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Haifa israel crime Videos

Christians in Israel face rise in hate crimes

Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Christians in Israel face an escalation of attacks by religious ...

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What the hell?Christian in Israel is the most safest place for them to live and practice christianity,rather than christian in muslim middle east country christian are been bullied.
+Daughter of Jerusalem yes of course,muslim are the most imbecile human around the world.
You are 100% right.Syria was a Christian nation, occupied by Islamic Jihadis in the seventh century.Now only 4% of Syria's population are still ChristianIslamic State has been destroying Christian churches that date all the way back to the First Century!Christian men have been beheaded and young Christian and Yazidi women have been sold into sex slavery.But Al Jazeera is run by Muslims so of course they choose to criticize Israel instead, the one democracy in the Middle East where there is Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech.
One day the jews will scream out, begging the Christians for some help, when the mooslims finally get the upper hand. Halp me Foor-est. Halp me Foor-est.
+John Lake hehe you think jews are that stupid.? If you want to beat your opponent, lead them. This has always been the motto of Jews. Crypto jews have always posed as christian and muslim leaders and divided Christianity and Islam
Well they already ask alot of financial help from the christians in america
u bastard muslims saved you from israeli holocaust
+Botmun Biyundso now plz tell me why muslims sided with hitler, what reason would that be? So now million of Jews just diapered over night without a trace is that it? Just try telling the survivors of holocaust that it didn’t happen that their families weren’t murdered by the Nazis   
+hannahr77 Holocaust never happend muslims sided with Hitler for a reason
+Addy Joe yeah and that's why the muslims sided with hitler some hepl that was
Oh man, mean graffiti D: Meanwhile, in Islamic countries, Christians get murdered, raped, and forcibly converted daily.
which country?
+rami maghaida I didn't say all Islamic countries. Jordan has excellent rights for all of it's people, it has friendly relations with Israel and Egypt, and it's been to war with many Islamic countries, such as Syria (1970), Palestine (1970), Houthi Yemen (2009), and Libya (2011).
What about Jordan no war there it's quite nice Beautiful just saying I'm American I never been there I like to there and one more thing barely any crime there

Minimal Criminal @Nature in the City - Haifa

All hail the mountain king.

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pode fazer festa ate na frente da igreja, sempre vai ter um louco por perto hahaha alias, qual o nome do som?

Israel crimes in lebanon 2006

Israel crimes during the war of July 2006 pretending the liberation of the 2 kidnapped israeli soldiers, lebanon was destructed & thousands are died and the ...

User Comments

@ElectricAnimation It tells us that massive annual aid from the US allows Israel the assurance of overwhelming military superiority. Also, however, this allows Israel to act with impunity because of such US support. Over 1,000 unarmed civilians lost their lives in Lebanon because a couple of Israeli soldiers were snatched by Hezbollah. Please explain to the families of those who perished why their loved ones had to die. Tell me why cluster bombs were dropped in the last 72 hours of the conflict.
why would we want to invade beyrout, the land we want is palestine. you are just showing your knowledge of other relegons is very poor, you think this is over religion, you keep repeating your nonsence, you have no problem with us but with syrians. think befor you post nonsense, and it is markava not mirkava, and only israel makes them so you talk none sense again. and what do you make in lebenon, computers, armement, or what? opps i forgot you are still hang up on power sharing with hezbullah.
hehehe funny how its the american hill billy scum bag who speaks in such free spoken language. youa americans are crazy stupid unagecated fools who diserve as whooping for even existing. you built your country based on ethnical araze, you are all european who slaghterd woman and children to become american, i can eaven garante that you are proud of that becouse that is what makes you american, stuoid and easy to fool, the zionests are playing with you people and you love them. hehehehehehehe
Israel is become like a football between Christian world and Muslim world before 50 years Christian kicked out them in Muslims world and now Muslims world trying back them to kick out in Christian world. It's a part of permanent punishment to the Israel people by god who always killed inn once messenger, and play with the book of god and create hate among nation and create war in the land of god and hid them self Behind the super power but how many days now even USA people knowing u r truth
@ElectricAnimation The Palestine issue will NEVER be solved by the current futile, bloody cycle of act and retribution. BOTH sides are guilty of intransigence, and a refusal to get real. The difference to this observer is that Israel's ONLY response to provocation is disproportionate. Two of our soldiers snatched on the border with Lebanon? OK, acting in self-defence (!) we will destroy Lebanon's infrastructure, kill 1,000 innocent civilians, and drop cluster bombs on their farmland. Doh!!
well the israeli talks so right arabians they have the right to invades lebanon to have there soldiers back so that they took the war to lost hundreds of soldiers also kill wz heartless and destroy buildings and kill kids , women but it's ok it gives us the right to take our revenge to our soldiers who were killed at 1967 whom were unarmed and were tight and the israeli soldiers were having fun to shoot them also they were crossing there body by tanks ps : ASK LIBERTY SHIP ٌCREW
When states act in self-defense in response to an armed attack, they may use as much force as necessary to achieve the military objective. Thus Britain could use as much force as needed to retake the Falklands, irrespective of the amount of force used by Argentina in taking the islands. The United States could use as much force as it needed in order to topple the regime in Afghanistan; it did not need to limit itself to the amount of force used by al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks.
@ElectricAnimation It simply tells us that massive annual US aid allows Israel to have overwhelming military superiority in the region. Regrettably, Israel chooses in 'self-defense' to respond to provocations such as the capture of Gilad Shalit and the firing of rockets from Gaza - both of which are stupid and self-defeating - by brutal and disproprtionate responses. Over 1,000 innocent Lebanese civilians were slaughtered by Israel to 'pay for' Hezbollah's actions.
sir, when u say Israel is based on legends from thousands of yrs ago it shows fundamental lack of understanding of Zionism Herzl was an athiest As Paris correspondent for Neue Freie Presse, Herzl followed the Dreyfus Affair, a notorious anti-Semitic incident in France in which a French Jewish army captain was falsely convicted of spying for Germany. He witnessed mass rallies in Paris following the Dreyfus trial where many chanted "Death to the Jews!"
French President Jacques Chirac claimed on July 14 that Israel's counterstrike on Lebanon was "totally disproportionate" to Hizballah's July 12 attack on Israeli positions. This criticism, which was echoed elsewhere in Europe, is apparently based upon the idea that international law forbids Israel to have used more force in defending itself than Hizballah used in attacking it. That claim, however, has no basis in international law.
If they collect at one place means they will melt. And all the world looking and Israeli feeling that because of fear even they have money military power they are melting from inside. So the people who realize the truth they are either living Israel or they are not coming to Israel. Only the false religion book follower insisting to stay in Israel but they are also looking that they have to be paid for it very high price.
What about the Hesbollah crimes killing innocent Israeli citizens? What about the rockets which are still fired everyday? That was the reason for the war, the kidnapping was just an inducement. Thank Hesbollah for the many citizencasualties, they search for cover near citizens and the more innocent people getting killed, the happier they are especially when a cameraman is near. Fuck Hesbollah for a free Lebanon.
its funny according to the EU officials Lebanon took 500+ casualties while Israel took 120 casualties now if you were to look at the battles and the causualties presented in them, you would notice not only how Israel won only won 1 real battle but also how Lebanon delivered a lot more casualties then Israel did the only real damage the Israelis did were to the civilians- thats the only way they know how to fight
ask yourself why u unvaded lebanon 4 several times & u were beaten there.u r the worse problem in the region,syrians r arabs but u refuse any other country to be strong enough.when i said we have parts of merkava it means we have the broken parts of this shit tank that we have beaten in southern lebanon.we have water in lebanon & this is ur goal but u will never reach it,u'll be always thirsty.
so are you saying that its perfectly ok to kidnap and kill another countries soldiers unprovoked and just get away with it. whether israel is to be there or not is not up to you anways so get over it. the best way to describe this conflict is to say lebanon pinched israel and israel took a shotgun to lebanon. totally justified and heres some advice: dont pick on a 1st world country.
@ijjimem u need to calm down! not all arabs are terrorists u fuckin dumbshit! israel is only terrorist and everyone knows that ! killing innocent people instead of facing hizbulla and that's because u cant defeat him! that's the truth! and btw the fact is that hitlar wasn't crazy! he was smart! without israel = better world! still waiting for ur jesus stupid guy! u people are dumb
Ever since Israel was created, they've been oppressing their neighbors, and the real victims are the Palestinians, who were forced to leave their homes for those Israelite Scumbags. I saw a video of a rocket attack in Israel, women and children running and screaming, and I laughed not because people we're being attacked, but because I thought to myself 'they had this coming.'
that prime minister was the puppet of syria for 15 years,was he patriotic during that period in ur opionion, he is just implementing the policy of usa in the region, but this will never reach a happy end,sunnit were fighting u in 80s shiites r doing so in 90s & christians will do it if u ever think of invading beirut again,poor mind,by the way,we r selling mirkava parts.
One day Israel will be anyway finished. Since the Zionist crimes is not even support by Judaism and all Jews. About any religion its main frame view is more important since all the good and truth god fear Jews hate Zionist and Israel for its crimes and wrong policy even some rabbi clearly told that according to religion Israeli will be homeless till the Day of Judgment.
yeah we care about human life over theocracy, more then i can say about the rest of the mideast Never again have Muslim extremists threatened the Syrian government. Syria 25,000 arabs killed in 2 years (hama massacre) 1980-1981 Israel > 5,000 killed in 8 years 2000-2008 (bloodiest 8 yrs, Pals called for intifada Black september 8,000 Palestinians killed in one year
jews used to lie to reach their goals, i am a chritian, if u don't believe this ur problem not mine, at least i know about jews much more than u know about other religions, u r racist & u hate everybody, even u hate the safardim jews if u r ashkinaz. christians in lebanon does not support israel in anyway, this is an old dream that has faded away..
i am a seferadi jew born in halab syria and am married to ashkenazi jew a native born israeli(sabra) i do not hate your religion or you race if i write shit about arabs is only retheric and to mock them it is not from my hart our fight is with palestine as soon as they leave our homeland we can be friends with all of you. al mavat li falestin
Why is it that Israel can have 1-2 million Arabs in it's borders, but not a single Jew can remain in Palestinian borders (Gaza Strip)? It is pure racism on the part of the Arabs. They want a Judenrein Middle East. Pure evil. And once the Jews are gone, they will go after the Christians, as they have already done in Gaza (Gush Katif).
also we can ask for the prisoners whom still there in israel also we can ask for palastinan whom numbered by hundreds (including childrens) also for the officer whom were killed and his solder 4 yrs be4 on at the border between egy-isl that's shame to make a mistake and ask others to apologize also to be a criminal not the wrong 1
srael wont last forever. However long it takes; years,decades or centuries, Israel will be wiped off the map. Nature has a way of balancing everything out. The suffering of the Palestinians will not be in vain. Americans should e ashamed of themselves for supporting and defending this blight on humanity, this cancer called Israel.
Crimes ? where ? all i see is natural images from war a reall soft war i can say if israel would go all out lebanon would be wiped out but ohh well they were too kind to hizballah and lebanonian people even trough the started the war... anyway good choice of music beautifull one, sad you use it for this idiotic purpose.
Big shame on ppl who claim civilization, big shame on humanity, big shame on western world who claim that human rights is their aim. israel is the enemy of humanity, enemy of God you can stop them if you have the desire, but unfortunately you cant cause your governments are well controlled by the global zionism

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