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Duke university mall Videos

Econo Lodge South Garner - Garner - United States

Executive Suite and Office Space for Rent in DURHAM, NC - Meridian Parkway

The Streets at Southpoint: The Wrong Present

Produced by Sweet & Sour Productions at Duke University. This video won the The Streets at Southpoint's 2nd Annual Holiday Student Video Clip Contest, and ...

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Nicely done! An excellent creative concept executed well. If you have a student ADDY competition in your area you should enter it.
excellently done! i was jus looking at spike jonze stuff. was that an inspirational point for y'all?
lol funny

Muslim Call to Prayer Every Friday at Duke University

The people in charge at Duke University has now made it official that the Muslim call to prayer shall be broadcast over the campus every Friday.

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Duke has reversed their decision. “Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students,” said Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations. “However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect.”
+DistantEarlyWarning 611 I did google it, and it turns out you are wrong. Apparently, your wish came true.
 No brother, I don't watch any news anymore. We are being manipulated by the State Run Media and under a tyrannical government. All you need to do is google what I'm talking about. Talk to some Europeans and let them tell you their story. I wish I was wrong.
+DistantEarlyWarning 611  You've apparently been watching too much FOX "News".//www.businessweek.com/articles/2015-01-14/debunking-the-muslim-nogo-zone-myth//www.liveleak.com/view?i=66a_1421523316&comments=1//fair.org/blog/2015/01/15/the-only-no-go-zones-are-found-in-fox-news-fantasyland/
+TestMeatDollSteak I wish I could agree with you. I wish what you are saying was true. But it is not. And there ARE "no go zones" in Paris neighborhoods under Sharia Law. Hell, it's already been implemented into British law. Where the heck have you been lately? Brother, I don't wish to bring harm or violence to anyone, but I think you need to examine the Islamization of Europe a little more closely.
+DistantEarlyWarning 611 Having the chapel taken down, so that nobody has a place to worship on campus, would be one way to equitably handle situation; simply treating members of other faiths the same and allowing everyone to freely practice/observe their religious faiths would be another. I don't really care which it is, so long as every student's religion or atheism is treated the same by the school administration and no one group's particular views are given preference over another's.There are NO "no go zones" in Paris or anywhere else in France; that ludicrous assertion was entirely fabricated by FOX "News" and has been completely debunked. It seems to me that you're attributing the actions of Muslim extremists/fundamentalists to all Muslims, and you're afraid that Muslims are going to "take over" America, like you imagined that they've "taken over" various European nations. That view, my friend, is entirely consistent with the sort of Islamophobia that I originally referenced. And, as far as "our way of life" goes, "our way" is supposed to be one of the pursuit of happiness, and various civil liberties, including the right to believe in and practice whichever wrongheaded, irrational religion one so chooses.
+TestMeatDollSteak Well you are right about Duke being a private University so I stand corrected there. And yes I would rather see the chapel taken down than have Muslims speak prayers from there. Islamaphobe? No I don't fear Islam but I will admit am no fan of it either. Like I've said before I was in a Muslim country and they're not a tolerant people. I also don't like what I see going on in Europe. For example the cartoonists killed over a stupid cartoon in France. The "no go zones" in Paris neighborhoods run by Sharia law. Muslim immigrants in Italy demanding public schools no longer serve pork in their school lunches. Anjam Chowdry threatening to raise the Islamic flag over Buckingham Palace in England. These people are using their democracy against these countries. They were welcomed in and are now feeding off their welfare systems. But most importantly they're losing their identity and sovereignty as European countries. I don't want that to happen here. Islam does not adapt to other cultures it conquers them. That is their way. I don't care if you're a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist or Muslim. But if you immigrate to another country you have to accept their way of life. I'm not calling for a Jihad against Muslims, I'm sick to death of all the war in the middle east and I would love for us to start taking care of home instead of putting our noses into their business. I just want us to preserve our way of life. That's how I feel about this subject. 
+DistantEarlyWarning 611​​​ I blamed right wing conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and various other groups, which I lumped under the "Islamophobe" umbrella (people of any ethnic, political, religious or cultural background who have a particular hatred, disgust, distrust, dislike or fear of Muslims). I blamed these groups because they are the ones making the loudest fuss over this non-issue. You may or may not belong in any of the above categories; as of now, I'm leaning towards "Islamophobe" and/or "right wing conservative", but I'm open to having that opinion swayed.From my perspective, as an atheist and secularist, practitioners of all religions are equally wrong, because god doesn't exist and both god(s) and religions are invented by mankind. Having said that, this is the United States, not Pakistan; we have freedom of religion here in the US, whereas Pakistan is an authoritarian theocracy. Duke University is a private organization and can operate under any religious pretense it wishes here in the "land of the free". That's why the university has a huge ornate chapel on its campus in the first place, remember? Be careful not to confuse private organizations, such as Duke, with those funded by tax payers, such as public schools. If you really believe that Duke should keep religion off its campus, then you ought to be in favor of them removing that chapel and refusing to allow Christian students a place to worship, too. Same should go for Jews, Hindus, etc. Otherwise, your concern is more about the fact that we're dealing with Muslims, in particular, and not religion, in general. Really, if Christians can have their church bells rung and hold services in that chapel, then members of any other religion ought to be able to do the same. You having to tolerate Muslims, or in your words "tiptoe around these people", is just the price you pay for that little inconvenience we call "freedom" here in this big melting pot.
Listen, before we go off on a tangent throwing knives at each other let me point out that you right away blamed conservatives and Christians for this whole thing. Im a Christian but certainly no fundamentalist. I dont practice as often as i should. I also dont knock on doors on Sunday mornings trying to convert people. But i do find it insulting that they would do these prayers from a Christian church. You try that shit in Pkistan. Try and say the "Our Father" over a loud speaker in a mosque and you'll have your head handed to you. Trust me I know, I was there. Islam is NOT tolerant of other religions and cultures. So why do i have to tip toe around these people? Worry about offending them? No one today has a problem criticizing Christianity! Not to mention this is a school. Religion shouldnt even be involved here. People today are adamant about taking prayer out of school so why does Islam deserve special treatment. Pledge of allegiance taken away too yet i would have to listen to some one praying in Arabic 5 times in a day? Whats wrong with this picture?
+DistantEarlyWarning 611 All morning? I responded after I read your moronic post, just as I'm responding now after reading your latest moronic post. Leave it to a reactionary right wing fundie to chalk up anything that means treating non-Christians with equity as "anti-Christian". The persecution complex is strong in your demographic.
+DistantEarlyWarning 611 Thank you for proving my point with your reactionary, idiotic tirade and hyperventilating, hyperbolic strawman argument.
Testmeatdollsteak, yeah, like the typical Liberal you are, you would go after the Christians. What Christian fundamentalists? Did you think that maybe people just dont want Islam shoved down thier throats 5 times a day? How the f-ck do you study or learn anything with that bullshit blasting over a loudspeaker 5 times a day. Not to mention the fact that they wanted to do it from a church which is insulting enough. I'll tell you what, since you love Islam so much, why dont you and your anti Christian/American Liberal buddies get some of your mom and dads cash and build a nice Mosque for these Muslims. Then you can listen to Islam 5 times a day while you study knowing you drowned out that annoyimg Christian prayer that's so loud and distracting.
In other words, Duke caved to the influx of paranoid temper tantrums unleashed by right wing "conservatives", Christian fundies and assorted Islamophobes who acted like the university was unleashing sharia law upon the nation and inviting ISIS to Christmas dinner.
"Effort to Unify"? Are you kidding me? Not to mention it would be done in a Christian church! Do you think they would allow the "Our Father" to be said on loudspeakers in any Mosque? This is a friggin college? Anyone who allows their kids to go to this disgrace of a school is out of their damn minds!

No Duck Pond - Duke University - AMI FVD - Experimental Filmmaking

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y you no prank video

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