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Weather atlanta radar airport Videos

Raw footage , St Louis airport tornado hitting concourse C-10

I was filming lightning on concourse C-10 when the tornado hit us. Went right over my friend and I .Aircraft behind window was pushed aside . We walked to avis ...

User Comments

+Julian Luce that face is weird lol
Anyone else see that wall in the back move at 1:10?
+Fifthcell I noticed that starting at 1:04
Nickelback playing?, these people are awesome.
+Jacob Middleston Nice profile Pic.
Why is it always the case that people that aren't able to handle a camera, or are equipped with low-quality cameras always are in the best position to get good footage? While those who have the equipment and skill, never are?
+Rič with the tornado*, not windows, lol
I assume covering his face to not die from debris was a priority over getting you perfect footage, you huge fucking moron. What would a professional camera operator as you describe have done? Stood on the ground in the middle of the terminal and fly right out the windows with the window because filming was priority over life? You are so retarded it's ridicilous.
+Damien Burkhart I would imagine he was more concerned about possibly dying in that moment by debris falling on his head or being suck out of the windows. Jesus you guys.
"George, you alright?" "Yeah, sure!" I died
Why can nobody ever hold the camera right?
They are running from a tornado.....
The pressurization outside was less than inside, the windows were bowing OUTWARD not inward, therefore if they were to break, it would be sucked outward and into the tornado. FYI, that's commercial grade tempered glass, it won't break that easily in addition to it being coated in a thick laminate. That's why when you see shootings and robberies at gas stations, the glass is still intact even though it's shot full of holes.
+MrWolfSnack People still get cut by the glass, tempered or not. And airborne objects will impact the glass as the tornado gets closer causing the glass to shatter inwardly. Semantics I'm arguing here, but who wants to risk their life and well being even with safety features in place and physics on their side?
You're (hehe) "extremely implausible hypothesis" is not right. There is tremendous wind coming out from the tornado. That is what breaks the windows. Just ask Mike Bettis, he and his crew were hit by the El Reno tornado in 2013, clearly their video shows them being blown away from the storm, not sucked towards it.
+MrWolfSnack You're crazy. Did you see the video? The glass broke. Also, there's no reason to TEST the theory that you're safe. Get your ass somewhere safe.

Airport tower Radar sd

KATL ASDE-X Ground Radar in 3D - FliteViz4D

FliteViz4D displaying ASDE-X ground radar information for Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (KATL). //acy.tc.faa.gov/fliteviz.

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Lightning Strikes Delta Airplane Atlanta Airport | Airplane Struck By Lightning Strikes Lightning Strikes Delta Plane At Atlanta Airport | Lightning Strikes Delta ...
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