnetic field. This overrides Maslows hierarchy of needs as access to basic resources, education, and energy will become abundant in the future. Back to original thought—yes there will be a shift in our world view! BUT you can't just shift consciousness for no freaking reason. People will be forced to shift either because we have leaders that step up or we've hit a critical point in society (for example: massive loss of jobs spurs revolutionary measures). People are way to comfortable just with what they know because it supports them. The system we are now structured on i.e. Jobs, education, politics, and everything in between promotes a disconnected world view that we are and have to compete against each other gaining resources for power, scarcity and survival; greed, fear, guilt, jealousy all stem from this world view . The corporate powers that were don't have control over everything nearly as much as they did. A new connected world view is gaining power in the scientific community as well as social communities and technology that promotes abundance. (see https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-connected-universe-film#/) Abundance means we don't have to go to jobs (in the sense that we do now. Just as after civilizations started the way people did their jobs and roles in the tribe shifted)...If we have the technology to sustain ourselves independently which is 50-100 years away, then we don't need to worry about survival on a resource based level (see Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs //timvandevall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.jpg ) ! Because corporations are breaking down and entrepreneurship is on the rise, power is also shifting more towards globalization and individuals. You might be correct about a negative disruption of technology because so many jobs are going to be non-existant, and we are currently training people for jobs that wont exist! BUT new industries are being created because we live in an expansive world of creation. The top fortune 500 companies are being disrupted on average of only 15 years (and it's decreasing). Remember Kodak? When I was born, 1996, Kodak was top of it's game. However, the digital camera made them obsolete overnight. (corporations are scared because technology is giving the power for individuals to undermine a complete company or industry. College-aged startups in their garages are destroying billion dollar industries and some of the most innovative fortune 500 companies agree as they all get private coaching from Peter Diamandis to disrupt themselves). It's projected that more than 40% of todays fortune 500 companies won't exist in 20 years and the ones to replace them haven't been conceived yet because digital and social advancements are creating multiple new industries every year! We can already see this now as industries are becoming demonetized and democratized at an alarming rate: The worlds biggest transportation company, Uber, has no cars; the world biggest hotel company, AirBnB owns no hotels, and the worlds biggest information company Google owns no books or papers, in fact the information is free! This is also an example of cooperation in society as people are in charge of making the hotels, creating the content, and acting as drivers. And on top of that new industries are being created like clockwork. Think of how many industries were created just from the internet and social media, apps, browsers, marketers, entertainers, youtubers, digital designers, software developers, the list goes on and on and on....30 years ago these were little or non-existant! And many 6 figure + devices got replaced by apps on our phones! We have an all in one music device, compass, calculator, GPS, soon to be doctor!, etc... it would have taken 6 figures for most of these things independently about 20 years ago. So, what you and most people don't filter into the equation is the DIGITAL ECONOMY (//onlinemoguls.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/SFM-chart001.png)! It's crazy that most people don't know the kind of jobs that are being created right now. This is all coming from a digital entrepreneur ( I just quit college to become a digital marketer because I learned skills that help me communicate online and use my creativity, knowledge, and passions as a source of income. I'm about to generate a yearly income that took my dad 8 years of medical school. My dad still a 6 figures of student debt at 50 years of age.) This is a new generation of younger more independent entrepreneurs and is only growing-with the power to solve problems, thanks to technology. Right now school doesn't teach these skills and is going to become obsolete. This is the "pandemic period" because what we thought was less important than spoon feeding information: independent thinking, creativity, curiosity, individualism in learning, and a more connected world view will be what it takes to mentor individuals for a successful career because as you said the frameworks for monotonous tasks, manufacturing, and other jobs will be taken over by automated robotics. So this shift is all going to take place and we are coming out with a more healthy relationship to the environment, with ourselves and each other, and with technology. This documentary is very true, but sets out with a pessimistic viewpoint on how society is going to be transitioned and what our problems are as well how the whole world is going to shit, when in fact most of the systems we need to transition are being cultivated today. The good guys are already out there, let's shed some light on them! There is a solution to every problem and that mindset is what will carry us to a better future (and has in the past, humans will work together to overcome something I can give you a million examples from the 9/11 plane that never made it because the passengers decided by democratic vote to try and crash the plane all the way to the skunk works project that developed the aerial technology we needed in WWII and the cold war) and every social or political movement has been an achievement of cooperation! Once we realize that the quality of life around us effects our own quality of life by shift from a mindset of scarcity to abundance (which technology will help bring in both a positive and disruptive way) then we can work together to the point where individuals live for fulfillment of integrity, happiness, camaraderie, and creativity in the most true way. Please watch https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-connected-universe-film#/story and be sure to watch the movie when it comes out. [I'm taking the course right now haha] Hope that explains a bit about how, I know it's a lot of information. I know there are a lot of new problems that our society is faced with because of rapid change, new social disorders even a change in brain structure because of porn addiction, social networks, negative affect of so much advertisements and music for our brains to not work properly, mobile devices, disconnectedness from all this addictedness to technology vs human interaction, overall disconnection from nature, natural resources, education, pollution of oceans, unnatural food sources , but as part of the current generation I can say with confidence I'm not the only one ready to lead the solutions for our generation and positively affect the next for a cycle of optimization that will just perpetually benefit our society! (I can probably count a pro or positive impact for everyone I counted above! and truly believe that we will come out of these problems with more positives than ever!) Thank you for amazing chat It made me really passionate to talk about these things :)
I rewrote this here //great-values.com/positive-focus/
+KNOW HOPE Thank you Hope! Be well. :)
+Joe Segal Well said Joe.
Jake peoples basic nature tends towards greed and our entire social system is setup to promote greed as success. That can't be fixed by technology my brother.  We need a shift in consciousness to embrace compassion and understanding of our interconnectedness. A new study shows 47% of American jobs vulnerable to automation. What corporations can do to increase shareholder profits in the short term they will do. Self driving cars will replace on the most prevalent forms of employment and nothing as usual is being done to find new employment for these people just like the millions of factory workers displaced by the globalization and technology advances in the past decade.How will technology bring about more compassion from mindless corporations?Or help people see that we are working for and buying things from the very corporations that act as predators destroying the fabric of nature itself and extracting our healthing working years as if it were a fossil fuel to be exploited?Please share how?Joe
Society is becoming more global and the hyperloop- a train being built is cheaper than building most railways and uses vaccum tubes to transport people at superspeeds. This advancement can be like teleporting and all boarders will be easily accessible! So even though it seems degrading where you are at now, It sure seems that way, but actually technology is the thing that will make most authority running today archaic and un-needed for our society to run. Now, any entrepreneur or researcher with a revolutionary idea doesn't have to put it in front of greedy businessmen in order to get funded, but can be crowdfunded. Crowdfunding will exceed more than 100 billion in donations by about 2020! In africa even small tribes have smartphones, and according to the work of brilliant physicist michio kaku, the silicon chip will become vastly cheaper! think just 20 years ago computers that couldn't compete with a cellphone costed millions of dollars and filled huge rooms. One piece of technology is called WATSON an artificial intelligence that is about to be outsourced online to any group or individual. For example when uploading all the medical data online into WATSON he was able to treat and diagnose people better than a team of 12 board certified doctors! And you can upload anything you want to WATSON be that political data, alternative medicine, spirituality, technology. It's limitless and free. In fact a company is about to come out with WATSON as a medical app for anyone in the world to have better medical advice (even third world countries) than has ever been available! Even current medical community can not keep up with the research and that is just one aspect of one device of one sector of technology. Technology overall has and will get cheaper, cleaner, and better yet just like the internet has allowed us to disclose huge amounts of information to anyone--completely democratic. A new app called Periscope is a live streaming app. Anyone celebrity, or not, can stream whatever they see to the world live. I was watching the bombing that happened in Bangkok a few weeks ago live hours before any news crew even could get people out there. That's disrupting media and journalism. No more bias news or coverups as our journalism and news will come from what is really happening around the world! On top of that Google and Facebook are in a race to create world-wide free and fast internet! Google is putting satellites on blimps powered by solar cells to gain free connection in any country! GREAT things are going to come because technology is shifting to give power to individuals and we wont need to rely on the authorities of today's world! I suggest you read the book "Abundance" by peter Diamandis it's so amazing and talks about how poverty will be destroyed in the next few decades and life on earth will become fulfilling and better! I'm a little sad you don't see the future as empowering, optimistic, and exciting as I do, but most don't because they don't know about the positive changes in the world and how big they are. Media feeds us negativity almost 24/7, it looks like a perpetual apocalypse!  Wish you much blessings and happiness -Jake
I am FAR less optimistic. Greed has it's grips around the throats of workers here and around the world and its more likely technology will be used to tighten that grip not let us go free.You speak with the optimism of someone with a job. I hope you're right.
+Joe Segal Amazing to find more people with the same belief! I want to empower humanity and create leaders that in turn create more leaders with the same desire to optimize our society, happiness, fulfillment, and balance! Wether or not we think it will affect us in a scary way, abundance is coming! New technology like 3D printing (an exponential technology like the internet) is about to become disruptive and then democratized into society. So, physical needs of fulfillment and sustainment will be fulfilled and people will realize with the power to manufacture cheaply their own house, computer, car, etc... that physical possessions don't equal purpose. The jobs in our country will radically shift as A.I. takes over monotonous workforces and humans are forced to make a career(/live life) out of thinks A.I. can't like creativity, self-expression, and innovative ideas! It's projected in the next few decades poverty won't exist because of democratizing technology. ALREADY we are able to do as individuals what only kings or powerful rulers could do just a century ago! We have access to so much information for free and tools and resources it is ridiculous! I believe that enlightened technology like the internet will help transition us to, as physicists would call, a type 1 global community where the power doesn't exist in a governmental system, but in the quality and integrity of individuals working together for the betterment of all! And old ways of getting energy will be replaced with ones that help both our race and the environment! The future is going to be a REALLY GREAT place!!! We are going to undergo a metamorphosis into a really beautiful and powerful society!
+Joe Segal u really should check "the venus project"
Thank you brothers and sisters!
Well done, Joe. Watch how the Creator will bless you if you volunteer to make your life about that mission.
thank you

The Kelly Family - Best Of Vol.2 (Full Video)

Ohne One more song. Ich weiß nicht wieso aber durch den Videoclip wird das komplette Video gesperrt. Als Grund wird ein Content der ARD angezeigt.

User Comments

Which song is 51:54? 
+Ghislaine Joymar By Myself But Not Alone

Why in the World are They Spraying? (Full Length w/ Foreign Language Subtitles)

ORDER A DVD COPY AT: //www.whyintheworldaretheyspraying.com/purchase-dvd People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is ...

User Comments

This GLOBAL campaign has costs in the billions of dollars. The composers are clearly enlisting disinformation shills to scribble discrediting gibberish on any forum attended by lucid folks with an earnest interest in educating themselves. (typically, the disinformation "specialists" are recruited after requesting directions to the scratch and sniff section at the library---always take a peek at their profile, they always lack substance, and usually have "liked" a religious video or multiple. Other times, they will simply spew denigration in hopes of eliciting confrontation, see this for what it is--a battle for your consciousness) Do not take any persons opinion as valid, it is unnecessary. Alternatively, simply monitor your sky, and notice the abundance of "geoengineering" materials being distributed by unmarked tankers! Exactly what do people see when they look at the sky these days? Anybody desirous of a satisfactory life-term should take note. Among other caustic substances, studies have concluded, that these "chemtrails" contain aluminum, strontium and barium--none of which we humans should inhale/eat/drink...and yet that is precisely what ALL of us are doing. Go to www.WeatherForSale.com and read the comments on the U.S, & International Petitions. Please sign the U.S. and/or the International Petitions found at www.WeatherForSale.com 
+shackhound yes your are correct , why are so many affraid to speak the truth? atr they already controlled , you know in there mind
Spraying is done for the benefit of everyone on Earth. You should thank those of us who are contracted to spray and stop the hate. Some day you will understand. Until then, I wish I could lay down some heavy spray over all of you. It's for your own good. Trust me.
David, you sound like the Government.  When it starts to hurt you and the ones you love, you might change your mind, but maybe not. 
Why should we trust you?
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