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Philip Davies MP VS Feminist Labour Jess Phillips MP On Equality Become A Patron - Donations: . Note added 14.11.15: Jess Phillips was a particularly worthy ...

FJM's Smart Man's Guide To Rejecting A Prostitute, Lesson 3: Do Hookers REALLY Love Johns?

Too many men have it in their heads that prostitutes have a genuine love for the men they patronize for their hard-earned cash in exchange for meaningless, ...

User Comments

TEMP:' "[I]f a couple agrees to not let others see their naked bodies, and someone breaks that rule, it doesn't really matter if they were not technically promiscuous, does it? It's cheating by their standards, so the betrayal is still there.">> (cont.) Furthermore, if there is NO INTIMATE ACTIVITY between the couple whatsoever AND they are putting "rules" on each other while doing so, then there is NO BETRAYAL, NO CHEATING, NO LOVE and CERTAINLY NO RELATIONSHIP for either of them! (LOL) -FJ
@FinalJusticeMovement I aslo watched the other videos, I really like it you put out quality videos! I apprecaite your channel and videos ebcuase I see you as trying to form a bridge between the gap, verses certain MRAs who are just making that gap wider. I don't agree that prostiute all dont care about men (lol) but I think its a graet ans positive step that you encourage men to learn how to engage and charm women for real relationships! it was always my theory that the issues most mra's have to
TEMP: "Ok, so it's only the entirity of all FEMALE sex workers that we feel we can speak for. Gotcha, my apologies.">> Don't twist my words. I clearly pointed you to the fact that SHELLEY LUBBEN was speaking PARTICULARLY of the women in the sex industry, and since they are the FOCUS of this video and our series -- not to mention that the vast majority of all sex workers ARE UNDOUBTEDLY FEMALE -- you should expect a strict consistency on our behalf to the topic and the points made within. -FJ
TEMP: "[T]here are many married couples who are not sex workers who are swingers, or engage in threesomes, etc Do they not love each other?">> Married or devoted couples DO NOT NEED outside sources be they human or mechanical) to fulfill their respective sexual desires if they TRULY love each other -- no matter HOW HIGH their sex drives are. Sex is a BOND that never leaves a person's mental history. Too many SEXUAL bonds can alter an individual's perception of LOVE, so the answer is no. -FJ
First of all, Ross, welcome back. Indeed, I have missed you and I hope all is well with you. Now, as far as your comment is concerned, your concern is one that a lot of people, both male and female, MRA and non-MRA alike, have addressed to us in one form or another. Some of them are genuinely concerned while others use it as a smarmy reverse-psychology guilt-trip tactic. Our position is strictly to dispense the truth and expose the social destruction of radical feminism and backlash it. --FJ
In case you HAVEN'T READ OUR DISCLAIMER, Pauline (which it is quite obvious you haven't), I suggest you do so before drilling that foot further up your excrementary orifice than you JUST managed to do. The fact of the matter is that whether or not Shelley is full of crap or not (which in many cases, she is, especially since she's no better than a radical feminist), what she said IN THE CLIP WE USED was 100% true. Is she a liar TO YOU because she ADMITTED what NO active sex worker will? --FJ
@MissTemperence Only those traditional cultures that are closer to the stone age than those that ordinarily don't do you see women routinely going around topless. True, you tend to see that kind of thing on the French and German Rivieras, but you don't see them doing that on the streets of Paris or Berlin, or anywhere else, do you? And, I said that one debauchery leads to others. Permissiveness leads to other behaviors. Not all nudists are swingers, but many swingers started out as nudists
@FinalJusticeMovement 1. Meaning? 2. Fair enough. 3. I should have said "aren't always" mutually inclusive. but I disagree with your stance that sex is ALWAYS better with some one who loves you, etc. Always? Someone can love all they want, but if you suck at something, you just suck. Love and sexual prowess don't always go hand in hand. This I know for a fact, unfortunately. Just because my wife loves me doesn't mean she cooks better than the chef downtown who only wants my money. Laters.
@MissTemperence No it isn't. That is considered Liberty, and Liberty is not the same as Freedom. Liberty in and of itself has no purpose. It bears nor seeks responsibility for what it does, and denies any adverse influence it may have on society at large. And on the contrary, I have lots of evidence to support the fact that when citizens begin to absolve their personal responsibilities, as the Spartans did toward their own society, they always fall well before the enemy is at the gates.
@MissTemperence No, it's not a vague concept. Freedom has a definition, but we've forgotten what it means. YOU simply do not like it. Because that means you've got to grow up. Not intending to be insulting, but Growing up means taking on responsibilities, to take the time to do things that would otherwise keep you from the pleasures you enjoy. It means fighting, and dying if necessary, so that the nation you live in survives. It means giving birth to children and raising a family. cont.
I dont think this woman is telling the full truth. I think she is speaking what she personally feels by men. Listening to your videos... I can concur and agree that feminism did damage in terms of gender relations with others, it left a lot of men (and women) angry and confused on how to get thier needs met with the opposite sex. I have been perusing through pages of some MRA's and feel sad to report that tehre are MRA's making the same mistakes as the rad-fems did. I worry about this.
TEMP:' "[I]f a couple agrees to not let others see their naked bodies, and someone breaks that rule, it doesn't really matter if they were not technically promiscuous, does it? It's cheating by their standards, so the betrayal is still there....">> WHAT??? Where did THAT come from? Well, first off, if a couple (outside of those who live according to the laws of Orthodox Judaism) don't allow each other to merely see each other nude, the relationship is in trouble already! (TBC) --FJ
@MissTemperence Cont...Would you take children to a nude beach? Do you have a problem with your children seeing you naked? Are you willing to expose them to others who go to such places, even if they might be a bit more sexually expressive than you are? Are you going to make them get naked as well? Now, as far as I'm aware, they don't allow children at such places, but I could be wrong. If this is the case, would you be willing to allow children there, and be naked with everyone else?
TEMP: "Is it promiscuity for a sex worker who dances nude on stage? Or does phone sex? Some would say yes, others no.">> Obviously not. However (as indicated by my previous comment), this doesn't mean that the potential for promiscuous behavior doesn't exist. Nude dancing (not including burlesque) and phone sex (where there is no physical contact) are NOT acts of intercourse. However, if the dancer or phone sex operator keeps contact with a # of clients, promiscuity is possible. --FJ
@MissTemperence Persia is another great example, so is Rome, Britain, and lots of others. Persia is particularly instructive. Based on a strange caste structure, the almost 400,000 soldiers that faced Alexander's 44,000 Macedonian Hoplites at the Battle of Gaugamela were totally uninterested in winning the battle. They were untrained (at a time when men were expected on some level to see to their own training), and when they faced actual trained fighting men, they lost spectacularly.
@MissTemperence Not at all, but at the same time you don't promote such things. The point of having a free society is that we, the people, are the rulers of ourselves within a community. One of the things that is sorely lacking is that most people in this nation do not understand what Freedom is. It's not the right to go about naked in public, to fornicate with whomever you choose, to get drunk and stoned, etc. Sure, you can do that, but if left unchecked by a society that....cont...
FJM: "what she said IN THE CLIP WE USED was 100% true." TEMP: "Does this include the sex workers that are men?">> If you were paying attention, you'd have noticed that Lubben specifically was talking about FEMALE sex workers. TEMP: "What about sex workers who've married someone they met on the job? Do they hate him?">> The primary requirement of a sex worker is DEFAULT PROMISCUITY, and as such, honor or TRUE LOVE in a relationship involving one or two sex workers cannot exist. --FJ
Semantically speaking, you're correct, Temp. But, in essence, you know exactly what the basic message of our title ensues. Communication and solicitation of ANY nature is a two-way street. Sex workers prey on potential customers just as much as the other way around. Don't forget -- it's the HOOKER that needs the money. The man who feels the need for sex DOES NOT have to PAY for a fantasy experience he can have from someone who will appreciate him for his wit or his personality. --FJ
@MissTemperence Nonsense. Absolute nonsense. You said that you don't have a problem with nudism on the whole, that you didn't see it as anyway degrading. If that's the case, then by rights you shouldn't have any problem being naked anywhere for any reason. But by virtue of the FACT THAT YOU DO means that you are not only a hypocrite, but a moron!!! You're trying to justify what you do, and paint the rest of us as being intolerant bigots. But perhaps you might want to reexamine that.
@MissTemperence Can you see that if you weren't raised under that influence that perhaps you might not be as comfortable as you are now? The point is that what you do matters. What you do may have repercussions you do not immediately see or are affected by directly. Would you imagine that one thing could lead to others? So you haven't encountered sexual expression where you are at, today, but things do change. And where that change leads is often based on what is permissible today.
@MissTemperence cont...but, little by little the look of the country changes by the evils we tolerate. Take Sparta. When they conquered Athens in the Pellopennesian War they had a strong code of ethics that eschewed the pleasures of the world in order to build the character of the individual Spartan, with the result they had the world's greatest fighting force at that time. But the permissive ways of Athenian culture got the better of the Spartans, until they, too, were conquered.
@FinalJusticeMovement No, she's a liar to me because she claims to have been forced into porn when she clearly wasn't and because she pretends she's in recovery when she's actually still a drunken pill-popper. And no, what she said in your clip was NOT "100% true" - she claims to speak for all sex workers when she herself is the shittiest of the shitty examples of such. Most of the female porn performers I've met and heard from don't hate men at all. I stand by my original remarks.
2) In "The Smart Man's Guide", we START OFF by speaking about the TRADITIONAL ILLEGAL prostitute", but we are WELL AWARE of the LEGAL prostitute and WE WILL cover such aspects in due time. 3) Love, respect, and great sex actually ARE mutually inclusive, especially if you DESIRE it to be so. Sex is ALWAYS better with MUTUALLY loving, respectful, and (most importantly) COMPATIBLE couples. Other than that, PAID sex is is NOT guaranteed to be GREAT sex either. (TBC) --The Final Justice
@MissTemperence I can list dozens of other civilizations. France is a spectacular example. There was a time when France had a real empire. They sought excellence but they thought they could channel the baser proclivities of their citizens scientifically and methodologically. Then World War I happens, which devastates France so much that the population resorts to a huge gimmick (the Maginot Line) rather than hard work and responsibility to defend themselves against another attack.
TEMP: "It would depend on how you define promiscuity.">> Promiscuity is DEFINED as one who engages in sexual intercourse with numerous partners (polygamous) or one who is not sexually monogamous. TEMP: "Is it promiscuity for a sex worker who dances nude on stage?">> I see what you're getting at, and I acknowledge the mistake in my last reply to you. I was specifically speaking of prostitutes, porn performers, and a PORTION of exotic dancers who double as prostitutes. (TBC) --FJ
@MissTemperence But that is my point. Freedom IS NOT the right to do what you please. And why? Because we place limits on that kind of license. And why? Because of Purpose. We place penalties on you should, by the actions you take, and the words you say, incite a riot or a panic where people or property get hurt. That is NOT FREEDOM. Because Freedom must have a Purpose. The purpose of the Freedom of Speech is the transmission of knowledge and Truth, not lies and vulgarity.
You do realize that Shelley Lubben is a complete and total liar and addict in denial whose anti-sex-work crusade has been completely discredited not only by people still active in the porn industry but by women she's claimed to have "saved" as well, right? She is telling you exactly what you want to hear, skillfully whoring out her new "viewpoint" in exactly the same manner which she once used to sell her body in porn flicks. She's full of shit and apparently so are you.
As slippy as Lubben can be at time in her mission, there are two things you must consider: 1) A broken clock is correct twice a day.. 2) NOT ALL, but MUCH of what she says about the adult industry IS INDEED TRUE. And I know for a FACT that most female sex workers hate men. (Why do you think the vast majority of porn "actresses" are bisexual?) Say what you will about Lubben, but there's no way you can dispute the truth of what she said in THIS video. --The Final Justice

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