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The cars kleidung Videos

Grand Theft Auto 5 Online - Die Neue Kleidung Und Masken! [Be My Valentine Update]

Feiert in diesem Jahr den Valentinstag in Los Santos mit Grand Theft Auto Online: Be My Valentine, das jetzt auf PS4, Xbox One und PC im Spiel erhältlich ist.

User Comments

finde das Outfit von Enrico Italia ohne BH bzw ohne Bikini interessant :D :)
+StrawerPlays LP ich auch :0
wie hast du so viel Geld gekriegt
+Justin Conrad ist ein gemoddeter account von xtreme-modding.de womit ich euch immer den teuersten neuen kram zeigen kann :)
frage: Blockiert Rockstar einen wenn man Modded
+Luca W. schade
Es gibt auch noch einzelne neue Sakkos, Hemden, Westen, Hosen, Schlüpper und Schuhe :D
+Korax Gaming (x Korax) jo ist mir später auch aufgefallen, gar nicht dran gedacht weil mich klamotten im game nicht so interessieren :P
Valledienstag voll kumerzt und unnötig
+SteveTheSwag Nicoli alles klar lowrider besstes
+Peter Roman das ist beste Update (für mich) aber ok
+SteveTheSwag Nicoli Das wort LAPPEN wir so OFT benutzi bei einem No hand in unsere klasse
We Paly Oldschool das Update ist auch für ps3 draußen nur der Neue Roosevelt ist nicht dabei aber der alte
+Ian Klose jo weiß ich:)

Project Cars|Wir legen unsere Kleidung ab|Livecrash

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GTA 5 Online Lowrider Car Meet

Instagram: //instagram.com/hellavflush ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song: https://youtu.be/1fxoF0NdMPA These Are Crews ...

User Comments

I'm down to do a meet my gamer tag is ItzLobCity
add StolichnayaLaLa
cool song what is the name of the artist
Thanks buddy
LOGIC !!!!! Finally someone who listens to a upcoming LEGEND !!!
yea he got it
what's thet song it's awsome
Logic - Ballina upcoming LEGEND !!
Can u get it offline on the ps4
I did the same with fast n furious cars and some super cars with my friends and crew
Then after that we raced
Reply to my comment with your username and ill add you guys if you are into cars ONLY ON PC!
ofc :)
+Leonard UG You mean on gta V right?

Let's play GTA IV ( Grand Theft Auto IV ) #02 " Kleidung,Schlägerein,Wiesenhof"

Yo Leute was geht?! NudelFarmerLP am Start! Ich präsentiere euch mein neues GTA Video viel Spaß.

User Comments

Geil ;D Und der Sound von deinem Mikro gefällt mir. Kein Rauschen oder sonstige Geräusche ;) Mega :D Freu mich schon auf den nächsten Part von GTA IV ^^
Hehe ;) Vielen vielen Dank!

GTA 5 Online - Info zu Valentinstag DLC/ Neue Kleidung, Waffen und Auto/ Patch 1.10/

Wenn dir meine Videos gefallen und du mich unterstützen willst dann: - Abonniere meinen Kanal - Like meine Videos - Erzähl deinen Freunden von mir :D - Like ...

User Comments

lern ma pls deutsch
Ok du model
Aber die meisten sind gepatcht
Reichen fast 900.000 dollar auto?
ja reichen
Weiss du wie man schnell an geld kommt nach dem update 1.10 ? :)
ja mit Autoverdoppeln :)ich mache heute ein Video was man genau machen muss :)Aber du brauchst ein teures Auto!
Hast du ne xbox 360? Wenn ja schreib mich pls an: MINECRAFTER4400
Hättest du eine Frage an mich gehabt ?
Nein leider hab ne ps3 :)
Mach bitte ein video wo man den albany roosevelt gratis bekommen kann
Ich werde es mal versuchen
hacker!! ich reporte dich !
ok ich adde dich
hast du skype ?
nein habe keinen aber wir können eh über headset reden wenn wir spielen
hahhah zum Glück :D
Danke :DJa das ist gut und auch schnell das Auto besorgen bevor das auch weg ist, weil das wäre dann schade wenn man es nicht hat weil es ein echt geiles Fahrzeug ist :D
hahaha :D
Ja und zwar weiß ich nur das man je öfter man das macht weniger Geld dafür bekommt.Ein Freund von mir hat nur 50 000 für den Adder bekommen beim ersten mal als er das gemacht hat. Aber wieso man beim ersten mal schon so wenig bekommt weiß ich auch nicht leider :D
ja ich weiß eh :DIch schreibs ja auch nur wegen dem das es er kappiert das mich Rockstar schon längst bannen hat können wäre das so schlimm gewäsen :)
ja na und das ist bei jedem so der die DNS benützt hat.Und wäre das so schlimm hätte mich Rockstar schon längst gebannt, weil die haben mir mein ganzes Geld weggenommen
Wieso hacker ?Was geht mit dir ab

How to get more outfits, armor, and vehicles in Defiance

Showing you guys ways to get more stuff in Defiance. If you know more ways feel free to port a comment on it.

User Comments

Well it's cheaper on psn 
+UnversedCarnage it was free for me X )
Xbox is the loser for online multiplayer because you we buy our own games that say multiplayer on the case but xbox live is needed.. Thats why xbox came out first, it was to get people use to being a fool, no wonder xkia link, xbconnect ect was made yonks ago because we realise the con... PS3 will live on way into ps4's life until ps4 brings the multiplayer games that connect to pc gamers too, many would want to play xbox users to but how? You would need xbox live first which would get many angry if their live ended just before a clan match!!! I am DJLNR on XBL and ellenar_dj on PSN
+Joseph Loveskimchi lol
what ..... the ... fuck...... are you talking about ? fml. authorities . wiki ,,, what conversation are you on ?? ahahha 
lizard squad is just a name.. film are fake but a lot of films show us how authorities clean things up fast and the public are ever so fast to believe just so they have some gossip to fill their empty brain with so they have something to say when they run out as per usual.. I tend to talk about what I can do or want to do rather than always referencing external sources like a wikid. You should change your name to "never-me"...
+Joseph Loveskimchi no I didn't. Also I am not a child, I know how systems work which is not important here, money is, so if you don't own Sony and are just like everyone else who thinks they have the real info, please stop. Look how many lies have been told in our history that is much more important than who shut down who's gaming server, there's people dying around the world due to lies and corrupt governments, all you care about is gaming to think you know better than me is insane as I have years on you especially in the tech world, I mean street fighter and the first Mario brothers is older than you so please get some sleep fan bwoy... The net for news is the most corrupt newspaper ever but I guess this who are on the web to browse and no nothing about any programming languages should be happy that you get to use so easily a platform you don't intend to make better in any shape or form...
you jsut said ... microsoft hired lizard squad ..... face palm you know nothing child 
I live in London UK... so I am under SCEE, there's a few other sony entertainment regions who must do all of that but I didn't think everyone world wide was affected, I think it was Microsoft being angry that the kinnect didn't Kik off as they maybe expected because people still wouldn't put their ps3 down to rest like me lol, so they got whoever or done whatever to shut down or simply break the fragile connection into the database of psn and cause maybe for definitely the databases here on the scee side of domain..To be fair, I play Xbox for halo and gears of war only and games that not many want to play lol, ps3 is for us ps3 only titles like uncharted2 lastOfUs killzone resistance and other greats (Microsoft gaming studios please keep up damn).I am not a fan boy at all but now that gta5 has come and needs even more power on same systems aka ps3 and xbox360 I don't see anyone doing the handling test as everyone is always concerned with the graphical side of gaming. yes it's fait to say we have come along way with graphics, well for me anyhow, I mean even game cube graphics are OK for me to enjoy gaming just as much as today's gen of consoles.. that's enough rambling as I got carried away with the swipe feature on the touch keyboard and wondering why people find it so hard to use, it reminds me of n Nokia's predictive dictionary text but in a spanned sort of way. .. Anyhoo later..
what you said would have been a good idea from ps though . giving a way money .. too bad it didnt happen lol . it didnt happen to me nor any other person lol . i did read a comment that said the hackers should give the people a 50 pound voucher .. which is were i think you got the idea to use that psn gave away 50 dollars lol 
no. i jsut read online cuz this sounded like bullshit . and nope . all they gave ay a 10% discount . and a 5 day extension to those who had playstation PLUS or the free trial during the time of the attack.  and i had the free trial. i did get an extension. and a discount . which i didnt use cuz i only got ps for the last of us anyways lol 
+Joseph Loveskimchi Your account had to be one created before a certain date. I made 4 accounts since ps3 launched so yes that was a nice £400 if my maths is ok
well they did give 10% coupons . which is basically it . mean while . xbox always gives 2 free games a month . so 10% off a game . is pretty whack. seeing that ms is always giving away games lol
really ? i didnt get shit on my ps3. no money no nothing lol
Last post was more of an invention than a question lol
+Joseph Loveskimchi Yes and a £50 psn sorry voucher and plus for 3 months. Now let's see what microsoft gave us..... absolutely nada lol. But I love microsoft for sure software wise, I have been with them since Dosshell and have learned most programming languages using them even the silly UI programming applications which don't teach you anything but to be lazy and depend on updates and libraries so I have always just stuck to command line and console(not game console lol) to add new concepts and syntax updates into my mind rather than the auto spell always auto filling it in.But back to console manufacturers, Sony are not hungry for money like what Microsoft is but I guess its because ms have many of their own servers worldwide and costs are high due to some of the server buildings taking up a portion of the Sahara desert lol. Thinking well ahead maybe but when will we think of making floating data storage and services aka servers high up there in the skies permanently???
+Jonathan Richmond lets not forget that when xbox live and psn were hacked in chistmas and shut down . xbox live came up nearly right away but it took sony days to get psn back up lol
if xbox is a loser why do we have firewalls why do we not get any viral issues like ps why is it Microsoft is the most liked compony of the two im sorry but a compony like what we have e.e we pay for protection sony pisses on its customers if im correct e.e sony had a history of hacks that ended many players profiles ^.^ so as for the better of the two e.e id rather I wasn't tracked through a jacked up compony that dosnt know how to run there servers e.e sony tries to run all the engines and servers by them selves by taking it into there own hands they screw up so much the best system they ever came out with was the ps1 and ps2. so next time you want to bash one of the top 3 company's in the world get your facts straight :)
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