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Wer sind hitlers erben Videos

Das Braune Erbe

Hitlers Nationalsozialismus verbrannte anscheinend hoffnungslos im 2. Weltkrieg, erwies sich als völlig untauglich für die Organisierung der menschlichen ...

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13 Millionen deutsche Menschen wurden nach 1945 aus den Ostgebieten vertrieben. Meist Frauen,Kinder,Greise. -Jeder 5 starb durch Mord,Hunger oder Kälte. Befreier morden nicht, Befreier rauben nicht, Befreier plündern nicht, Befreier vergewaltigen nicht, Befreier vertreiben die Menschen nicht aus ihrer angestammten Heimat !
dazu sage ich nur eins krieg bleibt immer gleich.

★Das Gauforum in Weimar - Hitlers monströses Erbe★ [D0KU]

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Tonqualität ist echt schlecht.

HighSociety - Hitlers Erben


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Das Erbe Hitlers #49 - LANDLORDS MINECRAFT [HD|DE]

Minecraft Landlords| Let's Play von und mit SibstLP Günstige Game-Keys gibts HIER!: //goo.gl/Q8BjQ ABO: //goo.gl/7n47N | TWITTER: ...

Dr. Mengeles Erben (Doku) Menschenexperimente im Kalten Krieg

Dr. Mengeles Erben (Doku) Menschenexperimente im Kalten Krieg GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch Die Erprobung von Giftstoffen für staatliche Mordaufträge ...

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Schade dass das Reich fiel. Es wäre so viel besser geworden.
Hiroshima, Nagasaki : USAHolodomor : UdSSRDokus wüsste ich jetzt keine ich lese hauptsächlich Geschichtsbücher.
hast du vieleicht ne doku die du mir weiterempfehlen kannst,wo ich genau weiss was du meinst.
Es wären mehr Menschen am Leben als wenn die Alliierten gewonnen hätten.
+Dr. Hackmaul was zum bespiel

Hitlers Erbe

Vorschau Das Gauforum in Weimar - Hitlers monströses Erbe


Deutschland du Land der Treue Oh du mein Heimatland Dir schwören wir aufs neue Treue mit Herz und Hand. Strahlend erstehest du wieder Herrlich nach ...

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You are actually asking me to learn the complete vocabulary of all langugaes? XD Well the post you are refering to was short. But I didn't say if I was talking about all languages or about German only. And since we are talking about Hitler here, it can be German only. I know the word Führer is used as a loanword in other languages, but it still is a loanword and therefore it has a correct spelling. Namly the German spelling which is Führer or if you can't write an Umlaut Fuehrer and not Fuhrer.
Ha ha !! You really should educate yourself pal !! Otto Frank, Anne Franks father was prosecuted by the US supreme court after admitting using a fictional writer( Meyer Levin) to showcase it as the diary of his daughter Anne Frank. Google: complete details of the case are available in case titled " Meyer V Otto Frank, file number 2241--1956 in the New York's clerks office". Or just Google: Anne Frank fraud -Western Voices World News. The disgusting Otto Frank attempted to gain out of his daugh
Mr Frank was involved with a financial fraud with three non--Jewish men during the war which drew the attentions of the Dutch police to investigate his shady dealings with the Dresdener bank, the largest bank in Germany at the time. He also attempted with some success, to hoodwink the various legal authorities that the diary was a genuine one using various tricks which led to some authorities claiming the diary was genuine.---read the document, it's long and exposes Otto Frank as a criminal
i've heard this along with the suspicion that Ann Frank had a genuine diary written by her but was of no consequence because it contained the syntax of a very young teenage girl with teenage interests. Whether true or not is hard to say without hard facts. Despite all your posturing why not impress me by finding if Otto Frank did appear before the New York supreme court in 1956 for fraud. Here's the link to start you off --Meyer V Otto Frank, file number 2241--1956, New York clerks office.
"After Anne Frank's death was confirmed in the summer of 1945, her diary and papers were given to Otto Frank by Miep Gies, who had rescued them from the ransacked hiding place. He left them unread for some time but eventually began transcribing them from Dutch for his relatives in Switzerland" So there, that's proof you're wrong, from Wikipedia. And I also found this. ""All the diary entries are written in various types of ink and (coloured) pencil, not in ballpoint." BTW, I'm NOT Jewish.
Otto Frank was charged with fraud by the US supreme court in 1956--he confessed that he masterminded a giant fraud by paying a ghost writer to pretend he was his daughter Ann Frank. The fraud was highlighted by the use of a Bic- Ball- point- pen which were unheard of in the 1940s--so Otto Frank was caught red handed as a fraudster. Listen pug-face, I make sure I'm right before I blow my Gob off. So I don't think Anne Franks diary is a fake---Read my lips you Zionist shit !! It's A FAKE !!!
I already commented on the message you are reffering to. Imentioned several times that I was talking about German, not my problem if you don't listen. And you were the one digging up all the etymology stuff, yet you didn't even know simple linguistic terms like "loanword". And the Duden (Nouns in German always start with a capital letter ^^) is a standard dictionary for the German language. I tried to discuss and be friendly and explain something. You're the one making a darma out of this.
The 21st Century is marked by a spectacular poverty of leadership around the world. True leadership and voice has been replaced by self serving cowards whose caution is admired more than true leadership. Hitler embodied true leadership as action, not position. He was gifted with charisma, a savage emotional power, and a message that ignited the souls of people seeping into their blood forever. Hitler's leadership demonstrated real humanity, vision, and above all, the immortal German will.
There ya go again, I asked you to prove that Otto Frank was never brought before the US supreme court for Fraud and you couldn't find that proof. Your the one with the big mouth so I expect you to try & prove me wrong. One more thing there are hundreds of links testifying to the legal case involving Levin V Otto Frank on the Google search engine, not one guy blogging as you falsely imply to fool other readers. You go and search the New York County Clerks Office records for cases in 1956.
Jewish history is characterized by tragedies, pogroms, exclusions and persecutions of every manner known to human civilization. Not a century passes without these downtrodden outcasts facing near oblivion at the hand of some merciless tyrant. They scored a bull"s eye with the holocaust because a pogrom was made into a religion, and there is the annual 5 billion holocaust industry to pay the traumatized victims, most of whom were never interned. Another tragedy looms in Putin's Russia ?
Why don't you accuse the sources of lying instead of accusing the antisemite Startraveler. All that dumb stuff you you talk makes you look as though you have the attention span of a ferret. You sound like a stupid school boy who can't debate properly. Anne Frank did exist and so do the holocaust deniers who say a ball point pen was used. Now you didn't know that, thicko. Your an embarrassment, go type into the YT box the words SIMPSONS that will take you to a place to match your brains.
Well, it might be used in the English langugae, but we are still talking about "High German" or at least I'm talking about it. And in that language (High German) the word Fuhrer is a spelling error. In morden High German it's either Führer or Fuehrer. Of course "der Führer" is used as a synonym for Hitler but it's actually a normal German word (used in Reiseführer, Führerschein etc). And therefore it could (imo) just be translated to "leader" even if people are talking about Hitler.
Anne Franks diary was written with a modern Bic- Ball- Point- Pen which didn't come into production until the mid--1950s. The original invention of the ball point pen was indeed invented in 1938, but you went wrong in assuming it was patented at that time. The pen was invented by the Biro brothers who filed for a patent in 1940. However, it wasn't patented until October 1945 and went on sale for the first time in New York. Therefore, Anne Frank could not have used a ball point pen.
The reason @SerjTankian didn't accuse my sources of lying is because he couldn't disprove them on a single one to one basis. I asked him to prove that Otto Frank was never hauled before the US supreme court on a fraud charge in 1956--and he couldn't--preferring to keep his mouth shut instead. Anyway you are right about him and his debating skills. I can't find any link or source pointing to Otto Frank asking Meyer Levin to edit out personal sexual comments in his daughters diary?
It's not attacking Jews, its about getting to the truth. You prove to me that Otto Frank wasn't hauled up for fraud by the supreme court in 1956, and I'll rest my case--hundreds of Google web--pages testify Otto Frank as a fraudster. Also, Frank was accused by a German court in 1980 of the same charge of fraud? The German court asked for the diary to be forensically examined to define whether it was or was not a fraud--they concluded it was a fraud written with a ball point pen.
Otto Frank was accused of fraud by the Federal criminal court of Germany in April 1980; unfortunately he died before being questioned ! The federal criminal court of Germany called in the services of( Bundeskrimnalant) equivalent to the FBI, to determine whether the diary was genuine or fake. The experts used ultraviolet illumination, microscopes, and graphology and concluded the diary a fake written with a ball point pen. The diary was in the same writing( not Anne Franks.
the jews also claim the egyptians were their oppressors, even though when the syrians invaded israel in 701 bc the first country they go and ask for help is the egyptians, if it had not been for the egyptians they would have been conquered. i wonder if the egyptians would have helped defeat the syrian army at eltekeh had they known what they were going to write about them later on. egyptians did not mistreat their prisoners, the reason many died was more due to the weather.
Stalin son of a Rothschild ? Why is it there are so many mysterious things about Jews? They seem to be steeped in mystic on every thing from race, religion, and of course the holocaust. Now I hear Stalin was the son of a rich Jew? Well I suppose the father would have been proud of Bolshevism and his son--he'd obviously keep a low profile because the millions of goy proletariat would've been upset to find out that Stalin had a rich capitalist father---makes complete sense.

Hitlers amerikanische Geschäftsfreunde (Doku)

Hitlers amerikanische Geschäftsfreunde (Doku) GERMAN Dokumentation Deutsch Die Filmautoren konzentrieren sich auf die Konzerne, die für Hitlers ...

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interessante Doku die zeigt, dass so einige amerikanische Unternehmen eine völlig eigene Politik verfolgten. Profitgier über Moral, daran wird sich wohl nie etwas ändern. Aber mit einer zionistischen Verschörung hat diese Unternehmenspolitik nun wirklich nichts zu tun.
+GTRPGeisterfahrer Wer hat denn deiner Meinung nach den zweiten Weltkrieg verursacht? Hast du mal in "Mein Kampf" reingeschaut? Hast du dir mal ein Geschichtsbuch oder ein Deutschbuch aus der der Nazizeit durchgelesen? Solltest du mal tun wenn du den Zeitgeist verstehen willst. Der konnte nur in den Krieg führen.
+Larrypint wie du meinst. Doch je tiefer ich Einblicke in die Vergangenheit und unsere Geschichte bekommen habe, umso mehr erweckt sich mir der Eindruck das es doch so ist. Besonders wenn es um die Frage geht, wer den 2. Weltkrieg verursacht und voran getrieben hat.
+GTRPGeisterfahrerdie rothschilds sind halt ne bankiersfamilie aus dem investmentbanking und davon gibt es dutzende. Der rechte Rand stürzt sich doch nur so darauf weil die Familie jüdische Wurzeln hat, passt halt super ins antisemitische Zerrbild,
+Larrypint wie schlau du bist, klassevielleicht solltest du dich mal über die Rothschilds und den Rest der Elite informieren, dann wirst du anders darüber denken.
whats the intro song? was ist der intro song mädels? irgendwer nen plan?
nein ab 0:20 die hintergrund musik .. 
+AmauryKosher From one extreme into the other.
yeah you right i missunderstand you sry ^^
Because the vast majority of the population in america are descended from germanic peoples.
+Lord of The Rings is overrated why?
You do realize that america is germanic, right? Lol
+AmauryPenseur thats right buddy
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