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Paris review nonfiction Videos

Rosy talks Non-Fiction Books

Rosy talks about three of the books that persuaded her that non-fiction books were actually kinda good, and asks for your opinion on non-fic. Tweet her ...

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I recently got into reading Memoirs and other non-fiction. Mainly on audiobook, as I really enjoy having the authors tell me their own stories, it feels somehow more personal.
+Rosy Yes, As you wish is high on my priority list! thanks :)
+1book1review I'm completely with you on this, particularly when it's the author themselves reading the audio version is just fantastic. 'Paris in Love' is a great example of this, Eloisa reading is such a wonderful thing to listen to! Another one I'd recommend is 'As You Wish' by Cary Elwes, with the audiobook also read by him - if you've ever seen and enjoyed The Princess Bride it is a must!

Patricia Hampl Reading

Patricia Hampl Reading Ms. Hampl's most recent books are the memoir The Florist's Daughter and another work of nonfiction, Blue Arabesque, both on many ...

The Mysteries of Paris Vol 1 Full Audiobook by Eugène SUE by Action & Adventure Fiction

SUBSCRIBE HERE //goo.gl/OJrTHf TO OUR CHANNEL. FRESH CONTENT UPLOADED DAILY. The Mysteries of Paris - Volume 1 Eugène SUE (1804 ...

The Truth About 'Free-Range' Eggs - Jonathan Safran Foer

Complete video at: //fora.tv/2009/12/01/Jonathan_Safran_Foer_Eating_Animals Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Eating Animals, claims agribusiness is ...

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His makes some good points and offers verifyable facts I could check. His main complaint seems to be against marketing and advertising. "They are lies." Well, duh! All advertising is a lie and some would say, technically pornography, as it makes us want what we see. The last bit is confusing and contradictory. A synagogue is "the perfect place to talk about it because there are religious values behind it." Then he says "Religion is not neccessary," to a rooom full of rabbis and the faithful.
@dar482 - I was not debating you, nor am I debating you now, nor will I ever be debating you in the future. Thus it is inaccurate to claim I repeated any questions to you. I am no longer asking you any questions at all. At one point I was interested in better understanding your point of view, and learning why you had so utterly failed to understand anything the speaker in this video said. Now I am no longer interested in any of your ideas. I do, however, sincerely wish you good luck in life.
Second what naliuj said on the subject. What's intrinsically wrong with killing an animal then? You end a life - so what? Animals have been killing other animals for millions of years. By being at 'the top' some of us get arrogant and feel we should save everything. When you start preaching to the rest of the animal kingdom to switch to vegetarian diets, I'll consider this argument a bit more Sure, it's not nice that an animal dies so that we can feed, but that's just 'the sympathy factor'
Me and my family have raised chickens for years, they used to have an indoor pen and outdoor pen and come the cold times of year wud stop laying, now my dad has decided to let them out of their pens and allow them to roam free around our garden which is huge, and our chickens are 6-7 years old and are healthy and happy and the eggs they produce are devine, we get so many ppl in our village asking for their eggs and i for one will never eat eggs that are brought from the supermarket
Actually, I DO think that the number of neurons is important. Killing a chimp is different from killing a chicken or a gnat or a carrot. You may kill a chicken (as long as you own it or have permission of the owner to do so) as long as you do not cause it unnecessary pain when doing so. But chimps should only be killed during euthanasia, when the chimp is dying of a painful malady. But there should be no penalty for torturing a carrot. And a chimp has higher value than a gnat.
@scottyinmesquite Check out human physiology some time, we are 100% herbivorous. Also check out human instincts. Take your children to a slaughter house and tell them that its "natural" to kill and eat animals. Feed your children the fresh meat right from the cow and tell them that its "natural". Pff, nuff said. This is why slaughter houses don't have windows or guided tours. This is why we take our children to petting zoos instead, so they can love animals, not kill them.
@64allybaby Go home, you aren't trying to help anyone or anything. Amino acids are found in all plants, and are best found in fruits and vegetables. Protein, on the other hand, must be broken down into amino acids first. Lets say you wanted to build a house. You would order materials (amino acids), not a house (proteins). Once it hits you that you have been lied to all your life and big business isn't out to keep us healthy, you will see life in a new light.
Healthy Family Farms? More like UnHealthy Factory Farms. I've already told you countless times that UnHealthy Factory Farms was caught buying non-organic factory-farmed eggs from Nichols Eggs and then repackaging them as "organic" and "cage-free". They were also caught doing the same with factory-farmed chicken meat and factory-farmed pork. UnHealthy Factory Farms needs to be investigated by not only the FDA, but also the FTC for criminal deceptive labeling.
We're in the rare position in which we can choose to not eat meat. If an animal wants to live, we don't have the right to take its life for our own pleasure. Other animals either cannot live without meat or (in the case of them all) cannot comprehend ethics. Our incredibly high degree of intelligence may lead us to become arrogant on the other side of the dialectic. Just because you're conscious, does that give you a license to kill? I don't think so
@billybobby800 @billybobby800. When did I ever say I was vegetarian, or that I had a problem with eating meat? boogiebuddy01 said we "need meat what are the alternatives" I'm saying there are millions of people that have proven by their way of life that there is an alternative. Most vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters. So what does that tell you? The desire for high fat, salty, sugary foods is the remnants of the needs of our ancestors.
You're either looney tunes or some fed provocateur...or David Martosko posing as an "animal rights activist" and provocateuring against HSUS supporters such as CDL and myself. CDL and myself don't share the same dietary lifestyle (but I am transitioning into vegetarianism), but we share a mutual support for HSUS. The sooner pig gestation crates and battery cages and CAFOs are totally eliminated, the better. Gunpoint, eh? Scram, Poindexter.
"Free-Range: there are no standards in "free-range" egg production. Typically, free-range hens are uncaged inside warehouses and have some degree of outdoor access, but there are no requirements for the amount, duration or quality of outdoor access. There are no restrictions regarding what the birds can be fed. Beak cutting and forced molting through starvation are permitted." HSUS makes this explicitly clear on their website. Period.
Yes, obviously companies are doing those ridiculous things... Are you saying that these foods are directly poisonous? I really do not think that our food situation is that poor. Maybe some foods are not nutritious or healthy if eaten in excess. Nothing excess in life is a good thing. I also think that the speaker's view is definitely pontificating. There is no "wrong" is eating meat or McDonald's. Just understand what you are doing.
Rights are a man-made concept and differ from country to country. Again, how can we tell that animals want to live. And do we just ignore the deaths those animals who 'wanted' to live, simply because r?? Seems slightly hypocritical. We presume they have no understanding of ethics, but we can't know for sure. Again, being in this rare position doesn't necessarily mean it should eventuate in a change in our behaviour.
If you try to kill an animal, it will resist. It's quite simple to see that death is not peasant for any animal. Rights are man made, but what is your point? I think that given the fact that we have the choice to not eat meat and that we can empathise, it is unethical to eat animals. "And do we just ignore the deaths those animals who 'wanted' to live, simply because r??" I don't know what you meant by this
Egg Carton Labels: A brief guide to labels and animal welfare HSUS "The vast number of consumer labels affixed to egg cartons can leave a shopper feeling dazed and confused. One carton may label its eggs "Natural." Another carton may call them "Free Range," while yet another may claim its eggs are "Certified Organic." How are thoughtful consumers supposed to know what these labels and claims really mean?"
@StephenKuma I think Mr. Foer is trying to bring attention to "Factory Farming" not necessarily vegetarianism. Factory farming is butchering and eating mass produced, purpose bred livestock. I think we should apply rules to ourselves to limit the damage of our abundant power over other animals and nature; if for no other reason then to protect us from the unintended consequences of our actions.

Student Faculty Reading Series: Road Trip - Get Me Outta Here, Part I

March 25, 2011 at Skylight Books. Amy Gerstler is a writer of poetry, nonfiction and journalism. Her book Dearest Creature (Penguin 2009) was named a New ...

Touché Amoré - Non Fiction | Live at The Handlebar | Pensacola, FL

Recorded on 3/10/14. Please don't comment on the crowd, I don't give a shit.

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Every moment can't remain and every life won't stay the same. With time comes a layer of rust and our bones will turn to dust. Everyone will fall away and every season is built on change. With time the paint will peel and all sense will lose it's feel. Every cloth will start to fray and every night will become day. With time a mold will form and what's cold can become warm. Every love can't always stay and the dead will soon decay. With time we'll all be gone but how you lived can live on.
brilliant words
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