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Anchorage alaska am radio stations Videos

AVA BOYZ LIVE ON KSBS-FM 92.1 (American Samoa Radio Station) 2013

Shout outs to Tune at KSBS-FM 92.1 for the showing us love in American Samoa and to all our fans on the rock that be requesting our songs on the nightly ...

an evening in a snowy cicely alaska

User Comments

@NXfangirl did you see my other new one of the building of the doctors office?
very pretty!

Alaska: Sled Dog Race Fairbanks, Alaska

Several teams pass through a timing checkpoint in the Open North American Championship Sled Dog Race in Fairbanks. The people along the trail are ...

User Comments

its nice to see them run :)

Bits of History - Naval Radio Station

This 'Bits' is via special request from one of our own Sewardites.

Washington Missouri Radio Station (//www.kslqfm.com.)

User Comments

I listen all the time. Great station.

Alaska LORAN C System Termination

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Coast Guard LORAN Station Tok turns off their signal Feb. 8, 2010. The LORAN system was terminated after it was not funded in the ...

User Comments

Paul, just like in communciations. Morse Code/CW was slow, but reliable. Storms, static bursts, EMP/EMI, didn't interfer with the signal enough to stop the ability of some operator to copy the message. In 1994 when the Coast Guard stopped "listening" for SOS's, it was said that CW's time had come and gone, just like people said the same thing about LORAN stations and the service it provided. I'm sure in our life time, we see this was a mistake.
Hope we are reconsidering loran c. Last I checked don't the Chinese now have anti satellite weapons now? Loran worked great even in the deepest recesses and canyons where gps signals couldn't.
I predict they will regret the shutdown of LORAN within our lifetime. GPS is soooo great. But, does it have a backup? Nope. Not anymore. LORAN was land based, and reliable.
Actually I hope they do come to regret it. The time will come when people will have to learn than newer technology isn't always necessarily better.
I hope everyone doesn't one day regret that all of the "old" technology was thrown out with the garbage.
someday they'll regret this
very true

-50 Bellow Zero (F) and Cup of Hot Water

january 27 at 11 am behind my radio station //www.1047theedge.com in Fairbanks ALASKA.

User Comments

@cavedude80 Old ass cam/phone at -50 bellow zero....like 2 see u do any better :)
That's good, because if you could, it would mean that you've got the wrong video!
its no wonder he works at a radio station because his video skills are shit
@madman1047theedge well he could have at least held the cam still
HA HA! That is the most awesome dialog EVER!!
Did you film this with a calculator?
thank God i live in Texas
i couldn't see shit
Very nice, Croz.
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