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Mini barbie killing it facebook Videos

Kids With Swag ftPrettyGangProCrew and Mini Barnie

Hi these are pictures from Facebook These kids are from the Pretty Gang Production Crew And the last pic is Mini Barbie Thanks for watching and don't steal ...

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They cute no homo
Thanks for watching hope you like,comment and subscribe more to come

Jp is just killing it!!!!

Jp has been killing everything these past couple of weeks!!! I hope you enjoy the video!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe: ...

User Comments

Why is Jp wearing Nike schoes hasn' t he sponsor from DVS?
he left DVS for nike
Song please :)
+HiiiroAMV Song is Rio by Orangutan
What's the song?
+༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Song is Rio by Orangutan
Jp you are very good but you post the same shit every video
Yeah he does
Rio by orangutang
Lees park more street
Wait for his street part

Barbie Explains Feminist Theories | Radical, Liberal, Black, etc

Barbie breaks down the theories of radical feminism, ecofeminism, girlie feminism and other schools of feminist thought about how to make gender equality ...

User Comments

1:30 This is also known as the SJW feminism. 2:57 Aka biggot feminism. Since it is based on the persons colour, sex, and sexual orientation, is racist and sexist. e.g. if a black, female, lesbian is "more oppressed" the a white, male, straight. so the "more oppressed" person can be racist and sexist toward the "less oppressed" person, and claim that the "less oppressed" persons problems don't exist. when everyone has a problems sometimes solve a problem that someone else has it could also solve the problem you have, but that not the logic of this following.
I watch both feminism and MRA content, and there is a lot more bull shit in the feminism videos that could be disproved with the evidence the feminists provide (TL;DR does this a lot)."Intersectional feminism is about recognizing that people can be oppressed because of multiple parts of their identity (race, sexual orientation, etc), not just sex." Categorize at all leads down the discrimination  path, again another book you failed to read in high school is "Animal Farm" where is becomes a class system very fast."Intersectional feminism is about lifting everyone up, including those on the bottom."In theory it looks like could work, but in practice in failed day 1 when everyone started fighting over power."I was not aware the Soviet Union was a Marxist society."Well if you google Marxist you will find that is a follower of the German philosophers Karl Marx, one of two authors of the Communist Manifesto where is was first used in the Russian revolution leading to the Soviet Union. And just like the Soviet Union, Marxist feminism will fail for similar reasons. Btw this is all Grade 10 history."If you're soooo afraid of this country turning into a commie haven, just pack your f** bags and move to Singapore. They're the most capitalist country on Earth. Don't like it, get out. No one is forcing you to stay. We're not the Soviet Union." I never said that NA or EU was the soviet union, I said to look at it rise and fall to learn from it dumb ass. But NA in becoming more communist, we seeing this in Canada right now with censorship increasing since Justin Trudeau enter parliament. And yes I would go live on Gliese 581 c if I could, I all ready live in the middle of no where.My problem is that feminism are making really harmful changes and your saying if I don't like the changes then leave, well I'm saying there harmful and this is why there harmful.
+Lord Searinex Please do elaborate on how exactly Sarkeesian is a Marxist. I don't know what the MRA have been you telling you, but you need to get you head out of your ass.Since you seem determined not to educate yourself, it seems I'll have to do it for you. Intersectional feminism is about recognizing that people can be oppressed because of multiple parts of their identity (race, sexual orientation, etc), not just sex. Please tell me how many feminists you personally know who try to categorize people like Nazis and demean anyone more oppressed than them. Cause that's the exact opposite of feminism and anyone who acts like that is a bigot and a hypocrite. Intersectional feminism is about lifting everyone up, including those on the bottom. Does that sound like something the Nazis would do?I was not aware the Soviet Union was a Marxist society. I thought they were communist, and that Marxism predate the Soviet Union by several decades. My bad. Must be all that reading I've done. Please name one way this country is like the Soviet Union. If you're soooo afraid of this country turning into a commie haven, just pack your f**** bags and move to Singapore. They're the most capitalist country on Earth. Don't like it, get out. No one is forcing you to stay. We're not the Soviet Union.
I have done my research on these types of feminism. Marxist feminism is Anita Sarkeesian feminism (go read "1984"), but TLDR everyone but the highest power is oppressed with censorship and is harmful to women, men, trans, etc.  intersectional feminism is again based on judging  people on things that they can't change. Instead of categorizing by race, ,sex, religion, etc, (almost holocaust like from some of them) and demonizing anyone "below" them. why not just see everyone one as equals (or egalitarian). That why it's the biggot feminism. So please pick up a book (learn about history because this is a repeat, look at Russia), get out of your echo chamber (stop listening and believe without evidence), and judge based on actions not words because everyone lies and actions don't.Also the Millissa Click "You need to get out here" response I got on proves my points you Marxist.
+Lord Searinex GTFO. No one needs you here. Try doing a little more research on what intersectionality is really about before you start spewing your idiotic thoughts.
Most of these branches of feminism strike me as pretty sexist themselves. Good thing we have a discussion about gender these days instead of just accepting it and the associated gender roles.
+DarkPrject Why because you couldn't refuse any of my points?As I said before it's kind of hard to deny biology buddy
+MrPlaylistMan You aren't even listening. I've wasted to much time debating people who couldn't be convinced anyway to let this go on. This talk is over.
+DarkPrject Well in a way yes, because males and females have different sets of chromosomes that create separate genomes from each other.Just because there are people that exists who are infertile , does not it invalidate the universal fact among mammals that males produce sperm and females produce eggs.This is not the only marker of males and females but is very prevalent within the sex differences and hard to deny.I don't understand why you think these anomalies would dismiss that fact.Considering the fact that they haven't been able to grow babies outside of the womb, I highly doubt that they could grow a baby inside of someone who is biologically male, considering they don't have a uterus.
+MrPlaylistMan Are you fucking serious? You really want to tell me that you think the ability to produce sperm, or eggs is the only relevant marker? Do I actually have to comment on this, or can you figure out by yourself that infertile people exist and are still categorized by what you would call sex?Besides that they might be able to do that in the future. Transplants for example could enable a transwoman to carry out a baby one day. It seems to me that it is actually quite probable, that such a thing is going to happen not that far from now.
+DarkPrject You said biological traits of the Sexes can be changed thus making them a social construct. however if this is true then why aren't people who are born with penises able to become pregnant?
+MrPlaylistMan Just read our discussion thus far again. I'l not explain it twice.
+DarkPrject Okay? Explain how X and Y chromosomes are irrelevant, or the prevalence of a sperm and an egg between males and females.I think it's kind of hard to disprove those things that are biological, which is why you haven't done so.
+MrPlaylistMan You don't even make a claim to disprove. you just ramble about DNA and how it is important for something. The existence of DNA does nothing to prove anything in this conversation. Sex is still a social construct and x and y chromosomes are not inherently male or female, just as I already explained with genitals. The same thing goes for any other biological marker. As I said before. Come back if you have something relevant to say.
+DarkPrject I read it....How does that disprove anything I said. Just because you said that I don't know what I'm talking about? You haven't shown evidence to prove that.Simply asserting that sex is a social construct does not mean that it is, if that was true you would have evidence to the contrary which you don't.I don't know if you learned all of this stuff from tumblr or college, but to counter what I said you need evidence.
+MrPlaylistMan Bullshit. Read my last response again, I edited it.
+DarkPrject So ... it is hard to advanced the idea that sex is a social construct when there is biological evidence to the contrary.
+MrPlaylistMan So what?Do you even know how genes work? I mean actually understanding not grade school level understanding. If not advise you not to talk about them as if you did.
+DarkPrject Agreed. They are not everything, but they are the basis of human traits and characteristics.There are differences between races but sex differences are more apparent.It doesn't matter if you give a "flying fuck" about the things you are made up of but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
+MrPlaylistMan Nobody is denying biology. Genes are just not everything and frankly I don't give a flying fuck about them and it pisses me of, when people - most of which don't even understand what genes are - assume I should for some reason.
+DarkPrject No it is about sex and sex differences.But in order to explain some of the differences in sex, you must break it down to DNA.if your talking about identity then fine, but there's a difference between what you identify as and what you were born as.There is no reason to deny biology in this case.
+MrPlaylistMan As I said. Irrelevant. This is not about reproduction.
+DarkPrject How so?All I did was talk about biology and the DNA differences we have.it's the basis for sex in the first place.
+MrPlaylistMan considering everything in your rant is either questionable, completely irrelevant, or both, I'll not bother addressing any of it. Come back if you have anything to say about gender.
+DarkPrjectMost mammals are male and female because those are the traits that allow for reproduction.Animals that dont reproduce are left out of the gene pool, so those who may be "in between" , would be rare or an anomaly compared to the majority of mammals, this is because those who reproduced had the genitalia necessary to do so. Without that our species cannot survive.Im not sure where you got the idea that biological things can be changed therefore sex is a social construct.The reason I say that is because people who are born with ovaries do not produce sperm. and people who have testicles will not produce eggs.You need both to come together to produce offspring, and offspring ensures the survival of your genes.I understand that intersex people do exist, but they are an anomaly, they do not have the same weight on society like a male or female does considering many of them are sterile, or they're just unpopular with the ladies.If you're trying to be inclusive are these people I can understand that. But that does not mean we should ignore the basis of human DNA and the process in which it occurs.My point is: societies do not construct DNA, DNA is inherent and biological, if we ignore these things we are ignoring our chemical makeup and to obfuscate that is false.Male: spermFemale: eggUnless you believe intersex people have something entirely different?But you'd have to prove that.
+MrPlaylistMan Actually depending on the species you will find more sexes and sometimes only one as well. Not everything is as binary as you seem to think it is.We are not separated into two sexes. Did you even read what I wrote? Intersex is a thing and biological markers can be changed. The only relevant thing for a person is their gender identity. Which is why a transwoman is a woman and a transman is a man. If you want to be neurological about it traspeoples' brains look more like he average brain of the gender they identify with than the average brain of the gender they were assigned at birth. A lot of things about gender are socially constructed. Gender identity is not one of them.Yes it does obviously mean that. It can't be a man's junk if it doesn't belong to a man.
+DarkPrject I don't think that's factually accurate considering there are other species that are divided into two sexes. I've heard this argument a lot recently and I don't no why people are disregarding the fact that humans are animals too, we are just more advanced. just because we have a gender identity does not change the fact that we are separated into two sexes. and if sex is a social construct then why do trans people exist? doesn't that mean the way they feel is wrong and they have just been duped by society, instead of being born with a different kind of brain.also according to that type of reasoning does that mean penises are no longer a male organs when they are attached to someone who identifies as female?
+MrPlaylistMan Who ever said I don't consider myself a feminist?Sex socially constructed, because gender identity is what determines which gender you have. A penis is only a male sex organ, if it is attached to somebody who identifies as male and a vagina is only a female sex organ if it is attached to someone who identifies as female.Sex as you understand it is not a biological marker it is a collection of multiple ones, thus the existence of intersexuals and the meaninglessness of anything but gender identity, since most of these markers can be changed.
+DarkPrject male and female are biological markers. If you believe that those things are social constructs then one might believe they also sexist.also I don't know how being male or female is a social construct considering all mammals diverge from similar sex differences.And in order to reproduce a male has to impregnate a female, basic biology.That being a social contract may seem a little hyperbolic considering the biology intrinsic within the sexes.I'm surprised you don't consider yourself a feminist considering many prominent feminists are against or say they are against gender roles.
+MrPlaylistMan If you are talking anything but gender identity and statistics about current, or past differences, then yes. It's sexist.No biology isn't sexist, don't be absurd. The social construct of sex however is.Obviously gender roles and biological markers are two different things. What does that have to do with the topic?
+DarkPrject Interesting, so pointing out that females have different traits from males is sexist? Does that mean biology is also sexist?I think most differentiate gender roles and sex, unless you don't think there's a difference between the two?
+MrPlaylistMan going solely by the short definitions provided in the video:- It sounds like marxist feminists accept domestic work and childcare as women's jobs, which is sexist, because there is nothing about either of those that is inherently "female"-anti porn feminism seems anti women's rights to do whatever the fuck they please with their own body if that happens to be making a recording of it during sex and put it some place accessible for other people-cultural feminism accepts that there is such a thing as "feminine" traits, which is basically just accepting and perpetuating gender roles, which is obviously sexistMy mistake. seems like I was so thrown of the track by these 3 that my judgement of some of the other branches was clouded. Not most of them strike me as sexist, just those 3.Also I didn't have the best experiences with rad fems, due to their trans phobia, which came from the sexist notion of basically seeing women as people who get pregnant only, but I don't know if that is a core part of radical feminism, or if the ones I interacted with just happened to be assholes.
+DarkPrject Yeah I'm interested to know why you think it is that way.
+MrPlaylistMan Accepting gender roles for example. I'd have to re watch the video if you want a list.
what made them seem sexist?

LGR - Repairing The Barbie Computer

Mattel made these unique machines through Patriot Computers, but sadly they're almost all dead now. Let's restore one of them! ○ Consider supporting LGR on ...

User Comments

I just hate compacted computers. It makes it impossible to upgrade, and the last time I tried to pull out a harddrive from one, I ended up getting cut.
I know, man.
But can it run fallout 4?
+Nathan Ranger But can it run crysis?
+Lazy Game Reviews Where were these hot wheels and barbie computers sold? is it a North American phenomenon or is it worldwide? I've never seen/heard of them and i'm british...
+Josh Rice According what I read in tha book called "The Truth About The 100 Biggest Branding Mistakes of All Time",and my own research.These HW or Barbie PCs only sold in USA.(And was huge failure.As these things are just some mediocre PC with lots of fancy(Sexism,if you aks me) stickers on it.Which neiter kids nor parents had interest on.And in my opinon,as a normal PC user who born in 92 and just got his first pc(which was a normal white desktop) about the same time this thing hit the market.The first thing pop out my head when I saw the ad scans pic of thiese PCs for the frist time few years ago,is : "seriously?These thing look like toy computers that run on AA and make funny sound,not a proper "my first gaming PC" for a child!!" Yup,the little kids will think is cool(maybe),but parents will think to use the same money to buy a better hardware,normal looking PC)
This video makes me want to gut out an apple G3 and replace the drive with a mac mini. connect the disk drive, speakers, monitor, and cable receptacles to it. Either that or turn it into a fish tank.
that's bad.
I'd bet there were plenty of little girls playing Doom 2 on their Barbie computers.
+Mr. LargoFeet I certainly did until I had to delete it because "those Columbine kids played that".
1:18 GHOST
whoa, wasn't expecting a response :3

Minecraft / Murder Mystery / More Murder?! / Dollastic Plays

Minecraft / Murder Mystery / More Murder?! / Dollastic Plays - woohoo! More Murder! aka - Murder for dayyyzzz. Thanks so much for watching! Dollastic Plays: ...

User Comments

I know how to get into that little staircase thing in the basement, you go into that painting in the room with the fire place, press the button, and the floor will drop and you will be there!
+Measa Demase He knows :| Sorry if you already knew as of now
go Chad its your birthday!! yay:-)
today's his birthday?
Lol the squish even wrote I am the murderer kill me lol
+XxWinter432xX Yeah, I saw that LOL "How did you know?!?!" -Chad
When the Murderer has your name and Chad~Senpai says it: ~(^-^)~
I absolutely love your user picture
You should do a murder series called "I murdered your face" where all you do is play murder with audrey or cookie or dollastic! :D Like bridges Friday but murder!
or the 3 of them ( cookie, dollastic and audrey )
YasssssThat a great idea
I is a taco
+Kari Payne lol
Audrey is Dorito/Taco queen,king,princess and prince!! XD

Minecraft / Barbie Pixel Painters / Dollastic Plays

Minecraft / Barbie Pixel Painters / Dollastic Plays - Thanks for watching! Dollastic Plays: youtube.com/channel/UC5hvHi9B93qzv36JB3e2Q2A Server IP Address: ...

User Comments

gamer chad i think your the best painter ever....ARTIST!!!!!! gamer i want the theme is FNAF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY!!!!! Love Ya Gamer!
+Gloria Catapang Congrats to You and especially Dollastic
dollastic get it DOLLlastic
DESCENDANTS THEME NEXT make sure to draw me! (BEN)
+Hope Mendez Mendez he has the audrey doll
That's not a good theme B.T.W What if he never saw the movie and I dought very much that he watched it on Disney Channel.
+Antonio's Dream yeah ok 
+King Ben Of Auradon youre not ben LMAO
+King Ben Of Auradon youre not ben LMAO
I dies laughing at chads first drawing EYEBROWS ON FLEEK
Ya you right the eyebrows are on fleek
+Princess Winova ikr they're so bootiful
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