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Infarct in spleen Videos

Radiology Teaching on Splenic Infarct with Thrombus in the Left Ventricle

Radiology Teaching: IC Case on Splenic infarct with thrombus in the left ventricle by Dr Arjun Kalyanpur.

spleen infarct -congestion

Spleen infarction (History of truma.)

Ep.100 Traumatic renal infarction and splenic injury

วิดีโอ โดย : นายแพทย์สมประสงค์ ทองมีสี กลุ่มงานศัลยกรรม โรงพยาบาลชลบุร...

Shotgun Histology Spleen

Shotgun Histology Spleen.

User Comments

Where in the spleen can you find sheathed arteries? 
+bambi012333 red pulp
so what exactly is the red pulp on this slide? I thought i got it at first but then he said it was trabeculae so now im confused
+Timothy Wang and malphigian corpuscles include both the central artery and the surrounding lymphoid tissues yes?
+Rubin Joseph red pulp is in between the lymphatic sheaths, so everywhere besides the circles of white lymph tissue
+Majdi Alnassrallah u r my hero can we meet up pls
+Rubin Joseph there is no joking when it comes to the red pulp 
r u srs 
+Rubin Joseph young man, the red pulp is everywhere, you just have to believe
Hey, I noticed you said that reticular cells are found in all lymphatic organs however, I was under the impression this does not apply to the thymus? The thymus only has epithelioreticular cells and not reticular cells.
did you find out?

Brain Atrophy Recovery Pill for cerebral atrophy & dementia

Brain Atrophy Recovery Pill is pure herbal medicine that can enrich kidney and spleen, fortify brain and generate marrow, supplement the deficiency of kidney ...

User Comments

Hello can you please send me more information about the pills you offer?
+Anthony Ajavon I heard of that too. One was talking 25,000 for that. I'm searching for reasonable help. Thanks for replying bro! If I find something Promising I'll keep you posted. For now CBD Oil is being looked at
+Brian Williams I never got a reply, but I'm looking into Enbrel spinal injections. it's supposed to help.
Did you hear anything else on it Brah? Trying to check this product out for my Dad.
Did you hear anything else on it Brah? Trying to check this product out for my Dad.

Histopathology Spleen --Amyloidosis

Histopathology Spleen --Amyloidosis.

User Comments

be carefull velcade kill 1/3patients in the first injection for patients stage 3 heart involvement .My wife have amyloidosis al in the heart. Doctors want change her heart and stem cell transplant 8 months ago.We stop chemiotherapy after 3 cycles and take egcg in green tea, resveratrol, curcumin high dosage fish pil, and now his heart is new, her septum thickness decrease from 19 at 12 mm in 6 months. See this page, his the story from oncologist prof werner hunstein . We have make a facebook group. AMYLOIDOSIS INTERNATIONAL. //www.hunstein-egcg.de 
thank you very much for another find video, Ive been involved in my own amyloid removal a number of yrs. and have a searchable series on it if you are interested. there are pehaps a few dozen 'species' of the material. suggested by early reasearch at stanford, cultivating an immune reaction against the material. most of the varieties have a range of heavy odors connected, some though like fresh cut wood, currently smells like a grass fire (a body odor)
im sharing all the amyloidosis videos atm on my fb wall :)) great knowledge!!!!!
Is there a video with Hyalinosis vasorum lienis??? thank You :)
Thank u so much for sharing ur knowledge...keep rocking
would mercury poison have the same look?
not at all, wdc
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