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College (unbound pdf Videos

Dennis Littky: Big Picture Ed

The co-founder and co-director of Big Picture Learning, Dennis Littky believes that cookie-cutter teaching fails too many students. So Littky works to make ...

User Comments

This man was my high school principal during the 80's. Like many other stories he told here, i was an experimental student with a learning disability but I had a strong desire to create and produce music. I went on to work in a recording studio that produced Grammy Award winning soundtracks for such works as "The Civil War" by Ken Burns.
@mrfeet1970 - It seems like you were fortunate to have this man as your principal! I wonder what Littky is doing now?
Just love what you are doing Dennis!

8.01x - Lect 25 - Static Equilibrium, Stability, Rope Warker

Static Equilibrium - Stability - Rope Walker Lecture Notes, Conversion from Linear to Rotational Motion: //freepdfhosting.com/a792cd77a8.pdf Assignments ...

User Comments

Hello Dr. Lewin, in the static equilibrium example with the person walking up the ladder, how come we do not consider the normal force from the contact between the person and the ladder or is this normal force combined with the normal force the ladder makes with the ground?
Ah, thank you! The normal force acts on the person and not the ladder itself
+Dr. Science Sc.D If we want to know whether the ladder starts slipping we should only take into account forces that act on the ladder. That's the power of "free-body" diagrams.
Professor Walter Lewin, I am a mechanical engineer from Brasil and I teach phisycs as a voluteer, i would like to thank you for all that you have done for education. You have no idea how your lectures are inspire me. You are really making difference in this crazy word. Thanks a lot for help me to help others.
+Antonio Romero Thank you Antonio for your kind words. Comments like that are very rewarding. My 50 years of teaching in a somewhat eccentric way has paid off. About 5 million people watch my lectures yearly.

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