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What is NetMeeting? Beware of netmetting.exe

A trojan/worm IRCBot creates a malicious file named netmetting.exe. //comprolive.com/remove/worm/ircbot/netmetting-exe.

what is wuapi.exe, ws2helpXP.dll ?

Beware of a new undetected virus that creates files wuapi.exe, ws2helpXP.dll. These files have a similarity with legitimate windows system files.

User Comments

Very informative video! I am encountering issues caused by wuapi.ll. I always get the error notification that the file "wuapi.dll is not designed to run on windows". The problem started after I tried to download MS Office online. Thank you, dear. That was informative.

What is regsvc.exe? Beware of regsv.exe/ regserv.exe

regsvc.exe is a legitimate process, whereas regsv.exe/ regserv.exe are fake/malicious. //comprolive.com/remove/worm/ircbot/regsv-exe ...

User Comments

rgservs as well D:
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