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Chicago’s Best Chicken and Waffles: Daley’s Restaurant

Elliott Bambrough is in Woodlawn for some fried chicken and waffles (and a good spanking!).

User Comments

Where tf is TED!????
+The Chavinator LMAO NO HE DIDNT
+INternatiol Beethoven he died :(
+The Chavinator no 
You didn't hear?
Please that is nothing,in Australia I went to a restaurant and it was Belgian waffles with 2 large pieces of fried chicken with a maple bacon gravy syrup and roasted macadamia nuts (in your face Chicago)
+TUS175 The ultimate survivor You are missing out my friend. But I will say this. Chick Fil A is one of the few fast food places that is absolutely delicious HOT or COLD. So if you can get sum overnighted from somewhere you'll still be blown away.
+TUS175 The ultimate survivor You should see if you can franchise in Oz. Chik-fil-a is awesome, it can't help but win.
+Auto Young I have never had chick-fil-a :( Sad Australian life
+Tempest374 Once again not always. You can add too much and completely destroy a dish that was perfectly fine before the extras. More is just not always better. Look at Chik-Fil-A for example. Their most famous sandwich is chicken, two slices of pickle, and a bun; that's it.
+Auto Young but it helps
More isn't always better. Simple is delicious. Don't need all that extra nonsense to be flavorful.
hmm I can't imagine how waffles would go with fried chicken
+darksoul1381 its one of the weirdest but the best combination ever!
+darksoul1381 the taste must be good. if you like teriyyaki chicken then you will love this
Why? Try it. Do you eat bacon with syrup? It's literally like that but better cuz it's fried.

Does 'Capitalism Good, Communism Bad' Even Mean Anything?

Richard Wolff, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, and currently a visiting professor at the New School University in New York ...

User Comments

This is a classic example of tediously changing the topic to a useless conversation. It does not matter what terms someone uses to convey a message, so long as it conveys it properly. Capitalism is Free-Markets, Socialism is Controlled-Markets, it is perfectly reasonable and efficient to use those terms to describe which whether a program or development takes the country towards one or the other. Complaining about diction, or willfully misunderstanding what the opponent is saying, is a sign of capitulation is that debate.
+Naudious. "Capitalism is Free-Markets, Socialism is Controlled-Markets" sounds like a simple sound-bite and is not reality. In the US, we've ALWAYS had a hybrid of social and economic systems.
I don't think that's what lenin meant... I can't find any record of him saying this on the internet and there are no sources he gives to where he obtained the information but I'm going to assume it's true at least just for this. Lenin was strongly against private property and unless he planned to slowly win over the peasants, I doubt that this is his motive in the speech. It is likely however that he is referring to communal property in terms that would have been widely understood (since communism was very unknown). Expanding on this Wolff says when talking about Russia; "everybody's private property", meaning either that everyone owns an equal share of Russia which is theirs alone, it's like the first one but some people will get more than others or that Russia will be shared with everyone in Russia. In short I assert that Lenin didn't say what the professor says he did or that the professor took a different interpretation to what Lenin meant since it's extremely out of character for lenin and it's like he acted against everything he stood for...
Lenin gave away land to appease the peasants of the Soviet Union. This was a mistake because the people were still hungry and starving as the plots of land that were given away were very small and then there were the kulaks fucking up the grain market. Stalin introduced collectivism and the people were no longer starving. 
This person makes me sick Capitalism promotes inequality and profit means in this system less money for everyone else , then there is millions of people in poverty because of Capitalism. In a Capitalist system the rich are advantaged in every way to better them selves by eating better foods or even going to University.Moreover very little jobs are being made as cooperation's prefer do pay people as low as they can to maximise profits especially when they move all of their jobs to China, India etc. They can never be freedom until capitalism is gone as money restricts peoples freedoms for a free education, Health and to enjoy life. Remember capitalism has killed more than Hitler through lack of healthcare and wealth every rich person deserves to die.
+soundpigeon i agree thats why someone like me who was born premturely less than 40 weeks and was hooked on breathing Machines and a low body weigh back in 1993 is why i recved all kinds of Educational support in school and i have to take goverment money and other state benfits the only reason im not drit poor is cause i live with my parents my mom makes a living wage and my dad worked as a Tradesman for 40 years Captlism is the reason why people like me are stuck since we cant gain weath and forget all but self
Today in communist china a government official can have the police arrest you because he wants your wife for example. Millions of people in china just go missing, the government kills them for lots of reasons. A great book called "A death in the lucky hotel" By Pin Ho and Wenguang Haung. It is about the problems of a very high government official Bo Xilai and his wife killing a UK businessman. It tells the horror people of china in a police state of tyranny. Communism is of the devil.
Has George bush ever lied to the people? Or has Obama ever lied to  the people? Does the government spy on you? Have you seen a police state buildup? Did you notice a sign at the Bundy ranch fiasco that had a fenced area for any to express their God given rights? A free speech zone.If a people become so corrupt, and will not cherish those freedoms then tyrants take them, in every country, America has had tyrants for the last 20 years or more in office. The corruption is at an all time high. This government is going to go to war with any who want freedom. If you are such a coward, or believe that we have good and honest people that serve the citizens of this country, and would never do like they have in every communist country yet, then you deserve what you  get, me, I would drather die fighting with and for my God given rights against any evil that would be so selfish and evil to try to take them.
Psst that was the leaders fault, communism doesn't mean taking people it means equality, just because the person is corrupt doesn't mean the system is.

How To Make Good Thumbnails on Youtube Without Pho

Just a tutorial video on how to make thumbnails for youtube and some of the basic tools on sketchbook. This is a Mac tutorial. Ever wonder how Austin Anthony ...

User Comments

Good how to! I prefer using GIMP and Fotor. Simple and free lol
+Austin Anthony no problem man! Good content!
+Couch Jockey Gaming Yeah I've used those before and they're super helpful i just find sketchbook the easiest :p. Thank you soo much for watching! :D

Drift - Eat St. Season 4

Hit the streets of Edmonton, Alberta for gourmet sandwiches at the Drift truck such as a Vietnamese Pork Belly with pickled carrots and daikon radish and a ...
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